Looking for Luna

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Chapter 3 Sams’s pov I have been a terrible brother. How didn’t I realise it earlier? Why did I blame her all these years. I used to love her so much, and we were so close, and I threw it all away, and now I may never have the chance to make things right. She must hate me. She will never forgive me for everything I put her through. Alpha Gerald called a pack meeting straight away, I am on the stage with them. “One of our pack members has left and could be in danger. If anyone has any information on her whereabouts or where she could be going, we would appreciate it if you could come forward. Aria Simpson is an important member of the pack, and we need to locate her as soon as possible. We will be sending warriors out soon to search” he states to the pack “What’s so important about a worthless human” Suzy mocks “Thats my fu.cking sister, you little bi.tch. I don’t want to hear another word out of your mouth. Do you hear me” I roar “Aria is the future Luna of the pack if she accepts, so we really need to find her. We had a misunderstanding and need to make things right. So please, if anyone knows anything, let us know” Shane says “I thought you rejected her” Cindy shouts “It’s got nothing to do with you or anyone else, Aria is my Luna, no-one else. If I hear any more gossip, I will be punishing the person do I make myself clear” Shane roars. It turns out no one knows anything. She didn’t speak to anyone doesn’t have a single friend, thanks to me, so we have no leads except from the ombre wolf. We send warrior’s off in that direction to search and notify the surrounding packs to let us know if they find her giving a description of her and her wolf. Asking them not to harm her, saying she is not in trouble, we are concerned with her safety after she fell out with her mate and left the pack. After the first day, we extended the description to all of the packs in case she travelled further. It’s been a week and no word about her, no-one has seen her, but I am sure she is still alive and so is Shane and his wolf, I wish we would get news soon even if it is to tell us she is safe but doesn’t want to come home, I will take that as long as she is safe. Aria’s pov I have been running for two days now, and I have no idea where to go. Luckily, I haven’t encountered any rogue wolves so far. I stop for a drink at a stream when I hear a branch snap behind me, I panic and go to run. “woah calm down, little wolf, there are a lot of people looking for you” the young man says. Sh.it, what does he mean by that? What should I do? I look to run “don’t run. I will catch you. How about you shift back so we can have a chat” he says I don’t have much choice but I don’t want to shift in front of him so I look at him for a while. “oh sorry I will turn around. Let me know when you are finished” he says, getting the hint. I shift and put on my clothes “I am dressed” I say “I am Aiden by the way, so what would cause you to leave your pack and come all the way here, I heard it was a falling out with your mate but you don’t look old enough” he says curiously “I am Aria, who is looking for me, and the mate is the last in a long line of reasons” I scoff “I felt it had to be more. Your old pack is desperately trying to find you. They are searching everywhere and have been in touch with all the packs. Would you like to tell me your story? I might be able to help” he offers. “Why would they try and find me it makes no sense, I am not going back there. I would rather die than go back there” I say I then started going into my story of my parents and how the abuse started to then the rejection, which I was happy about as I would have rejected him anyway after everything he put me through. “I was planning on leaving when I turned 18, but after finding out Shane was my mate and the rejection, I couldn’t stay any longer” I explain “I don’t blame you how could they treat someone like that they are monsters, I am taking you to my dad we will protect you, I promise they don’t have to find out you are here. I have always wanted a sister, and I won’t treat you like that di.ckhead did” he said, making me chuckle “I don’t know, what will your dad say, I don’t want to cause any trouble” I say, worried “My dad is the Alpha, but he’s also a big Teddy bear. Just don’t tell him I said that. He will protect you too. I can guarantee that he will be just as angry as me” he says, taking my hand and leading me towards his packhouse. The pack is much smaller than my last one, but it is nice and the people look friendly. Aiden takes me up to an office where a man is sitting with another boy who looks a bit like Aiden. “Hi dad, this is Aria, Aria this is my dad Alpha Frank and my brother Adam. Now, before you go getting in touch with anyone, dad, you need to hear Aria’s story. I have promised to protect her and not contact her old pack” Aiden says “ok I trust your judgement, please dear tell us your story” Alpha Frank says gently. I tell them everything that I told Aiden they growl at several parts he even looks like he has tears in his eyes, but looks kind of proud when I tell him about accepting the rejection. “you can stay here, I will not tell them anything. We will keep it a secret that you are here. From now on, you will be living on the Alpha floor as part of the family. I would like it if you called me dad, me and Lilly always wanted a daughter” he says before his eyes go blank as he is minklinking someone. Next thing a beautiful woman comes running in and hugs me, making the men chuckle “oh look at you, my dear aren’t you beautiful, we need to get some meat on those bones, and you will be positively gorgeous. I’m Luna Lilly or mum to you let me show you to your room you can get cleaned up then we will get some food in you, then we will hit the shops, you definitely need some clothes. Don’t worry just a couple of things today I will take you out properly at the weekend” she says excitedly pulling me out of the room chatting to me pointing out things along the way before showing me to a beautiful room. “Now I will leave you to get washed up meet us back in the office when you are finished and we will eat, there will be some clothes waiting for you on the bed” she says before leaving. It feels like a dream. This can’t be real “what do you think Nyx” I ask my wolf. I trust them they feel like good people, we should stay here” she says, I trust her she is the only person who has been there for me and she hasn’t steered me wrong before. She didn’t even go against the rejection, which is uncommon for wolves. I showered and come out to find a pair of leggings and a t-shirt on the bed they are a bit big as I am so thin but at least they look better than the clothes I own and they are clean. I go down to the office, and once I am sitting down, an omega appears with plates of steak and chips. My mouth waters and stomach rumbles, it has been so long since I’ve had a proper meal. I eat as much as I can, apologising for not finishing “don’t be silly, you just eat as much as you can, and we will soon get you appetite back up” Lilly reassures “now let’s get you some clothes for the next couple of days,we will get you into school tomorrow Adam is the same age so he will help settle you in, no training for a week until we get your strength up” Lilly says “If you don’t mind me asking, you don’t feel like a Beta, you feel too powerful” Adam inquires “I’m an ombre coloured wolf. Nyx says it makes us special, so that might be why, other than that I’m not sure” I reply “Wow really, I thought that was just a rumor they were looking for an ombre wolf. I have never heard of a white to black ombre or any ombre coloured wolves before” he says “I can confirm it she is ombre and quite remarkable looking. Her eyes look like the moon. Once she puts on more weight, she will look even more powerful” Aiden adds The first week and a bit goes quickly, Luna Lilly loves to shop she has bought me so much some of it in a bigger size as she says I will be putting on weight soon if she has anything to do with it her and the beta and gamma female are always trying to feed me. School has been great. All the other students are really friendly, and I have started to become close with a couple of the girls. The Clear Lake Pack is so different from what I am used to. No one gets treated like a second-class citizen, no matter the rank. Aiden and the current gamma are going to start training me on a one to one until I am up to speed so I will be training twice a day, I can’t wait I have always wanted to train I will work as hard as I can to get strong as quickly as I can I plan to use the gym everyday also to build my strength.
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