
The Luna's Unknown Strength

opposites attract

Aria had the perfect life growing up, a loving and caring family, a brother who doted on her and loads of friends. Everything changed for her when she was 12 years old her once happy and peaceful life turned into a living nightmare. After her parents were killed by rogues, her brother turned on her. He wrongly blamed her for their deaths and turned most of the pack against her while the Alpha and Luna were oblivious to what was going on in their pack.After almost 5 years of neglect and horrendous abuse at the hands of her pack mates, she finds out on the Alpha heirs 18th birthday, one of her worst abusers that he is her mate. They immediately reject each other, and 16 year old Aria flees the pack. Once they have lost her, they realise their mistake and want her back. Her brother Sam hates himself. Shane the future Alpha tries to take back his rejection and find her to win her back, his parents are furious with the both of them, but is he really repentant or has he just realised how powerful she actually is and is worried about losing his future position.The bond is not fully severed for some reason, but that does not stop Aria from being given a second chance mate or mates. Will Shane be able to convince her, or is the new love interest a much better option for Aria and her destiny.She also has the added complication of an obsessed Rogue Alpha who has been hell-bent on having her as his mate for years. He wants her to have his pups and help him in his war to take over the packs and the crown and will not stop until he achieves it.Not everyone deserves to have their mate at their side, and that is certainly what some of the leading ladies in this story feel. Are their mates there to show them how they should not be treated by the one who is supposed to love them. Or are they the ones that are a lesson for their mates from the moon goddess, as they have to watch them walk away and find someone better.This generation of women are much less forgiving than the last and will not put up with being walked over, especially when they know they will be given a better option and have the support of their new family and friends around them.


“are you ok” Halley says through mindlink.

“no I need to get out of here” I reply “what’s wrong”

“that’s my brother” I say, panicked

“sh.it" she says out loud

“Just stay here, and I will sneak off. If he’s here, Shane might be, too. He’s your mate, you have to talk to him”

“I’m not going to be his mate” she says out loud, sh.it. Why couldn’t she use her inner voice

“sorry” she looks at me and shrugs, realising she said it out loud.

Sam looks around confused “what’s wrong? we don’t know each other. You have to give me a chance before deciding that” he pleads

“I know enough about you to decide” she says as I try to get up without him noticing. He looks really upset and confused, and then he turns and sees me.

“Aria” he says, shocked before he hugged me “I thought we lost you. We looked for you everywhere” he says, upset.

“Why would you do that? You made it clear I am not your sister, with words and actions now. Please let me go. I would like to leave” I say, annoyed and worried

“Please just wait, let me talk to you, I’m sorry” he begs, but I can’t it must be a trick

“I can’t I just can’t” I say turning around to walk straight into Shane fu.ck I still feel the tingles, they are really faint but still there, how is this possible we rejected one another.

“Aria, I knew you were still alive. I never lost hope. I have missed you so much” he says, hugging and smelling me

“Get the fu.ck off me” I shout pushing him “how dare you touch me either of you and pretend you care leave me the fu.ck alone you have ruined my life once I won’t let you ruin it again” I shout running off four of the guards block them from following me while another takes me to the car to drive me home.

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Welcome to my Hell
Chapter 1 Living in this pack has been hell ever since my parents were killed almost 6 years ago, leaving me and my brother orphans. I was 11 at the time, and my brother Sam was 12. Our parents were the beta couple they were out fighting a rogue attack when they lost their lives. In that moment, everything changed, my brother, who I was always close to grew angry and resentful. He acted like he hated me and stopped being my brother. He never gave me an explanation of why he started treating me like this, he started to treat me like his personal slave and it wasn’t long before others started to bully and take advantage of me too. My brother never stood up for me, and I had no other family to help me, so I just had to put up with it. My brothers best friend is the future Alpha Shane. He is the worst, along with any of the bimbos they have hanging off their arms on a particular month. The only ones that are actually nice to me are Shane’s brother Peter and the Gamma’s son David, they are both the same age as me. I should probably introduce myself, I am Aria, and I am not much to look at. I am far too skinny as I am not given enough food it is a wonder I was able to complete my first shift on my 16th birthday, which is actually 2 years earlier than most wolves do. Not that anyone knows about it. They all think I am wolfless yet another reason for them to pick on me. My black hair is lank, and my crystal clear blue eyes are dull with all the sh.it I have dealt with. If they had a bit of sense, they would realise I had Nyx my wolf or I would not heal so quickly. But well, you can’t cure stupidity, I guess. I can’t even fight them. I have no energy with the work they make me do, along with the lack of food and the beatings. I’m definitely leaving the second I turn 18. I don’t care if I have to turn rogue if another pack won’t take me in. I walk into the school with my head down. I can see my brother and Shane with their new toys Cindy and Suzy up ahead, I try to get past unnoticed. Cindy puts her foot in front of me and sends me flying before I can stop myself. I can hear everyone laugh. “Oops you should really watch where you are going. I can’t believe such a clumsy piece of trash is actually related to you Sam” Cindy sneers. “She is no family of mine. I have no family” Sam says angrily. That hurts more than the fall and the humiliation I should be used to it by now. “Why, just why do you have to be such a bi.tch. I have never done anything to you, yet you keep on tormenting me, and you, our parents would be ashamed” I shout, I am so angry I don’t care about the consequences anymore. “How dare you speak to Cindy and your future Beta like that you worthless human” Shane roars while pinning me to the lockers by my throat. I can hardly breathe as tears come out of my eyes. He slams my head off of the locker before dropping me to the ground and kicking me a few times “fu.cking pathetic” he sneers, then walks off with his group. I’m glad I didn’t give him the satisfaction of crying out, I get to my feet, go to the bathroom, and get cleaned up for my first class. Unfortunately they have made me late so it gives the teacher a chance to further embarass me. Thankfully, I make it to lunch without further incidents. I don’t get to eat lunch, but I am expected to serve my brother and Shane every day. As I am carrying the tray to them, some a.sshole nudges me from behind, causing me to send the tray flying covering Shane and Cindy in food “you little bi.tch you did that on purpose because of this morning” she shouts “I didn’t someone pushed me” I try and explain “don’t lie to me, you worthless little runt. You’re not going to let her get away with it, are you baby” she says in a whiney voice “Get on your knees and apologise” Shane says through gritted teeth “no” I reply firmly “what the fu.ck did you just say? Get on your fu.cking knees and apologise now” he roars. “No, I won’t apologise for something that wasn’t my fault” I am sick of being constantly humiliated they can beat me all they want. “You are going to regret that” he warns “I just hope it makes you feel all big and strong beating on me, you all call me weak, well what does that make all of you, beating the weak girl who can not defend herself” I taunt. Next thing I know, Shane punches me square in the face, knocking me to the ground before kicking me in the head, and then everything goes black. I wake up hanging from the ceiling from silver chains they don’t really burn like I’ve heard they should do to wolves it just mildly irritates me. “Good you’re awake, now I can get started” Shane says evilly before starting to use my body as a punch bag. I try not to cry out, and once he’s satisfied, he stops “oh don’t look relieved yet I’m not finished, you need to learn to never speak to me like that again” he laughs wickedly before pulling out a silver whip and striking me on the back I think it was around 23 times blood was dripping off me no matter how hard he hit I didn’t make a sound my lip is bleeding from biting down so hard. I think he stopped when I lost consciousness. When I wake up, I am alone on the basement floor. I can feel pain everywhere “it will take me some time to heal you this time” Nyx says to me “Don’t worry about it, don’t tire yourself too much” I say “I’ve got the worst of your back healed so it doesn’t scar” she tells me “thank you, Nyx. We will rest tomorrow. No one will be expecting to see us anyway after the beating” I say. “Maybe we can sneak out to hunt for food when everyone is sleeping, that will help with the healing” she suggests. “Yes we will do that” I agree before going to sleep, I will need all the energy I can get. We managed to sneak out in the early hours and catch some prey without getting caught, I need to do that more to try and gain more weight and strength. I spend the next day resting and healing. Most of my injuries are better now. I am still tender where a few of my ribs cracked. Because I have managed to sleep plenty through the day, I am able to get up through the night to hunt again. I still don’t know how no-one in the pack has not noticed how quickly I heal they don’t even look that surprised to see me at school, maybe Shane didn’t tell them how badly he beat me. As I walk through the corridor I am grabbed by Shane and pushed into the lockers I feel tingles where he touches me, no way this can’t be happening, sh.it Shane is 18 today he smells me then looks pi.ssed “you have to be fu.cking joking me. There is no way the moon goddess would pair me with a pathetic human like you” he sneers “it is not exactly like you are a catch. Let’s get this over with” I spit back, shocking him “how dare you, you piece of trash, you are not fit to clean my shoes” he growls “I wouldn’t want you if you were the last wolf on earth, I hate you and everyone else in your pathetic pack” I shoot back as he growls “I Shane Alexander future Alpha of the Blue Crescent Pack reject you Aria Simpson as my mate and Luna” he says, bending over in pain. I feel an emmence pain shoot through me “we can do this stay strong” Nyx says she hates him as much as me “let’s finally show him who we are” she says, removing her block and letting him feel the strength of her “I Aria Simpson accept your rejection” I say clearly before walking away as he collapses onto the ground, and Sam runs to him, helping him into an empty class.

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