5. My new Assistant

1246 Words
Irene I was feeling so tired today morning as because of the little stunt I made yesterday. My left arm still hurts, but I am glad that I could save that little girl... I feel free when I am with kids,after all they don't know to fake anything. Even I am tired I never take an off except if i needed to get hospitalised . I know if I skip for a day,my burden of duties will get doubled. My left arm really aches,so I used pain relieving spray and got ready for office. Today my new assistant will come. Even when I know this person is somewhere related or known to the CEO, I don't have to treat him as special.That is a relief... I reached my cabin before office hours and applied the spray again to my arm. After that I started checking the monthly marketing expenses, then I got a call from reception that my new assistant is here. After few minutes, I heard a knock on the door and I told him to get in. Then I looked at him...My eyes got locked with him...He looks...really handsome... like a greek god...Jeez ...stop it Irene...this is not you...stop drooling over him...I cursed myself... But he looks familiar too...But where... I could not pointed it out ... Then I saw him looking at me with surprised eyes with a hint of excitement...What the hell is wrong with him... I straightened my posture and told him to sit down. He smiled warmly and sat opposite to me. "So you're my new assistant...." I asked him with an amusing tone. "Yes...I am Ian Costello by the way..." He extended his arm for hand shake. I took it .His hands were cold and a tingle spread all over my body by just touching his hand...i hide those feeling and said, "Irene Maria..." with a straight face. I thought he held my hand more than it was needed,so I withdrew immediately. His eyes looks so intimidating as he was assessing my face,but I have crossed situations very worse. I know I can't put down my guard with anybody,especially this guy ... who looks so handsome and yet so cunning at the same time. I put my face straight even though he was smiling at me enchantingly. I cleared my throat and said, "So Ian, I have checked your profile.Your qualifications are pretty good,but at the same time you lack experience. So we are going to change that from today onwards. As I was working without an assistant more than a week now, I got plenty of works pending.. So First you can go to the HR department,and clear all the formalities.Then you will straight come to me. Is that clear...??" "Okay..." I saw his face change from smile to objection.I think he is not used to taking orders...But he nodded for it and went out. Hm...Soon he will used to it..m I sighed. Oops...Why am I getting difficult to deal with him..He is nothing I can't manage. I continued my pending job,bit after almost an hour Ian was no where to be seen. Damn, I don't have his number too. Then I remembered his CV in my hand, and dialled to his number. "Hello..." I heard his manly voice. "This is Irene...Where are you..." my response was straight but demanding answers. "Oh I am on my way there, give me two minutes." "Two minutes.." I cut my call. And he came back exact two minutes. I looked at him questioningly. "Miss Irene, after completing the formalities in HR, I went to have a coffee as I was having a headache..." "Oh really...you just joined the company...did not even started working here and you're already having a headache..." I know I was saying bit mire than I needed,I could have excused him.But I need to treat him like this,to keep him on line. "Headache comes not with or without my permission ..." he muttered. "Hm..fine... there is your desk.I have kept few documents, I want you to do the corrections and submit to me by the end of the day..." I pointed to his desk. He looked at the bundle of documents and with disbelief turned back to look at her.But she was already got back to her work and not even giving him any second glance. I saw him doing the work one by one.But he was too slow. So I reminded in between to make it fast. It was lunch time ,I know I must allow him to have food as he already were having a headache. "Ian, you got twenty minutes to have lunch.There is a restaurant near by this building.." "Only twenty minutes...!! I mean it will take time to go and comeback atleast ten minutes..." he was getting irritated. "And other ten minutes for you to eat..." I cut him in the middle. I saw him curse under his breath,but it wasn't audible. "Do you have any problem with that...if you want to have a lunch break of an hour ,it is fine...But you will complete the task before you go back home..." By telling this I retuned my concentration to the file in my hand.I heard him leave soon and comeback exactly after twenty minutes...Not bad ...I thought. After that we haven't had any conversations. I had my granola bar as lunch.There is too much work pending that I dont have the time to have a proper meal.I saw him glancing at me while I was eating. "This is my lunch Mr.Ian...Concentrate on you work..." I was not getting concentration when i feel him looking at me. He got a dominating aura.But he is trying his best not to showing it. Office hours finished half an hour ago, and I was done with my job too. When I looked at Ian,he was working on his last document. Even though he is new, he got the quick learning capacity. I did not realise I was looking at him until I felt his blue eyes locking with mine. For a second,I felt vulnerable.I withdrew my glance immediately, but I know I was bit late for that. "Have you finished it..." I asked him to divert the tension we just had. "Yes Miss Irene...I am almost done.." "okay then, you keep those in the lockers and keep this key with you...And Ian,you can call me Irene...my colleagues calls me that... " I like it that way. Everyone calls me by name also with respect too. I forwarded the key with my injured hand as I was carrying my bag on my right. He noticed the redness and small bruise. "Irene, what happened to your hand... I mean, it looks like you've pain..." He asked me with curious eyes. Why should I explain it to him. "I slipped to the floor... it is small injury, okay Ian I am heading out..." With that I went away from him. I have seen people ask me like this formally to show that they do care for us...But in reality,they must be feeling either happy or amused that we got hurt. But this time, Ian did not show any fake sympathy but curiosity... Ian is looking like a real something covered up under the professional face. Whatever... I am glad that he finished his job today without arguing with me. And tomorrow I am going to give more jobs,so that with time he will learn time management and work efficiency.
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