Chap 28: The scars and the dragon claw

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“Wait, listen to me! I can explain!” “DIE!!” Without thinking anything, Galen got shocked when Liana immediately stood up from the pool with her n***d body and used one of her ultimate skills: Dragon Rush to Galen. During this moment, Galen even didn’t have the time to think that despite she had lost memory, how she could still remember the skill that he and she used to learn when they were training together in the past. Liana never used this skill before since it had destructive damage that could even kill a human. When she decided to use it to someone, she was dead serious she wanted to kill that person! The water got vaporized as Liana’s heated aura energy was concentrated and surrounded around her. “Hah!!” She rushed to him, while raising her fist. The fire was marked on her iris with an epic determination. But this is not the time to give her a compliment now! She is going to kill him! Galen looked behind the door. Actually, he could run now. But if that, Liana and he could attract the attention from the outside if they suddenly caused the damage to the academy building. He bit his lips, control his nosebleed and was ready to receive Liana’s Dragon Rush right at his face.   Seeing Galen didn’t have any resist act, Liana gasped. Her raging eyes suddenly widely opened she stopped her ignited fist right in front of Galen’s face, distanced by a few centimeters only. Galen felt like this was so similar when he surrendered in front of Kris one year ago. However, different than back then, he would totally have the capability to stop her but… “Why didn’t you fight back…?” Liana knit her eyebrows, stared at Galen. However, something from her saddened him: After losing memory, Liana’s voice tone even changed as well, as if she had become a completely different person – Alice. At this moment, Galen realized that it’d be better if he should treat her as Alice too. Frank was right, he could rebegin relationship with her. “…that’s because I don’t want us to be troubled for causing a ruckus inside the academy’s area.” He inhaled, calmed down himself, looked directly at Liana’s eyes and responded. Then, he turned his back, took the uniform shirt and left the bathroom. At this moment, Liana noticed countless scars marked on his muscular yet elegant body.   “Excuse me, your body…” Liana went silent when seeing Galen’s back and asked him with a calm tone “What happened to your back? And your scars…” Galen sighed, feeling like someone just punched hardly right at his heart. Of course, those scars were the proof of the past Liana who was training with him non-stop at Frelanna Island, when she hadn’t lost her memory… His inner thought had been torn apart if he should say it or not for a few seconds. Then, he decided to choose… “Later, after dinner time, will you be free?” “… yes. For what?” “Is it ok if we can have a little time to hear my story?”   ***   At the dinner time, Roman and Frank were witnessing a completely different side of Galen: He was eating dinner while drawing?! Frank tried to take a peek at what Galen was drawing: Oh! He was drawing Liana’s portrait! “Something had advanced your relationship? Galen?!” “Oh, Frank, and Roman.” Galen smiled and gave Roman a bro-fist when seeing him “Not gonna lie, something did happen between us and Liana somehow agreed to have a talk with me.” “Oh wow!! I knew you can do it hahaha I’m so proud of you, kid!!” Frank happily hugged and messed with Galen’s platinum hair.   “Galen, how did you do that?” …Galen blushed when hearing Roman’s question. But after all, he couldn’t hide them anything and decided to tell them everything that happened back then… “…I accidentally stepped into female’s bathroom.” Galen awkwardly mumbled so that only Roman and Frank could hear him. Otherwise, other people would see him as a p*****t for the freaking sure, if they could hear it! “Hehehe, our little Galen had grown up I see.” Frank slyly smirked. “Told you it was just an accident.” Galen shut Frank up by filling his mouth with food. “By the way, Galen. I don’t think drawing Liana in the public like this wouldn’t be a good idea. Because…”   What Roman was afraid had eventually happened. His sister – Rosalyn… since when had she appeared right behind the boys’ back. “Hello my lovely Gerald and Roman, meow~ Do you two have a good dinner?” “Oh, professor! Ye… yes! The dinner today is delicious!!” Roman rapidly took Liana’s draw from Galen’s hand and hide it behind him. But nothing could escape Rosalyn’s eyes. With a snap of a finger, Galen’s drawing had disappeared from Roman’s hand and appeared in her hand. “Oh ya~ That was a cute drawing, meow hehe. It was drawn by you right, Gerald? I really love it, can I take it as a souvenir? Oh anyway, do you wanna have a…” She approached her lips beside Galen’s ears “…private dinner with me?”   Galen currently didn’t have enough power to fight against Rosalyn yet. It would be better if he could do something to refuse her while not triggering her because he had already promised Liana that he would see her after dinner time. Galen swallowed his saliva, let’s gamble! “…yes, professor. You can take it.” Galen answered “But after dinner, I have to do homework so I’m sorry if I cannot attempt your invitation.” “Oh meow, as expected from S Rank student! If you say so, I’ll respect your decision then.” Is that easy?! Even Galen himself was surprised as well. But of course, he had to be careful at the same time, since it could be a trap from her. “And can I take your drawing picture as well?” “Sure, of course, professor.”   Galen gave his drawing picture to Rosalyn. He released a relieved sigh when Rosalyn eventually left his dinner seat, in front of the nervous faces of Roman, Frank and other students. Simply, standing from outside, they could feel she was releasing the evil atmosphere of possession surrounding her. Only Galen didn’t notice it. While leaving the cafeteria, Rosalyn bit her tooth. By her magic, Liana’s drawn slowly got burned into the ash in her hand and went vanished into the air. It seemed she had to be more eventual. Otherwise, she would lose Galen from Liana… That weredragon girl… actually, she could get rid of her already to keep Galen for herself. But she couldn’t do that since it was her agreement with the queen. Liana is the important object for the kingdom’s project, she couldn’t do anything! “Gerald, how can I do so you can pay attention to me, meow…?” Rosalyn mumbled.   *** Galen’s POV ***   After the dinner, I pushed myself to the rendezvous point with Liana, which was located at the greenhouse at the academy’s southeast garden. I carefully put our meeting point there in order to avoid Rosalyn’s eyes sticking on me. I bet at this such place like this, she would never think that I would go there at this such hour. “According to Rosalyn’s working schedule, she is having dinner with the queen on the fifth floor. She won’t notice you on the first floor so just go with Liana.” I remembered what Roman told me just a few minutes ago. Having him as Rosalyn’s little brother was so convenient for me, so I could secretly act as my wish without being noticed by her!   While stepping at the crystalized route at the academy’s garden, a drop of water fell on my uniform shoulder. Then two drops, three drops… Ah, this is bad, the rain was slowly falling and I didn’t prepare myself an umbrella… Finally, I have arrived at the door of the greenhouse. As I opened it, Liana had been waiting for me there. Under the moonlight, she was elegantly sitting at the bench with the female uniform costume. Her beautiful odd-color eyes were looking at the ceiling of the greenhouse and watching the raindrops with a romantic look. Ah… I’m so glad that she had come!   “Eh, Gerald!” She noticed me as I came close to her. She wiped my face with her handkerchief “Aye, why didn’t you bring the umbrella? You are completely wet right now.” “Thank you. I’m not the type who let a lady wait for me.” Was it because of the cold weather outside? I just realized how warm Liana’s hand was. If she was Liana in the past, she wouldn’t be thoughtful of me like this and would say: “Here, your towel and wipe out by yourself!” I didn’t understand why despite the one standing in front of me wasn’t the Liana that I had ever known, I felt like my heart had been warmed up once again. “I have been thinking about your act earlier at the bathroom. You didn’t look at my body, but my eyes instead. It seems you aren’t a stalking creep as I thought.” Her eyes were gorgeously glittering under the moonlight and looked at me. She then bowed down “I’m sorry for blaming you this morning.” “No, Lia… Sorry, Alice. I don’t mind it after all.” I smiled, feeling an eased peace filling my heart “How about we go to our main topic right now?” “Aye, sure.”   Outside, the rain didn’t stop falling. Inside this warm greenhouse, Liana and I were sitting on the bench and were having a long talk together. To me, the current Liana – named Alice actually gave me a completely different experience: Unlike her personality in the past, this time, she was so gentle, girly, and cute. I told her about the story of the scars on my back. Even I knew it too! It sounded crazy because she lost her memory after all! But the current Liana still looked at me and listened to my crazy story, sometimes she adorably giggled every time I was back to my awkward side. Even one year later, I had become more mature, but I was still so inexperienced when talking with a girl… Liana then asked me a weird request. “Gerald, show me your scars again.” “…oh, uhm, sure.”   I unbuttoned my shirt and showed the scars on my body. Then, I was fascinated by a glow of light shining at Liana’s hand. She had advanced her draconic ability, turned her fragile hand into the dragon claw. She gently put her dragon claw on a scar on my chest. We both were surprised, because the scar and her claw perfectly fitted each other. “Uhm… You know…” I awkwardly scratched my hair “You won’t believe it, but…” Without letting me finish my speech, something soft attacked right at my lips. It was Liana, she proactively gave me a kiss…
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