6. Badass Boss

1770 Words
Ian I was stunned to see that mysterious girl as my boss...I never thought I could see her this soon...When I touched her hand, I felt like my heart skipped a beat... I did not want to let go off her hand... it was so soft and warm that I felt to held it the whole day. But she withdrew it immediately. From the beginning itself i felt as her character was not friendly... she was bossy and very strict...which will not go well with me...But do I have a choice here...!! nope...So I was controlling my frustration and just went with the flow. But when I noticed her having a granola bar for lunch ,I confirmed that she is a complete workaholic. I checked on her if she had any injuries and found that her left arm was not feeling well...and when I asked her she lied to me as she don't want to admit the great deed she did yesterday. May be she don't want others to see the good side of her . After the hectic day of work ,I went back home .Dad called me to ask about my first day. "Dad...You kept me under her purposefully right ..she did not even let me breath..." "Ian... you're right,she is the best in our firm...the most dedicated and professional person in our firm... so don't whine like a baby... day by day you will be ok... she will teach you everything you needed..." "And I may teach her something too...some humanity...she is a complete robot... that girl is completely wasting her life for our company.. I really doubt does she have a life other than her job..." "Ian,don't judge a book by its cover... I don't want you to disturb her by any means,and I have given permission to punish you if you do anything wrong.." "Dad.. what are you saying...so...she knows that I am your son..." "Nope...she knows that you're appointed by me and I had a brief talk before you joined... she will help you to learn faster..." "But why you give her the permission to punish .. you know she is a miss hitler..." Dad laughed at this..." Don't worry she is not bad as you think...she may punish if you did something wrong...and she will not fire you.. As I told her so". " Oh really... " So now I have a chance. She will not fire me ,but punish me...may be I could punish her too...with that voluptuous sexy body of hers... I was lost in thoughts,then I heard my dad's sound again. "Ian are you there.. " "Yes Dad.." "So,take rest now. Call me if anything comes up." "Okay Dad see you." After dad's call I thought the ways to tame my sexy boss and eventually slept. The next morning, I went early as I know my day's mood will be gone if I am late ...And to my surprise she was already there...There was still half an hour to the office hours.. I mean Why is she going back home. I should suggest my Dad to arrange a room for her here to stay...Haa... I did not go inside cabin,instead I went to the restaurant to have an expresso. There I saw a beautiful girl eyeing me and I smirked at her. Yes,I don't like disappointing girls...especially beautiful or sexy girls... haha. As I entered into the office building I heard her calling from behind. "Are you the new assistant...." She asked. "Yes...i'm Ian Costello..." I checked her without being noticed. She was tall and slim with a cute face. "I'm Sophia Sebastian..I am the secretary here.." "Oh nice to meet you Sophia...so we are colleagues now..." "Yes Ian.. I think you should head inside your cabin,it is almost the time..And Irene..." She did not complete the sentence. "Oh yes...Thanks...I should go now...see you around..." Then I ran towards my cabin and reach there on right time. "Good morning Irene..." "Good morning Ian...Come, read these files for correction . I have to attend a meeting in half an hour and you will accompany me. And prepare the minutes for the meeting too..." Oh Jeez...I just stepped inside the cabin and she is giving me works continuously.. I looked at her and she was busy with the document and she was talking without looking at me. She looks so stunning today, as she wore more professional attire. A knee length blue skirt and loose off white top. Her figure gives more beauty to the dress and She was biting the pen while looking at the documents... Oh lord...those soft petals were pressed around the pen... No ...no...no....she is distracting me even without any efforts... "Ian,why are you still standing... come here and start your job..." She commanded. Then I went to her desk and collected the document.I checked on her hand,the bruise looks better now..I went to my seat and concentrated on my work as I know she could eat my head at any time. And in half an hour everything was ready. I could see she was bit nervous as the clients were new and it is a challenge to impress them. "Don't worry...you have prepared so well that we will definitely get those projects..." I assured her. Then she glanced at me and nodded then sighed. Then we two headed towards the conference room. And met the clients. We introduced ourselves and then she started her presentation. Her dress was formal,but because of her awesome figure it was looking so sexy... i saw many of them getting distracted and then looking at her assets... I felt something building up inside me that i felt to punch them..But i controlled it. As predicted she was fabulous... the presentation and her concepts were awesome that everybody welcomed it with an applause. She smiled politely and thanked them. Then while signing documents , one of the men was getting close to her than it was needed. I could not help but call her out for an excuse. "Irene, give me a second please..." I asked her.She nodded and came with me outside. "What is the matter Ian..." She asked me with confusion. Really....!! She did not noticed it...!! "Do you really don't know why I called you...I helped you..." " How..." She asked with curiosity. "Those men were watching you differently while you were presenting...and now one of them were getting more close to you than it was needed...didn't you see that..." I asked her with frustration. Then she came close to me and directly looked into my eyes with determination and said,I tried hard to not to get distracted because of the closeness. "Hey Hero, stay out of my things...I know how to take care of myself...And this is not the first time I am facing these kind of vulture eyes...Even you also checked on me... do you think I am that blind...I am not... I am silent because I know I have the confidence to protect myself... so stop the drama and get inside.." With that she left making me wondering what I had just heard. Oh boy...!! What a badass reply....She is really something...!! I was impressed with her response...She was too confident upon herself...But what she don't know, too much confidence can lead you to fail. Damn ... she noticed me i was watching her... Hm... on other thoughts it is good, I don't have to hide now. I went inside and saw that everybody was seated. And man signing while she was sitting on her chair to the opposite side to face them. After signing ,they went out and I followed my boss to our cabin. This time I looked at her more confidently with a smirk. But it did not lasted long that she gave me another hectic work... Damn you... At lunch time,I went out and found few of my department colleagues, Cody,Gabriela,Caroline, and stefan. We had lunch together,and the girls were interested to get to know me that they asked for my number. And yes I gave them..It was all fun. Them when were on the department floor balcony,they started talking about job. "How are you surviving there with Irene..."It was from stefan. " yeah that's right,she is a real moron...her assistants ran away from here as they can't take the torture anymore...She will not utter a single word other than job related things to anybody... " Caroline said. "Hey, she was not bad to me..I think she is too professional that she could not find other time to interact with others..." I said. And they looked at me as if I got horns in my head. "You can't be serious Ian, She hardly talks and even I think she is a lesbian that is why she don't have a man in her life all these years..." Gabby said. "Hey please stop...i don't know about her...I think you people also have some assumptions,other than that we know nothing.. so don't talk this bad about any person..." "Hm..As the time comes you will change your opinion..." Cody said. "Bye guys, I have some work to complete..." I excused. "oh poor soul...Come here give me a hug then go..." It was Caroline and I hugged her formally and then I saw a shadow through the glass door, and it was Irene. She left from there . Did she heard what they said about her... Damn... I went to the cabin and she was not in sight,after five minutes she came as if nothing happened. May be she thinks nobody noticed her being there...but I did. "Irene..." I called her. "Have you finished the job I have given,if yes you can go through the folder on your desktop and send the contract mails to the clients..." She told me in one breath. Jeez...really...I was going to console her...and here she was being the old herself. "Okay.." Then I haven't had anytime to even stretch.But somehow I finished my work on time. But she was still working. "Irene,i have mailed every client..." "Good ...see you tomorrow..." she said without looking at me. I wanted to talk to her about the after noon incident but I hesitated for a moment. "Why are you still there...do you need some more pending work..." She said without looking at me. Damn...i think she got another pair of eyes too otherwise how could she ...Hm...She is trying to scare me away while I am trying to console her...May be if she wants to act as nothing happens and ignore the incident then it is fine... Then I left the cabin with a bye...
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