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Kayla's Pov After the wedding reception, the newlyweds went on a round-the-world trip for their honeymoon, from Monaco to London to Tokyo Alexander was determined to show his wife the world. After traveling for a while their trip culminated with their final destination a five-star hotel in the sunny Maldives. As they were being driven towards the hotel, Kayla smiled as she looked out at the sparkling ocean. Alexander laces his fingers with hers before he presses his lips to the back of her hand. " Welcome to the Maldives little lamb," he said. She smiled at him " It's beautiful here" she said. He smiled at her and then focused forward. Kayla continued looking out the window as they were being driven through a charming town. Both Tourists and Locals walked the busy street, Soon they arrived at a massive hotel that looked like something straight out of a postcard. As they stepped out of their vehicle they were greeted by a man playing a guitar and members of the hotel staff that offered Kayla flowers while welcoming her to the hotel as the bellhops began carrying their suitcases and Bags. Alexander took her in his as they both walked towards the receptionist. Kayla noticed that as she walked with Alexander they were both quickly becoming the center of attention. As many of the tourists recognized them and took pictures. As they reached the receptionist and as Alexander was speaking to them. A little girl ran up to Kayla holding a flower. " Excuse me," the little girl said getting Kayla's attention she turned around and saw the little girl standing in front of her. " This is for you," she said holding out the flower to Kayla. Kayla smiled as she took the flower and then knelt to her level. " Thank you so much sweetheart what's your name?" she asked her. The little girl blushed " My name is Amelia" she said. Kayla smiled at her " We'll thank you for the flower Amelia it's very beautiful" she said the little girl giggled and soon her mother came rushing over. " Amelia dear," she said and then looked at Kayla recognition flashing through her eyes. " I'm so sorry Mrs Steele if she's bothering you," she said. Kayla looked at her mother and then shook her head. " No it's ok it's not a problem you have a beautiful and adorable daughter by the way," She said. The girl's mother smiled " Thank you for saying so, congratulations by the way, we both saw photos of your wedding it was really beautiful, and ever since then my daughter has hashes been begging me to let her meet you" she said. As Kayla heard this she smiled at the little girl who giggled. Taking her daughter's hand the woman bids Kayla farewell her daughter waving goodbye as well. After she finished waving goodbye to them she turned towards Alexander who was watching her along with the receptionist. " Let's go," he said simply holding up their room key and she nods as she followed behind him. As they walked towards the elevator " What was that about?" he whispered in her ear. " Nothing just meeting my fans," she said. She then raised her eyebrow at him. " You aren't jealous are you?" she asked teasingly. " Don't be ridiculous" he said while shaking his head. She only smiled as she followed him into the elevator. They soon reached their hotel room which was the largest and the most luxurious in the entire hotel. Kayla walked out onto the balcony so she could look out at the sparkling ocean. She closed her eyes in bliss as a gentle tropical breeze brushed against her skin it was soon replaced by her husband's touch. As Alexander wrapped his arms around her from behind as he hugged her. The two of them stayed like that for a while just silently listening to the waves crashing against the shore and the breeze blowing through the palm trees. Soon Alexander began kissing his way up her neck. She arched her back into him as she tilts her head slightly so he could have better access. Once he reached her ear " Go and get dressed and meet you down in the bar" Alexander said gently tugging her earlobe which caused a shiver to travel down her spine. After he walked out of the room she decided that she was going to change. As she sat down on the bed she pulled her suitcases close and then began looking through her options. She then picked a beautiful multi-colored dress with a tropical theme that was both ready to wear on the beach and in the bedroom. Her outfit chosen she made her way towards the bar where Alexander was waiting. Alexander was waiting for her as she stepped out of the elevator. He raised his eyebrow as he took in her outfit. His eyes trailed down her body, his gaze taking in her every curve. " Do you like what you see?" she asked teasingly while giving him a sexy pout. His gaze darkened with desire as he walked towards her he then leaned in and whispered in her ear. " I do when I told you to show some skin I didn't tell you to dress like s*x walking on two legs I'm going to enjoy making you scream tonight" he whispered before he pulled back. She shivers and he smirks at her reaction he then placed his hand on the small of her back as he leads her through the resort. Towards a private covered seating area. Kayla smiled as she took in their private oasis. After taking a seat a waiter immediately approaches them with a tray of tropical refreshments. After the waiter sets down their drinks on the table. He face them with a small bow and then walked away with the tray. Picking up their drinks Alexander salutes her. " To enjoy the rest of my honeymoon with my beautiful wife," he said. Kayla smiled as she clinked her drink against his. Taking a sip of the refreshing fruity cocktail she hummed in delight. They both of them sat there enjoying their drinks and each other's company. She stretched contentedly as she tips her head back allowing the tropical sun to warm her skin. Seeing her relaxing he smiled at her. " You were made to lounge around in luxury all day Kayla, you have no idea how hot your making me right now. He said. She looked at him and smiled " It's probably just the sun not me we should probably put on some sunscreen" she said. He smiled as he took out a bottle of sunscreen and then gestured for her to turn around. After squirting some of the sunscreen in his hands he began applying the sunblock. After brushing the hair from her neck he began working the sunblock into her shoulders and then the nape of her neck. As she felt his hands on her sensitive neck she couldn't help but squirm from his teasing touch. He chuckled " Is it bothering you little lamb?" he asked. " It's not fair you not what that spot does to me," she said with a pout. He only smirked at her. " I don't know what you mean Kayla I'm only a man that's applying sunscreen so his wife doesn't get sun burns," he said brushing his hands on her neck again which caused her to shiver from his touch. After he finished he wiped his hands off one of the beach towels but then his phone began to ring. He glanced down at his phone and then frowned. " I have to take this I'll be back soon," he said standing up. After watching him disappear she sipped here drink as she watched the beachgoers. She smiled as she watched the parents playing with their kids her heart fluttering at the sight as she imagined what her children would look like. But soon a tall shirtless handsome man holding a surfboard interrupted her. " Hello beautiful," he said looking at her appreciatively. Kayla turned her attention away from the beach and to him. " What did you just call me?" she said. He smiled at her " I said you're beautiful" he said. " That's kind of you to say but I'm married and I don't think my husband would like you talking with me," she said But the man wasn't detered. " So? I don't see your husband around anywhere and besides we're just two strangers having a conversation" he said and then looked at her his eyes trailing down her body. " Why don't we cut to the chase I like you and I want to get to know you how about we trade numbers so we can text later tonight," he said. Kayla shook her head " No thank you" she said. Be frowned " Ah come on what's the harm in just exchanging numbers," he said. Kayla was about to lose her patients but before she could. A cold and familiar commanding voice spoke for her. " You didn't here her the first time leave". Both Kayla and the man turned around and saw Alexander looking at them his gaze cold and penetrating. " And who are you?" the man said. Alexander's gaze became colder " The man that will ruin your life if you don't leave and stop harassing my wife now leave before I loose what little patience I have left," he said voice cold. The man looked between the two of them raising his hand in defeat as he backed away slowly. Alexander looked at Kayla " Let's go" he said. She stood up quickly as she hasn't heard or seen Alexander act like this for a long time and she knew what that meant. Alexander didn't say a word to her until they were in the elevator. Alexander sighed and then turned towards her, he was about to say something to her but before he could Kayla jumped into his arms pressing her lips to his passionately. " You have no idea what a huge turn-on that was. seeing you protecting me like that" she managed to murmur against his lips. He smiled against her lips and deepened the kiss. The two of them quickly hurried back towards their hotel room, After Alexander managed to open their room door allowing the Kayla to step inside. He closed the door before he pressed his lips against hers. She moaned into his mouth as he leads her towards the bedroom. The both of them discarding their clothes on the way. Alexander continued to kiss Kayla until her back made contact with the wall. Using one of his hands to pin both of her above her head he used the other gently wrapped it around her throat and then pressed his lips against her. Breaking away from the kiss he looked at her " Your mine" he growled looking down into her eyes. " I'm yours" she whispered causing him to growl again as he began kissing his way down her body. He gave special attention to her breasts sucking and kissing them to a stiff point and then he continued kissing down her torso. Until he reached where she ached for him the most. Placing one of her foot. on top his shoulder he presses his mouth against her. Kayla moaned loudly tilting her back as she gripped his hair. The more he pleasured her with his mouth the more tortured moans and whimpers that escaped her. She could only hold on as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. With every stroke and flick of his tongue, she could feel her release creeping closer. "Alexander please" she whispered. Hearing the desperation in her voice he stood up and then pulled his now throbbing length out from his shorts. Without any effort, he hoists Kayla up into his arms before he sets her to his length. She moaned loudly as Alexander began thrusting into her with short sharp thrusts. Her moans and whimpers along with his occasional groans and occasional dirty words filled the quiet of the room. He soon walked with her in his arms before he threw down unto the bed. Without missing a beat he turned her around so her ass was in the air and then entered her again. She moaned loudly as he began fuking her harder and faster. She whimpered as she placed her face down on the mattress moaning loudly. The sound of their bodies slapping together soon filled the quiet room. he then flipped her unto her back and then settled between her parted thighs as he thrusts inside her. " I love f*****g you" he said. She then brought him down for a kiss their tongues twining together. After they ended their kiss she whispered into his ear. " c*m inside me, I want you to c*m inside" she said and then licked his earlobe before taking it between her teeth bitting down gently. Alexander growled as he speed up his thrust which caused her to tilt her head back with a loud moan. Soon the both of them moaned loudly as the came together. He flopped down beside her as the two of them breathed heavily as the tried to catch their breaths. She then snuggled beside him as she laid her head in his chest. Alexander strokes her hair as the both of them cuddled together completely in bliss. Seeing her looking outside with a pensive look on her face he raised an eyebrow. " What is it little lamb" he said raising an eyebrow. "Just thinking" she said tracing his chest. " About?" he asked. She got up from his chest and then pulled the sheet against her body and then looked at him. " Alexander you know I love you more than anything, your my moon and stars and my entire world and I'm hoping what I'm about to say won't change anything between us" she said. Alexander looked at her his eyes intense and focused as he looked at her. She then took a deep breath after closing her eyes. Gathering her resolve she looked at him and then spoke. " I want to try having a baby with you"
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