4. Mysterious beauty

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Ian After reaching Chicago I went to the apartment Dad had arranged for me. It is not that posh apartment,but a good one bhk apartment. Dad offered only few things here...An apartment, a bike and the job.That's it..No maids or nothing...So i have to look after my living space.So this small apartment is way too good. As I am a good cook,he knows I could survive alone.Hm...But I terribly miss my life in London. After reaching,I called Dad and Alexander. Tomorrow is going to be my first day in office. So I should prepare myself. Before that a little hang out in this new place won't hurt right. So I got ready, wore a stylish hoodie along with pants and started my bike. I searched for the best places to visit in town and roam around there. Then I thought to get my style changed completely. For than first I needed a haircut . I love my hair which lengths upto the nape.But as I wanted to give an impression of a nerd or more professional, I thought it to shorten it.Also shave my Beard. Hm...it's been years I never changed my style.It was like my signature... But now,as Dad said I am going to show a new side of me. So this physical changes might help too. Then I choose a crowded area in town and went for a walk. It feels really exciting and carefree to walk among strangers without any direction. The streets were pretty crowded as it was weekend. I walked into the street where many Christmas related things were there. Next week is Christmas...I thought to send Merlin a christmas gift for the first time. I mean even I thought I don't like her much, after reaching here I miss her too. So I was checking out the shops and walking , i wore Santa's mask and a small kid came to me. And asked, "Will you come to my home this christmas...??" I know he thought i was the real Santa, so i said, "I amy or may not but i am going to give you a gift now..."and i removed my mask and put it into his face. He was clapping in happiness...And i felt so happy that this kiddo was happy...He kissed me on my cheek and thanked me. It was a really great feeling,i mean i have spent huge money on partying,bit this small amount gift made his day...And his happy face made my day too...After that I roam around the street to find a salon, and then I heard a screeching sound from the opposite side of the road. There I saw a two or three years old baby girl running into the opposition of the road and a car was trying its maximum to avoid the accident.Before I could move from my position to save the kid, I saw a girl running towards the kid ,taking her and jumping to the side and saving the kid from the accident by risking her life. From this side ,The kids dad ran to her and thanked her.. That is when I saw her face for the first time. I was stunned at the moment I saw her... Something in her attracted me to her... Her long straight hair was flying in the wind ,and I felt to go there and hug her...check on her if she was okay... That is what I felt...i felt connected to her...my heart skipped a beat at the moment I saw her ...She was a rare beauty... with a generous heart...And when she smile at the kid to cheer her up, there I saw her cute smile with dimples...oh gosh... I was so lost in the moment ,I noticed bit late that she was already left. I searched for her here and there...But I could not find her... I don't know why I need to see her again...But the only thing is that I follow my gut... I was tired after a long search that I went to the near by salon and changed my style. After buying the dinner i went back home. Some how I have not had the appetite to eat... What is happening to me...Why should I feel to see her again...She is a nobody...and if we are meant to meet again, we will... It is not like I am in love with her...it is just an attraction...curiousity to get to know her... Ian Prinston don't do relationships... I had to sleep early as tomorrow is my first day and I wanted to give the manager a good impression. But I continued to think about the girl I saw today... and eventually fell asleep. Next morning I was awake way before alarm. I wore my sports wear and went out for jogging. Girls and even aunties were drooling over my Muscles ...and I enjoyed their attention. After I felt it was enough, I came back to my apartment.Took a shower and get ready into my formal clothes...Oh really... I feel like I am back to my school...lol... After getting the intact professional apprearance,well combed hair, clean shaved face and I wore a muscle hugging shirt along with pants and coat. This is not Ian Prinston... I told myself... Here comes Ian Costello... After having breakfast, I went to my office in my bike.It was almost twenty minutes distance.The drive makes me relaxed,so it is not a big deal. And finally I stood infront of one of our biggest possessions, The Prinston Enterprise. I went straight to the reception. "Good morning, I am Ian P...Costello... I am here to join the marketing department...As an assistant.." I told the sexy blonde in front of me. "Good morning Mr.Ian...Please wait for a second " and then she talked in phone,while doing that I saw her checking on me. And an evil smirk came to my face... "Mr.Ian you can go to 6th floor, take the elevator in the corner and there you will see the marketing department...and may I ask you ,do you know who is your boss ??.." "No idea...What is your suggestion to make a great impression for the first day on my boss..." I asked her...she looks like a nosey person...she must know something. "oh...I can't tell you much, but to be a robot..if you do your work on time,you're saved... otherwise..." She gestured me as zipping her mouth. oh...So my guess was right... hm... "oh thanks miss..."I stretched as she will introduce herself. "Its Amber..I am Amber Harryson.. " She introduced herself in a seductive tone. "ok miss Amber... I will catch you later as I am going to be here for some time..." I winked at her and entered the elevator. Then I thought, I could not act reckless in this office...but is that really necessary... I mean I only have to be too professional with my boss... and for the rest , I can be more at ease... I took a deep breath before leaving the elevator and there were many people in different cubicles and they glanced at the stranger...me. Them I saw the cabin at the right side corner, written as Marketing Manager. So I went there straight and knocked. "Come in..." I heard a feminine voice... I was confused then opened the door to see my new boss...she was looking downwards to some document...but I was the hell surprised when she looked at me...i thought my heart was going to pop out from its cage for at this rate of fast beating ...Yes ...there I saw The mysterious beauty as my new Boss...!!
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