Unwanted Mate

1645 Words
Chapter 2 Shane’s pov I can’t believe I am mated to her. What will everyone think of me? I have to reject her. I don’t care what my wolf thinks. We will get someone better, or I will choose someone. “Don’t you dare reject her” Timbre says “she is worthless. She doesn’t even have a wolf” I argue “are you sure” he asks “of course I am sure, we would know by now. I would be a laughing stock if I accept her, she is weak” I say while blocking him so I can reject her without him interfering. She shocks me by what she says. She doesn’t want me either. She must be lying every female in the pack wants me. She is just trying to save face. How is she standing so strong when I reject her when I am doubled over it must be because she doesn’t have a wolf. Then I feel the power coming from her, how, what’s going on how long has she had a wolf and how did she hide it, her wolf feels so strong before I can think about it she accepts my rejection and walks off as if she feels nothing and I collapse on the ground. Why do I feel like I have made a mistake? No, I can’t have. Everyone hates her, including her own brother. Sam helps me into a classroom. “Fu.ck man, are you ok” Sam asks “Did you know she had a wolf” I ask him, curled up “No I thought she never got one, but it's not exactly as if we speak so she wouldn’t tell me anyway” he shrugs “Did you feel its power? She felt so strong. How could she hide it. Why do you hate her anyway” I ask “It’s her fault my parents are dead, They kept saying she needs protecting, that they will come for her and then wolves came and they asked me to protect her while they fought them, they died because they were fighting for her” he says angrily “All this time, you have blamed her for that. She was just a child they would have done the same for you. My parents would do the same for me. Us and our whole pack have abused her for 6 years because of that, and now I have just rejected her because of it too. Sh.it what am I going to do? There is no way she will take it back she hates me” I say, worried “You don’t need her. It's all her fault, I don’t care what anyone says” he spits “Have a think and ask yourself if she would have said and done the same to you if it was the other way around, I’m a fu.cking i***t I should have listened to Timbre” I curse “help me back to the packhouse I can’t stay here today” I ask Aria’s pov I go straight back to the packhouse. There is no way I am waiting around until I am 18 now before I leave, not with my ex mate here. It is definitely time to go. I take my few items in an old backpack a couple of keepsakes from mum and dad, an old family photo, and a few old outfits. I write a quick note Sam and Shane, I am leaving. I just wanted to say I have no idea why you all hate me so much, and I don’t really care anymore. As of now, I have no family and no pack. I hope no one else in this pack is treated this way as it is disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves to starve and beat a child for no reason. It's a miracle that I got a wolf and survived. I worry about the future of the pack when the people who will lead doesn’t notice a supposed human can heal broken bones within a day or two. Or are you telling me you never realised how many times you and others broke my bones. You won’t hear from me again, so I will take this opportunity to say fu.ck you from me and Nyx. I hope we never cross paths again. I walk out of the packhouse and through the forest towards the border once I step over I say clearly “I Aria Simpson renounce all ties with the Blue Crescent Pack and loyalty to Alpha Gerald and Luna Madelynn” then I strip put my clothes in the bag and shift into Nyx my Ombre wolf, before running off. Shane’s pov As we arrived at the packhouse, I felt a rip of pain and a feeling of loss, “we need to check Aria’s room” I say to Sam in a panic “Why what’s going on now” he replies, rolling his eyes “Shut the fu.ck up, and let’s go” I shout. He helps me to her room well a say room it’s an empty shell with a mattress, sh.it did we really let someone live like this what the f**k have I been thinking. Sam lets go of me starting to look panicked as he picks up a piece of paper. “She’s gone. All her stuff is gone, she’s left, you were right. What have I done” he says, crying for the first time since his parents died. I snatch the note from him, no no no, this can’t be happening no wonder she hates us all what am I going to do. “We need to speak to my dad” I say. He nods and gets up, he’s walking like all the life has left him “it’s all my fault. She’s suffered so much. My parents asked me to protect her. Instead, I caused all her pain. How many times was she badly hurt by the sound of it her bones were broken multiple times, thank the goddess she had a wolf, we could have killed her” he cries. We get to my father’s office “dad I really need to speak to you. Something terrible has happened” I say “I’m busy right now I felt a pack link break all I know is the guards saw an unusual coloured wolf near the border but that doesn’t make sense as none of our members have such an unusual wolf” he says frustrated. “We know who left” I say as he looks up, paying attention. I explain about finding out Aria is my mate and rejecting her, her accepting it as she let’s us feel her wolf for the first time. Then, us coming back to find her room empty and a note. “I have to say I am disappointed in you, I know it hasn’t been easy for Aria in the pack but I never realised it had been taken this far I wish she had spoken to me about it. Why would you reject her just because you thought she didn’t have a wolf, I thought we brought you up better than that. I should have paid more attention to how she was cared for what has been happening with the money you are given for her I noticed she is too thin and doesn’t have good clothes” My dad says annoyed “I always blamed her for our parents. I hated her so I didn’t give her anything, it’s my fault everyone treated her this way, now I have lost my sister. She must be the unusual coloured wolf, that’s why my parents needed to protect her so much she is special, that must be why people were after her now she is out there on her own and not able to defend herself because we wouldn’t let her train and its all my fault” Sam admits upset Sh.it my mate is a special wolf and I thought she wasn’t good enough, Timbre has stopped talking to me he always hated the way we treated her and now he hates me for losing our mate even if we find her she won’t take it back. “We need to find her. I have to make this right” I say in a panic “Do you really think you can? When was the last time you hurt her” My dad asks ”two days ago” I admit “What did you do and why” he asks angrily. Sh.it I have to come clean “Aria has to serve us lunch, she doesn’t get to eat at lunch, as she was walking to us she covered me and Cindy in food then refused to kneel and apologise. She said someone else pushed her, so it wasn’t her fault. I lost my temper and punched her, then kicked her in the head, knocking her out” “WHAT” he roars “I’m not finished, I took her to the basement and strapped her to the ceiling with silver chains when she woke up I beat her body with my fists before whipping her back with a silver whip until she was unconscious. Then I left her on the floor” I say, unable to look him in the eye. He looks fit to murder someone right now. “I am not surprised she left, I don’t know if I want to send someone to get her. Do you really think she would want you after everything you have done. I will send people after her only for her safety, then if she wants, I will help her find a new pack. I won’t make her stay here” he concedes.
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