Chap 26: Roman's confession

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The smell of medicine attacked his nose just right at the first moment Galen woke up. He realized that he had been hospitalized in the academy nursery building. Next to him, since when Rosalyn had been sitting next to him and waiting for him wake up…? “Good morning, Gerald. I’m glad you are okay, meow!!” Rosalyn’s face approached Galen closer and closer that he could even sense the amazing scent from her body. He tried to urge himself to stay sane since that scent was weirdly charming as if it was trying to seduce him. Galen didn’t care about Rosalyn. He looked around, why didn’t he see Liana? “Rosalyn, where is Alice?” “Oh, your friend Alice is needing special care from our Highness, meow.” Rosalyn smiled, her cattail was wiggling with joy, while staring at Galen “Please don’t worry about her, once she gets the direct treatment from the queen, she will be surely fine. I’ll update you immediately as soon as we get a piece of good news.” “Thank you very much, Rosalyn.” “Meow, anyway Galen, I have a surprise for you~”   Then, Rosalyn gave Galen something looking like a letter envelope. It had a refreshing light green color of the lime, beautifully craved the logo of Mothien Academy which was a dragon lifting a giant codex and a giant letter “S” in the middle. When Galen flipped behind the envelope, there was a sentence: “To Galen Barrister, from The Principal of Mothien Academy.” It was the admission letter from the academy! “Meow hehe! Surprise?! You have been chosen as S Rank student!!!” Galen was shocked that he went speechless, didn’t know how to respond Rosalyn now. From a useless prince, an unknown adventurer, in just an instant he had got S Rank student and this fact had taken him a few seconds to believe what just happened… A feeling of happiness accelerated deep from his heart that almost dropped his tears. He looked at the cheerful, smiling little professor who had been supporting him from the start until he got into this class. He believed that this mission wouldn’t be smoothly successful without her help.   Galen inhaled a long breath to calm him down. He wanted to say thank you, but suddenly, Rosalyn had already hugged him. He was sure that she intentionally let her chest press on his face. However, thanks Goddess that Rosalyn was… flat, so he didn’t get suffocated. “I knew you can do it, meow hehehe!!! I’m so proud of you!!!” “Yeah haha, release me please, Rosalyn.” Galen laughed “It was mostly thanks to you.” “Next week, you are going to begin your first class so let’s just chill and have our time being together” Rosalyn’s cat ears waggled while she was approaching his face closer and closer, and he could even feel the warmth of her breath blowing to him. By instinct, Galen wanted to push himself back. But the other side of the hospital bed was just the cold wall. He felt like he had been corned by her like prey in front of a predator. “How about tonight? Let’s go with me to…”   Rosalyn didn’t finish her line. Suddenly, someone knocked on the nursery door from the outside. If Galen remembered, the voice of that person sounded like from Roman. “Professor Kilian, you are having a summoning request from the academic council to confirm the list of admitted students.” “Tell them I’m now busy, please. I’ll come in 10 minutes.” Rosalyn led her voice to the nursery door. “But professor, the council is needing you immediately.” Was it Galen, or he just hear a small “tsk” noise caused by Rosalyn earlier? “I got it.” Then she stepped backward and released Galen “Gerald Barrister, I’ll catch you up later, meow~”   After confirming that Rosalyn had been left, Galen suddenly saw Roman entering the nursery room. But why was he acting so sneakily? Was he trying to hide his sister? What Galen was surprised the most… It was Frank! Frank was following him as well! “Frank, Roman?” Galen opened his eyes widely “What are you two doing?” “Thanks Galadriel, that she believed what I said so I can see you. Gerald, from now on, I have to tell you that you and your friend Liana are in danger now!!”   What Roman said was like lighting cracking beside his ears. Without letting Roman explain further, he already knew something happened to Liana! “What?!” Galen shouted. He grabbed Roman’s noble collar and angrily stared at him. Also, Roman earlier just called Liana by her real name. So, he might have already known their identity “Tell me, what is your queen is going to do with my friend?!!!” “Wait wait, Galen!!! Let him explain!!” Frank stopped Galen “It was me who told Roman everything about us since he wanted to help us!” “What do you mean, Frank?”   Roman told Galen everything happened after he got anesthetized by Rosalyn’s magic effect… Liana was currently being prisoned in the central cathedral which was located on the highest floor of the Mothien academy. The queen and Rosalyn – his sister were working together in order to research Liana’s draconic rage. They were going to use her as a tool for the war if they could successfully remove her memory. Hearing that, Galen went silent. It was completely his fault for being unable to stop her rage. “This is not too late yet since their project is still ongoing, prince of Tredia.” Roman explained, “Also, you need to be careful for yourself than worrying for Liana right now.” “That’s a little nonsense? Why do I have to prioritize my safety first while Liana is in danger?” Galen asked “Also, let’s say that Liana is going to be the object for Queen Meriss’s project, how can a new student like you know so well this such high-secret thing like that?” What Roman said afterward shocked Galen… “Because… both Rosalyn and I are Queen Meriss’s children.”   More accurately, Rosalyn and Roman were a pair of siblings who were born from Queen Meriss’s alchemic creation, by combining the DNA from two different races: A half-beast cat and a succubus. Since succubus had been extinct a long time ago and the only way to keep that race’s survivability was by combining their gene with another race, that was how Rosalyn and Roman were created. That explained why Galen would feel weirdly attracted by Rosalyn, it was because she was using charm – a skill from her succubus bloodline to seduce Galen. Rosalyn loved Galen to the point that she would never let anyone who stopped her, even her own little brother. She could even kill Liana, even Galen is possible just for being with him… Rosalyn was a psychopath, Roman understood that and it was totally fine for him to be abused by her. However, he couldn’t stand himself seeing her madness causing danger to other people. “I’m a male. So even if I have a gene of succubus, there isn’t any difference. But my sister is slowly being eaten by her own instinct of lust.” Roman said “I will try my best to support you in this academy, to save Liana and help you both get out of this dangerous kingdom.”   Seeing Roman’s serious eyes, Galen eventually understood everything about those siblings’ drama. He couldn’t help himself, let his hand patting on Roman’s fluffy hair like petting a big cat. “Thank you so much for caring about us, Roman.” “You saved my life earlier, Prince of Tredia. That’s why I have to pay you back.” Galen guessed maybe Roman meant the moment where he was rescued and healed in the arena battlefield when fighting against Liana? “However, even after rescuing Liana, we cannot leave your kingdom yet.” Galen said “Since we are here for an important objective.” “Yes, your friend Frank had told me everything, all of you are after The Core of Iresthea right?” … Galen face-palmed while looking at Frank. How can he be so careless and tell everything to an unknown person… “Faerin can see through the soul of the human. Why the hell are you blaming me?!” Frank spouted “I can see his aura energy has a bright color so I trusted him, while his sister… urghh! She terrified me that I’ve got goosebumps now!!” “Please trust me, I won’t leak your secret to my mother and sister. I understand that we need to end this chaotic era, by gathering all the three guardians of the Frelanna forest together. As long as Galadriel isn’t with us, this world’s crisis would be going more direly.” “Alright, I trust you.” Galen gave Roman a smile “And please, don’t call me Prince of Tredia anymore. Call me Galen.” “My pleasure, Galen.” That was how Galen had got for himself a second ally as his companion – Roman Kilian. Even Galen never expected that… his cat-eared timid guy would play a huge role for Galen in order to accomplish his life mission to resurrect Galadriel…   *** Galen’s POV ***   One week later, it was our time to enter the academy as the official students of Mothien Academy. “According to the result from the Duel Entrance test when I was fighting with Liana, I’m also classed as S Rank as well.” “If that, we have to be more careful, Roman.” I whispered beside him while we were walking through the corridor made by beautiful crystalized ore “Rosalyn wouldn’t leave you alive if she found that we are being close together, am I right?” “Actually, it’s ok to me if I’m with you. But she will kill me if she finds out that I hurt you.”   Then isn’t it a little easier for us now? I thought. In this case, I would just let Roman not be involved in my mess around when doing my mission? While walking through the corridor, I was losing myself in my own though and didn’t notice the crowd staring at us. “Aren’t they… the S rank students..??” “Yes no doubt! Look at their green cravat…” “Careful, don’t let them notice us…”   Currently, Roman and I were wearing the uniform with a white shirt and black long pants. However, what they noticed from us the most was the combo of our coat with the symbol of Saganite religion and the light green cravat. Within this academy’s environment, S Rank students would automatically become superior and they would receive all of the best benefits provided by the academy: The best classroom, a personal dorm at the academic residence, even personal tutors, etc. According to Queen Meriss’s teaching, S Rank students were the future leaders of the kingdoms so they would be respected in the same hierarchic rank with the noble as well. It also explained how the noble system of this kingdom was never stable. Sometimes… there would be an excellent student who came from a farmer family and they already can join in the noble and serve under the queen in just one year. Roman told me that it actually happened too, but to a human who could surpass the power of the weredragons, it was totally impossible, unless they were the gifted children being blessed by the dragons or the goddess to have an abnormal superpower.   “Wait!” I was wowed “Something like that can happen?” “Yeah Galen, 15 years ago this academy received this special case before if I remember.” Roman answered “I heard that she was a princess from another kingdom named Dilimeth… Ah yes, Dilimeth! She is blessed by the leader of the aquaruses and surprisingly very powerful, even stronger than any one of us back then.” Heh… I became more curious about this princess. So after 15 years, where is she right now? “I don’t know. The academic record said that after 4 years studying here and graduating, she is supposed to be invited to become the noble in Mothien Palace but… she suddenly disappeared, without any trace.” That’s unbelievable…! “Like her existence had been vaporized...”   Roar! While we were discussing, suddenly, a dragon flew through the academy window, right at the place where we were standing at. “I think it’s better if we stop talking about it now.” Roman then called me to keep going “I almost forgot. Those dragons… are my mother’s drones in order to monitor everything from within this kingdom…” Now I understood how Rosalyn could find out what we are going to do, it was thanks to the dragons who kept creepily flying on the sky like a crowd of vultures. The more I saw them, the more I felt uncomfortable by their soulless eyes and kept following Roman to the classroom. There was a detail that I could be sure of: Those dragons were completely different than the wild ones that I used to encounter, than Liana. But to explain why I did feel like that… I really don’t know. Perhaps, maybe it’s just my imagination?   Entering the classroom, there were only 8 students being present so everything was so silent. Roman and I just entered and we had already sensed a pressured atmosphere covering both of us. The other S Rank students even didn’t look at us once. Some were reading books, some were writing something. As a prince, I had never gone to the academy before. Is this how a class in the academy looks like?! Suddenly, my body was frozen when I was seeing a familiar image that was sitting from afar. That smooth long pink hair, that iconic odd-eyes color with dragon ears… It’s Liana!! Thanks Goddess she is fine!!   Without thinking anything, I rushed to her seat and wanted to see her again. Liana was chatting with another guy who was sitting behind her. She then stopped when seeing me. “Lia… Sorry, Alice!!” I was happy that almost called her real name in the classroom “I’m so glad to see you okay!”   However, Liana was just staring at me and asked me an unexpected question. “…who are you?”
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