Chap 27: The beginning of student's life

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A few days ago… “Rosalyn, how is the plan now?” “Smoothly gone, mother.”   Saying this place was the central cathedral, where the throne of Queen Meriss resides, it was indeed magnificent. If on the floor was the dark red color of elegance from the carpets, on the ceiling it was a glass dome which could witness the bright light of the blue sky, where countless dragons flying above. In this huge throne hall made of light green crystals, there was only one woman who was sitting on the stage. Behind her, there was a giant waterfall dropping water on the large lake, being built around the throne and forming a circle shape, as if this was her own untouchable sanctuary.   In front of her, Rosalyn was kneeling in front of her throne and reported the project’s progress. She was mentioned about Liana – a weredragon with huge potential and mysterious discovery that Queen Meriss never knew about. “Have you finished confirming the origin of that girl?” “My deep apology to say that until now, I cannot identify where she is from yet.” “It doesn’t matter, my child. We still have enough time to launch our plan.” Queen Meriss said while raising her hand forward to give forgiveness to Rosalyn “Your contribution to remove her memory is already successful enough for the first step of our plan. We get experience this time, we cannot let us do the same mistake like 15 years ago.” “My honor to receive your generous kindness to this child, Mother.”   Also, there was a question that Queen Meriss wanted to ask about. “How about the reward that you requested me? Are you sure that you just want it?” “Yes, that’s already enough for me.” Rosalyn responded. Her lips showed a smile “That Gerald boy… as long as he is with me. I’ll do everything as your order.” “This is interesting.”   Sitting on the throne, Queen Meriss snapped her fingers. Another space dimension had been opened just right at her tender hand. She picked from there a paper scroll, which mentioned the profile of Galen who was having a current name was Gerald Barrister. However, the profile picture from Galen made Queen Meriss knit her eyebrows for a second. Was it she or she felt like she had seen this face somewhere before? Someone that she used to respect… a very long time ago that she couldn’t remember anymore. “What’s the matter, mother?” “Sorry, my child. It was nothing. I guess you are interested in that child and want me to class him to S Rank, everything had been well settled and I’m glad you are happy for it.” Queen Meriss’s dragon ears slightly moved as she heard Rosalyn’s speech. She gave Rosalyn a gentle smile of a mother, then she continued “Well, since the classtime is ready, it’s better if you should go to the second floor now. About the project, take your time to finish it. We will meet again at this noon.” “I understand.”   As Rosalyn left the central cathedral floor, Queen Meriss slowly moved her body. The royal costume she was wearing was being dragged on the crystalized floor as she kept walking, until the center of the room. Her eyes looked on the highest point of the ceiling dome, where there was a craving portrait of a beautiful woman holding a giant bow in the middle of all kinds of species being craved around her. Right at her heart, there was something sparkling a ray of green light and highlighted the blue color of the sky. It was The Core of Iresthea – The Guardian of Species. “At least we have gone this far…” Quen Meriss mumbled “As a queen of this powerful Mothien Kingdom, I have to eliminate everything threatening my idealism.”   ***   “…excuse me but… have we known each other before?” At this moment, Galen just desperately wished that Liana was just joking with him… An undescribed feeling was slowly eating his chest that gave him an unmeasurable pain. He was shocked, that his mind stopped thinking and kept standing in front of Liana for a while. The worst-case immediately popped up in Galen’s thought: As Roman said, Queen Meriss might have removed Liana’s memory! “No… it can’t be…” Galen mumbled. Just a hope! The last hope! He wanted to ask her a question! Galen told Liana while his heart was pounding and itching his chest “Alice, you…”   “Hey, stop please. You are frightening her, you know?” Someone grabbed Galen’s shoulder and stopped him. It was that guy whose Liana talked with earlier. He was twice more muscular and bigger than Galen’s body, stared at him with his threatening eyes.   But he was wrong when thinking that Galen would give up just because of that. “Step out from my business, fat one.” Galen glared at him. “WHAT?! You need to be taught a lesson!!” That guy went triggered and rose his fist to Galen’s face direction. However, to Galen, his movement was easy to read and predict thanks to the training of Saeza. Without panic, his hand calmly received the fist of that guy, spun it and pushed to the ground…. BANG! The other students were stunned. Their eyes couldn’t see anything until they realized that guy had been already lying on the floor with a confused face. “Sorry, it was you who caused trouble with me first.” Galen said, then he faced to Liana. Huh? Where did she go?   Her voice caught Galen’s attention. It can’t be… she was approaching that guy. “Aye! Belor, Are you okay?!” Seeing that Belor guy got his wrist broken by Galen, Liana then blamed him “You are Gerald, right? Let me tell you something. From now on, we can be classmates, but don’t act like we have known each other, you stalking creep!”   Galen felt like his heart just got fatally damaged when Liana told him a ‘talking creep’. “But…” “If you hurt my friend again, I’ll turn into dragon and kill you immediately.” Galen couldn’t say anything, just could watch Liana… who had become another person guiding Belor out of the class to go to the nursery building. She didn’t forget to tell the other students to give her permission, to take a leave during the first class. This feeling was like the moment where he was rejected by his adopted father. He was not ready to experience it one more time. Worse, it was from his own best friend – Liana. “Galen…” Frank had already witnessed everything by looking at the window of the classroom. Meanwhile, at Roman’s side, he didn’t get better than Galen when got surrounded by a group of three student girls. Galen looked at helpless Roman and didn’t have any mood to save him. He ignored all the looks of the students, chose his seat at the corner of the class, as furthest from Liana’s seat as possible. Galen thought, maybe it could be the only thing he could currently do right now. During the whole class time, Rosalyn was teaching the students, while never forgetting to throw her flirting eyes at Galen once every five minutes. Every time like that, Galen would avoid her and continue writing in the notebook.   He looked at the empty seat of Liana and clenched his fist. At any cost, he would defeat the Queen, rescue Liana and help her get back her memory!   ***   At the lunch time… Galen ate his lunch in depression, like a soulless person in the cafeteria zone for S Rank student, which separated with the other rank students by a layer of the glass wall. However, the current sad look of his accidentally caught the attention of the other student girls from afar. Not only that, they were surprised more as they saw Roman, who also joined him as well and sat at the opposite of him. Well, it’s explainable, Galen lazily thought while looking at them. Roman had succubus’s bloodline and he’s a boy, so he unintentionally would attract them… “The food at Mothien doesn’t suit your taste, Galen…?” Roman’s cat ears lowered down to express his sadness. “Galen… Do you hear me?” But Galen didn’t respond. “Galen!” “Ah! I’m so sorry! I just lost in my thought!!” Galen was panicky when Roman shouted his name. Luckily, currently, there was no one in the S Rank cafeteria yet so no one found out his real name. Most of them still wanted to study more by going to the library instead, even including Liana. Both Galen and Roman were awkwardly silent, only the particular cat purring sound from Roman… “…my bad too.” Roman then lifted his coat “Also Galen, I brought this little friend of yours to join us as well.” Frank then flew out from Roman’s coat. “Oh, Frank!” Galen got back his mood when seeing his friend and rubbed him “Thank you, Roman. This academy doesn’t allow to let any species in. How could you bring him here…?” “Everyone having Queen Meriss’s bloodline will have a special magic skill, which allows us to open another space dimension. That was how I could hide Frank there.” Roman smiled as he saw Galen go happier “Until now, only Queen Meriss, my sister Rosalyn and I can do that.” “Hehe! Surprise, right? I saw everything happened before the first class time so wanna cheer you up.” Frank then showed his tiny thumbs-up to Roman “Hey Roman, next time can I sleep in your dimension?! There is an amazing smell inside!!” “Maybe you meant the smell from catnip? Sure of course hahaha. We both are cat-related right?” “Yay! Hehehe!!!”   Seeing Roman Frank being close so quickly, Galen didn’t understand why he could feel an eased peace. It was like he was seeing himself and Frank being a pair of close friends like this before. “Thank you, Frank. Seeing you, I feel like I’m getting better too.” Galen just realized that… since he became a student of Mothien Academy, his time to spend with Frank would be less often. Galen kept smiling when he could hear the noisy voice of Frank echoing in his hear again. “That’s really unlike the usual Galen that I have known.” Frank pulled a piece of vegetable from Galen’s meal and ate it “Galen, if you want to save Liana, it’s better if you need to stay strong first right?” Yes, Galen knew it. However, he just didn’t understand why he did feel so depressed when Liana couldn’t remember anything of him? Even when Liana was with another guy, Galen felt uncomfortable… …wait a minute. Galen questioned himself. Was he jealous? “That appeared clearly on your face and I knew it from the start.” Frank pinched Galen's blushed cheeks. “… I think… I cannot hide anything from Frank anymore.” Galen smirked. He couldn’t help himself, slapped his red face on the desk surface. This is embarrassing! He thought while screaming from the inside “Yes! You are right! I like Liana!! And…” “Told you, Faerin can see the human’s soul color so you cannot escape from my eyes, hehehe!” Frank laughed with confidence “If you like her, it’s actually a chance for you.” “What do you mean a chance?” “You can see that this is a rebeginning of yours to build a relationship with her.” Frank answered “You two were friends in the past, so it’s harder to confess. Now, let’s give my idea a try. But of course, remember your objective here as well: We will rebuild our relationship with Liana, while trying to find a way to achieve the Core of Iresthea at the same time.” “I agree with Frank too.” Roman gently encouraged Galen by staying at Frank’s side “If you need something, Frank and I can help you.” “Right! That’s right, hehehe!! Roman, I WANT MORE CATNIP!!” “Okay Frank, haha!!” Galen was watching those two cats sniffing catnip together and couldn’t help himself, burst laughing when seeing their funny faces when being drunk.     ***   After getting encouraged by Frank, Galen became more focusing on the class. Sometimes he saw Liana chatting with other friends, he felt lonely and disappointed at first. But the feeling had completely gone as Roman and Frank tried to distract him by guiding him to visit the entire academy area. Galen appreciated their effort to make him happy, so he followed them. “Heal!” The other students looked at Galen with sparkly eyes as they witnessed an S Rank student volunteer healing another student, when she accidentally fell from the bookshelves.   “Thank you so much!” Her voice was exciting and timid at the same time when she saw the green cravat on Galen’s uniform. “Don’t mind, glad I can heal you.” “Wooo!!!”   The crowd cheered for Galen, brought him an unfamiliar yet satisfying feeling. This is completely different than when he was at Tredia, it’s the first time when everyone loves his healing skill. “I can’t believe… First-year of S Rank have this such kindhearted guy…?” “I cannot help, I’m falling in him now!! He is so cute and handsome too!!” Galen could hear what they said, but pretended to not hear anything. Otherwise, he couldn’t find any hole to put his face in due to the embarrassment.   But, his attention then got caught to the scenery outside of the window. He had been in Mothien Academy for a week and he didn’t notice… Why is there a huge hole located in the middle of the academy? Galen got fascinated when seeing it, it must have a diameter as huge as a stadium. He got shivered when looking down, it was so deep, so dark and he didn’t see anything. “What is that?” Galen asked Roman. “It’s the Saganite Valley.” Roman answered “And this is where the dragons in Mothien Kingdom were born.” “Oh wow…” So according to Galen’s guess. There must be a nest of the dragons beneath that deep abyss? “I’m not sure about that.” Seeing Roman being curious made Galen feel a little strange. Even as a noble like Roman, he didn’t know anything about this hole? “Yeah, because I haven’t been mature yet, like my sister Rosalyn and just a student. So, I’m limited to know the cathedral’s activity.” “I see…” Galen looked at the hole for the last time. Then, he didn’t mind about it anymore and followed Roman.   ***   Eventually, it’s noon time and it was Galen’s time to go back to the dormitory. Roman was inviting him to have dinner together, but he wanted to take a bath first… “What a long day today…” Galen gave a sigh while unbuttoning his uniform shirt “At this such hour, I bet no one will…” When Galen opened the door to go to the pool area, Galen’s body got frozen for… …1 second, …2 seconds, …3 seconds. It was Liana! She was even inside the bathing pool as well!! “KYAAHHH!!!!”
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