The Confrontation

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Chloe’s pov She sighed rolled her eyes and began to speak, “Girl you know I’m looking out for you! That piece of s hit Dane dumped you today, and I know you have been thinking about everything. Even though I brought you here to let go, and forget about his sorry a ss, I refuse to let you be taken advantage of just because emotions are high and you are tipsy!” I sighed this time. She continued, “Matter of fact I have never seen you behave like this before. I’m proud of you for taking a leap forward and trying to leave the past behind, but I’m not going to pretend for a second like I don’t have your best interests in mind. And I certainly don’t care how you feel about it now. Your sober self will see the logic behind my reactions tomorrow.” I opened my mouth to try to respond, but she cut me off. “And another thing, Reginald is hot, but don’t you go out handing over your v card tonight to that stranger, I don’t care how hot he is!” “I want to see where this goes. I’ve invited him to join us to eat. Hopefully the good vibes he’s been giving off are going to lead to something positive. I realize you didn’t see that Dane totally stalked us here. He was in VIP insulting me, and trying to lay claim on me. Luckily, Reginald was there defending me and he told Dane to gtfo or you know the drill! Lastly, don’t be worried about who I sleep with I’m grown now remember!?” We laughed but she didn’t miss a beat. “Look I’m glad that Reginald is showing you he will man up at a time when it’s needed. You know I always knew and told you that Dane was a narcissistic control freak, and I’m glad you are starting to see that loser for what he is. It’s not easy to find a good real gentleman, especially in the club. But you already know I will tell him off, if I don’t like what I see or hear, and I will rip you two away. You better know I’m watching out for you tonight!” We hugged and giggled a moment before exiting the restroom. I can’t explain my bodies reaction to seeing Reginald as soon as we left the restroom, but it’s like my whole body came alive, and just thinking about it made me blush. He opened his arms as I walked toward him and I was more than happy for his warm embrace. I can’t remember a time trusting a stranger so easily, nor could I recall the feeling that being with a strangers almost felt like home. “Where are you ladies parked? We will follow your lead.” He said. “We took an Uber.” Sherry stated. I’m not even sure how long she was standing there listening, but judging her defensive stance I knew she was not finished speaking. “And who is this ‘we’ you are talking about?” “My bodyguards, they are waiting to take us anywhere we need to go. If you don’t mind riding with us. I promise to be on my best behavior and you already know a little bit about me, but if there’s anything I may do to make you more comfortable please don’t hesitate to ask.” He said. “Bodyguards…?”Sherry said as we walked outside and that was all I heard, because from the distance I saw the bodyguards handling Dane as he screamed, “I need to speak with Chloe now!” I felt myself squeezing Reginald’s hand before I asked him to give me a few moments with Dane. “Okay, I will be waiting right there for you,”he pointed to luxurious vehicles a short distance from where we stood,”I will be watching and if you need me, call on me.” He said before kissing my forehead and stepping away. “What is it Dane? Why are you stalking me tonight?” I asked as I approached him. “Well I have something important to tell you, but got distracted when I saw you here with that man’s tongue down your throat dressed like a s lut, and made up like a fvcking clown!” “Get to the point I’m tired of your insults. You are seriously draining the last bit of patience I have left.” “Why do you gotta be such a b itch!” Rage filled me at the last insult and I balled my fist ready to strike him, before he sighed and continued. “Look I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated, I know it’s my fault with everything that’s happened today, I know I should never had cheated on you in high school and while away at college.” I was taken aback “All those times you convinced me everyone in school were jealous liars, I can’t count how many times you hurt me. Now I know you got off on it!” I started to walk towards the luxury vehicles, but Dane grabbed my hand to pull me back. “I’m sorry okay, let’s get past this. We were happy together once. I really came here tonight to beg you to comeback to me, I made a huge mistake letting you go. Listen my father is sick, and he has asked me to bring you to the hospital when I visit tomorrow. I told him you would be there. I know you hate me right now, but I know you love my family, and they really care about you. You are the only girl I’ve brought home to them, I promise.” I tried to yank my hand away from him, but he wouldn’t release me. “I’m not going anywhere with you. I was miserable when we were together always thinking you were lying and cheating. Now you bring this fabricated story about your father to try to win me back and forgive you. I don’t feel anything for you, you were cut off this afternoon and that was the fvcking end, now let me go a sshole!” I tried again to pull my hand away, but he yanked my body into his and forced me to kiss him. “Fvck it!” He said as he pinched my side to make me open my mouth, so his revolting tongue could assault me. I felt the bile come up my throat as I tried to pull away. Before I knew it I was barfing into his disgusting mouth. “S hit!” He said after he finished hurling. “I can’t believe you tonight? What the hell is wrong with you.” At this point I was happy that he released me and I had already made sure there was a good measure of space between us. “That is what happens when you try forcing someone, a sshole!” I yelled. I was tired of these shenanigans! “I’m going to get a restraining order on you, don’t ever touch me again!” I ran away to the cars wiping my mouth and hoping my breath wasn’t repulsive. I felt disgusted, and yet it didn’t stop my mind from thinking about his sick father. I wondered if it was a lie, like he told back when he was in college. I knew I should just let it go, but I did still care about his family, even though Dane broke up with me. I tried to compose myself before reaching the car. “Sorry that took so long.” I said as the door opened from the inside. “Are you okay?” Sherry and Reginald asked as they took in my frazzled appearance. I could tell they had been watching me, but they probably didn’t see everything. “I’m fine.” I said, before asking for a shot to calm my nerves and to rid my mouth of bile. Sherry gave me tequila and I slammed it. “That’s your last one, we need to get some food in you.” Sherry stated before taking the glass. “I’m not really hungry.” I said as I had lost my appetite after what Dane just pulled. Reginald pulled me into his arms and whispered, “I saw what he did, and I’m sorry. I have asked some of my guys to keep tabs on him moving forward.” I felt instant relief. I had been rubbing my offended wrist trying to rid myself of the sensation that Dane’s disgusting hand had left. Reggie took my hand and caressed my wrist before kissing it. I couldn’t stop the blush that crept past my neck leading up to my cheeks. This man knew exactly what he was doing. I placed my head on his shoulder inhaling his fresh baked goodies scent, goodness it relaxed me. Sherry watched the interaction, before asking, “Now what the fuvk did Dane want to ‘talk’ about?” Emphasizing the word talk.
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