Chap 25: Queen Meriss

2569 Words
“Liana!! Stop!!!” Galen rushed forward to the arena area. At this rate, he was afraid that she was going to blow up the entire academy…   “Tsk! This is no good!! She is out of control?!” Meanwhile, at Roman’s side, he believed that he couldn’t avoid this killing machine that was losing control in front of him. He looked around, thousands of civilians’ lives were even around so there would be no time left to evacuate them anymore. The only way… he had to confront her and deal with it was by himself. In order to do that, he had to use his ace…   With the rapier being rose up, Roman shouted to the sky. “Magic Codex – Tier 4: The Call of Sabatos!!” A blow of wind was summoned from the broken sanctuary, causing a tornado roaring to the sky with Liana’s cry. The thunder from the black-colored cloud cracked to the ground, where Roman was standing and concentrated at the point of his rapier. Roman currently was like an antenna to attract the light to him and turned his rapier into a lightsaber, covered with high voltage of electric which could burn alive almost living beings at Tier 4 or lower. That was right… It was Roman’s true power. Even he himself never expected that he should show his ace so soon like this. But in this such urgent case which could threaten the lives of thousands of people at the same time, he had no other choice. … In semi-dragon form and being taken over by her own draconic instinct, Liana’s Aura Sensibility ability allowed her to notice the overwhelming aura energy from Roman. She gave him a glance with widely opened eyes, then roared like a raging dragon. She stomped her legs on the heated arena to gain momentum, rushed to Roman with her ignited fangs being covered by her own lava.   BAM!! Liana and Roman impact on each other, caused a hated tornado to cover the entire arena that frightened the crowd of the audience. “Everyone, RUN!!” However, Roman was buying enough time for the judges to help evacuate them outside of the arena…   In the flow of people, there was a person who kept pushing to run in the reverse direction, toward the battlefield. It was Galen. “Galen, you’re here!!” “Frank!!” Eventually, Galen and Frank reunited in the chaos of the people. “This is crazy!! Liana is going crazy now!!” “I know! She was swallowed by her own dragon’s instinct!!” Galen shouted, “I know her the best, I’ll stop her!” “Wait for me, Galen!! I will follow you too!!” Frank flew with Galen “I know the way to go the arena!” “Guide me please!!”   ***   Even with Tier 5 magic spell, Roman was stunned that the overwhelming pressure from Liana’s power was enough to endure his attack. At the battlefield, the lighting from Roman’s rapier kept being summoned from the sky, caused the terrifying series of explosive noises, and cracked the stoned arena. However, Liana still didn’t have any sign to calm herself back. She kept attacking Roman as if she had to kill him at any cost! Bang! Bang!! The lighting and the fire combined with each other caused chaos in the academy’s arena and they were the results of two teenagers only.   Roman was fighting with Liana. Suddenly… “Cough!” Roman was going to cast his next magic spell to fight against Liana. However, blood got splatted from his mouth and the dizziness attacked his head for a split second. Roman had already reached his own limit and his aura energy was nearly exhausted. While being weakened… Bam! Liana’s dragon claw hit directly Roman and sent him flying, out of the arena's border. His body directly impacted the wall of the arena. The building collapsed right where he was falling at… “Roar!!” Liana even got exhausted from the duel earlier with Roman. However, she was still strong enough to stand up. She moved her footstep heavily, slowly to Roman who was severely injured. She inhaled a long breath. A fire magic ball appeared and gathered right in her hands and she shot it forward to finish Roman. At this moment, he thought that his life had been done for. However, being dead like this was totally worth it, he thought, since his wish to witness and duel with a weredragon was a wish in his life. Roman closed his eyes, ready to let fate decide his life…   BOOM!! The heat covered his face. However, he was surprised, why didn’t he feel the fire burning his body. Liana’s fire magic ball didn’t hit him? Roman opened his eyes. Surprisingly, an image of a boy standing in front of his collapsed body. It was he who stopped Liana’s magic earlier by casting a barrier to protect both of them. “Are you okay?! HEAL!!!” It was Galen. He was casting a magic spell to heal Roman. In an instant, he could feel the pain had disappeared. Even his aura energy had been back to him. Ah… Roman remembered. That platinum hair boy with graceful aura energy of the greenery was the one that his sister Rosalyn mentioned earlier. “Hey Gerald!” Roman rushed to Galen without knowing his real name, who was approaching Liana “Don’t gamble your life here, you will die for sure!” “Please don’t worry about me. I know her better than anyone.” Galen answered “But I will be going to need your help to stop her rampage since I don’t have enough aura energy to fight her when she’s losing control. You will attack, while I’ll heal you.” “...I understand!! Count on you!!!” That was how Galen and Roman were standing next to each other. In front of them, Liana was looking at them with her monstrous red eyes, ready to attack two of them if she had a chance. ... Eventually, Liana flew up to the sky. Galen and Roman were stunned as they realized that she was going to summon the rain of meteors. To Galen, she used to use this skill on him during the training before. He could counter her attack by using Regeneration on himself for self-healing. However, if that, he couldn’t save Roman since Regeneration is effective for one person only! “Don’t worry, bro. Thanks to your heal, I have enough aura energy to cast this again.” It was the sanctuary of wind. Roman’s rapier stopped absorbing the lighting and changed into a beautiful cyan mode. He cast magic, a magic pattern immediately got summoned right beneath his standing place and created a giant magic pattern. This is one of his special skills: As long as Roman was standing within this sanctuary, he would be safe. Roman would reduce greatly the damage taken thanks to the blessing of the wind. However, this skill had a drawback, the perfect immune effect is only affected as long as Roman stayed within the sanctuary area. If he stepped out of the sanctuary area, the effect wouldn’t be effective and his defense would be as fragile as a normal human. Without that sanctuary, he would die under Liana’s rampage from the start, who could even break his blessing of wind. As Liana’s meteors were ready to fall to Galen and Roman. They were ready to cast their own special skill: “Regeneration!!” “Magic Codex – Tier 4: The Call of Sabatos!!!”   In the chaos of the fire, the wind and the green light of healing combined together. Galen looked at Liana… “Please, Liana. Remember who you are…”   ***   “Children! That’s enough!!” Suddenly, there was a voice of a strange woman echoing from the sky. Galen didn’t know who was that and where it was from. However, in the reverse, Roman knew this person very well and his body went frozen, as hard as stone when hearing that voice. Galen and Roman didn’t have enough time to react since they were distracted countering Liana’s rain of meteors. A ray of white light flashed to their eyes and blurred their vision for a few seconds. Then, everything had turned back to be so quiet, so silent… Liana’s roaring sound even got disappeared instantly as if she had been shut down. As that flash of light had gone away, Galen witnessed on the sky… Liana’s rampage had been stopped. She changed back into her normal form and fell into a coma. Her immobilized body was miraculously floating on the air and slowly falling down, in the arms of that stranger.   The woman who shouted earlier had looking and atmosphere of a noble madame, with the diamond crown on her green-colored hair which had been elegantly tied into a bun. Her silver eyes looked at sleeping Liana in her arms, with a gentle glance like a mother to her daughter. She was flying in the sky, so Galen didn’t notice that she also had a pair of dragon ears. She was wearing a set of luxury costumes with light green color, matched with her hair’s color tone. Next to her, professor Rosalyn was flying behind her. “Meow, I think even I wouldn’t be able to stop this. That’s why I had to call her here.” Rosalyn said. However, Galen could feel she was like a different person as she changed to serious mode. Galen didn’t understand what happened, Roman had already kneeled down. “Your Highness, I deeply apologize for letting you intervene into my own personal trouble!!”   Wait… Wait a minute!! Galen looked at Roman then at the woman. If Roman said her as “highness”, was she the queen of Mothien Kingdom, also the principal of this academy?! “It was nothing, my child.” The queen said with gentle voice “I know you children won’t be able to deal with this. This little girl has a powerful draconic power. You have made me proud of you for being able to stop her and helped everyone evacuate at time.” “…My honor to receive your compliment, Your Highness.” To Galen, he didn’t understand why he could feel overwhelming aura energy spreading from her that gave him a chill to the spine. She is so strong… Galen thought while being speechless. He guessed, that woman… might be the one who owned a Tier 7 aura power that Saeza had warned him before? However, according to her behavior and her voice, except for her powerful power, Galen didn’t notice any threatening atmosphere from her. In the reverse, she is gentle and a kind person, like a mother… that even got respected by both Roman and Rosalyn. Galen then noticed something not right: Roman’s cat ears were being pulled backward and his tail was hidden between his legs when kneeling. He was scared? Galen wondered. But why? “Thank you, Rosalyn, for reporting me at time to prevent further damage.” “My appreciation, Your Highness.” “Now.” Her eyes then looked at Liana “Would you please bring this girl to the cathedral so I can cure her?” “Yes, Your Highness.” Wait, Galen could heal her, so let him do it instead! “Pardon me!” Galen called. At this moment, the queen just noticed him and looked at him, from his face to his legs. “Oh, I think I haven’t seen you before. What’s your name? And you did call me for something?” “I’m Gerald Barrister, a transferred student from a far country, as professor Kilian had reported you about.” Maybe Galen used to be a prince, so he could confront the queen with confidence. This fact even surprised Roman who was kneeling next to him. “Oh, oh! I know who you are now... Trading back, I’ll introduce you to my name as well” The queen smiled when she remembered “I’m Meriss – Queen of Mothien Kingdom, also the leader of Saganite cathedral and the principal of this academy. So, you want to tell me something?” “Yes, on behalf of my friend Alice Valentine, I want to apologize for the trouble she had caused to your kingdom. However, I would like you to give her back to me so I can heal…”   Suddenly, Rosalyn threw Galen her spooky creepy eyes as she heard the “heal” word from Galen. And the ray of the green light slowly glowed from his heart, it was the effect of Galadriel’s seed inlaid at Galen’s chest. Sneaking behind the queen, Rosalyn instantly cast her magic and pointed her finger right at Galen’s forehead, and urged him to fall asleep. “Ga… Gerald!! What happened to you??!!” Frank panicked at seeing Galen suddenly collapsing on the ground. “Huh?” However, the queen knew who just did it “What’s wrong, my little Rosalyn?” “It was nothing, Your Highness” Rosalyn responded, while calmly bowing down “I think it’s better if you bring Alice to the cathedral for the recovery. About Gerald, I will directly take care of him.” “Well, I’ll count on you then.”   After that, the queen disappeared and brought Liana away from Galen, leaving Roman and Rosalyn at the chaotic ruins of the academic arena. However, miraculously, with just a single magic spell from Rosalyn, everything within this scenery was like being time-reversed. The fragments of the ruined building floated on the air and gathered back to their original state. The whole arena was completely recovered as if nothing happened with a flick of her finger.   Rosalyn’s heels knocked on the stone floor as she stepped her foot on the ground. She walked to Roman and Galen’s place. “Sister. Why did you do that…” Without letting Roman finish his sentence... Bang!! “Ah!!” Rosalyn mercilessly gave a Roman a brutal kick right at his head and knocked him away. “Hey! What?!” Frank was shocked by that act earlier of hers. He shouted to Rosalyn “What have you done?! Roman is your little brother right?? Why did you do that to him?!!” “Shut up, you Faerin over there.” Rosalyn gave Frank a glance that scared him away. Then, she directed her eyes to Roman. “Thank me for not killing you, you useless brat, meow.” Rosalyn stared at Roman with a psychopath’s eyes “You have just burdened our mother, you know? And what else, you almost let my toy be in danger.”   Rosalyn lowered her little body down next to Galen and rubbed his hair. “Since that girlfriend of his is taken care of by our mother, I have already got rid of that hindrance to be close with him, meow hehe…” Roman and Frank went speechless when seeing his sister looking at Galen with the heart marked on her irises…   Deep inside Roman’s thought, he thought that his abusive sister had gone too far now! At any cost, he had to get both Gerald and Alice (the fake name of Galen and Liana) out of this kingdom, before everything would become too late!!
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