A Kiss to Last a Lifetime

1332 Words
I still can’t believe the words that left my mouth, but in for penny in for a pound! Why was my body singing with life anywhere this stranger touched. Why did I think we were still not close enough. Even though I could feel my aroused n ipples grazing his chest with each rise and fall of my breathing. His lips brushed against mine almost as delicately as a rose petal. This man had me in a trance. I could feel my sanity slowly slipping away as I felt my inner self begging for a real taste. As if he could read my thoughts his lips were on mine. They were soft yet knowing. My lips began to tingle as he licked them, and I opened my mouth moaning into his. I couldn’t control my hands as I lifted them to his hair, pulling him closer wanting to devour him. This kiss was gentle, and he spent his time exploring what made me moan and quiver. He pulled away, both of us were breathing erratically as we stared at each other. He cursed, lifted my chin into the perfect position and said, “I want to be the only one you ever imagine kissing!” He covered my lips immediately. This kiss was more demanding, I found myself absolutely infatuated with this stranger. He moaned as our tongues danced I began to feel my lower lips tingling and weeping, begging for some kind of relief. Goodness! I was done denying myself. I wanted this man, I wanted to be surrounded and possessed by him. Yet I had no idea who he was, only that he made me feel like if he let me go during this earth shattering kiss I would float away. I could feel and hear the vibrations of his growls as my fingers ran through his hair. His hold on my nape while the other held my waist became more possessive as we kissed. My body screamed to be his. I don’t remember ever feeling so desperate for anyone or anything in my life. Not even with Dane. Speaking of Dane guess who happened to tap me on the shoulder in the middle of me exploring this perfect stranger. I ignored the tap, thinking it was Sherry, and that she needed to wait until I was finished. But she didn’t let up and grabbed my shoulder trying to forcibly remove me from this beautiful man. He noticed how uncomfortable I had become, released my lips and was glaring at someone beside me as I tried to control my breathing. “Go away Sherry, I need some more time with him!” I huffed as I tried to resume where we left off, but as I moved in closer someone’s hand slipped in between our lips and at this point I turned around ready to give Sherry a piece of my mind. “What the h ell is your problem!” I said angrily now staring into the face of my ex boyfriend. “Why are you kissing this man when we are in love and together. And now I catch you dressed like a s lut with some strangers tongue down your fuvking throat. You've gotta be kidding me right now!" Dane yelled as he stare at the man still holding my waist. “Perhaps you have forgotten that we broke up this afternoon after you explained that you have been cheating on me while you are away at college. Maybe it slipped your mind that I never want to see you again. Whatever your reason for trying to make a scene here with me and my friend is, you can keep it to yourself you cheating b astard!” I stated with as much venom as I could muster dripping in every word. The hand on my waist became more possessive pulling me in closer and the things I felt let me know that I wasn’t the only one entranced by our kiss. Dane reached for my hand, which I immediately snatched. “Please baby girl, I love you, and I promise to make it up to you. I will never do it again. I’m so sorry.” I could see his eyes begin to water, and if I was a fool I would have believed and given him a chance, but I was done making excuses for Dane. “I have no interest in you anymore. I don’t want to see you ever again. Please enjoy your life with your new girlfriend.” The audacity of this b astard following me here and trying to cause a scene had me vibrating with anger as I turned around in the strangers arms. A piece of me wanted to wallow in my hurt while remembering the good times Dane and I had shared, while the logical side knew, that he wasn’t s hit. The stranger spoke up, “Now that you have gone and embarrassed yourself, I highly suggest you leave as you are making my lady feel uncomfortable.” He stood up for me. He didn’t even know me and he was already defending my honor. “I’m not leaving here without her. She belongs to me and we are meant to be together!” Dane stated and I could hear the anger in his voice. He had always been a control freak and his possessiveness knew no bounds. “This is the last time I will tell you to stay the h ell away from Chloe. Now leave or I will have you removed!” He said and three muscled guys stood behind him waiting for the opportunity to escort Dane out of our bubble. “This isn’t over Chloe!” Was all Dane said before leaving the VIP room. I exhaled a breath I hadn’t known I was holding. “Thank you.” I said as I reached up to touch this strangers face my fingers tracing his frown lines as he stared in the direction that Dane left. “I don’t trust him. I hope you will trust me enough to keep you safe.” He sighed as his eyes moved to my lips, and I couldn’t help the giddy feelings he brought out in me. My stomach growled again. We smiled at each other. He didn’t miss a beat, “Perhaps you wouldn’t mind going somewhere to eat, I’m starving too!” I smiled and said, “I was about to leave with my best friend before we bumped into each other again, you can come with us if you like.” Speaking of Sherry she must’ve heard me talking about her as she appeared with Donny at her side. “Hey hon, sorry it took so long, but you know what’s up.” As she finished her statement Donny leaned down to kiss her neck, making Sherry blush. “And who is this?” She asked with a curious grin and raised brow. Before I could speak he introduced himself. “I’m Reginald, but my friends call me Reg or Reggie. It is nice to meet you!” He held out his hand to shake and Sherry took it, “Well Reginald, I don’t know you and I would thank you to treat my best friend with care or else!” She threatened. I shook my head knowing this was typical Sherry always looking out for me regardless of her small 5’3 stature. He smiled even bigger before saying, “I will treat Chloe in any and every way that she likes.” I felt myself blushing from embarrassment. “Okay let’s go I’m hungry, I just need to freshen up and we can be on our way.” He released me and I wanted to jump back in his arms, but instead I took Sherry’s hand and went to the restroom. “Why are you like this!?” I stood staring at Sherry’s reflection in the mirror as I washed my hands.
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