Lord Reginal Anthony Williams III

1333 Words
“Reggie you can’t continue to do this! You can’t continue to party all hours of the day and bring random women home at all hours of the night! You will be taking over your father’s business soon and you need to behave like a proper young man and stop this nonsense!” My mother said as she eyed yet another nameless woman leaving my bedroom. “Good morning mother, so lovely to see you. I hope you are well rested.” I said not heeding a single word leaving her lips. “Reggie I’m serious, it’s time for you to step up, your father and I are not getting any younger and it’s time to prove that you can handle our family business.” “I’m only 22 mother!” “Well it’s time to start looking for a wife. I want a better future for you and grand babies at some point and not an accidental heir from one of these brazen ladies you bring home! When I die I want to know that my legacy will live on!" She stated. Reginald knew his mother always brings up dying whenever she tried to guilt trip him into settling down, running the family business and having children. “You have one more night of your reckless endeavors, because after tonight we will receive calls from affluent families and we will arrange the perfect match for my lineage!" Mother stated "Mother you can’t possibly think it’s a good idea to force me to marry someone I do not know or love?” I questioned "I can and I will! You will do as you are told. I have given you far too much freedom as it is. Now I will remove those liberties. I present you with these ultimatums marry to carry on my legacy or we will stop supporting you. Nearly everything that remains important to you will be taken away. No more enjoying the high life, no more allowances, every advantage you've enjoyed will be absolved! My words are final!" My mother said as she walked out of my room, leaving no room to argue. I thought well if this is my last day as a free man, that I needed to make the best of it. Making myself presentable I asked my guards to take me out for a night on the town. That's how I ran into Chloe. Well we ran into each other, and it was becoming difficult not to want to be with her, kiss and hold her. She wasn’t like any of the women I had spent time with. She was beautiful, regal and feisty. I wanted to get to know her better, especially after encountering her ex boyfriend. I can’t imagine what she saw in that psycho, but I hoped she would trust me not to treat her the same way. After I asked Cedric and Eddie to follow him and make sure he didn’t cause any more issues or try assaulting my girl again, I couldn’t stop the feelings I had for this woman. I wanted to protect her at all costs, I didn’t want to fvck this up. We went out to eat and her friend grilled me to no end. Not going to lie I was glad that Chloe had a friend like Sherry. After finishing her questions the ladies excused themselves to the restroom. When they return Chloe cuddled into my side in the booth. “Would you like to go somewhere with me? Somewhere private, no pressure, just think you might enjoy a peaceful place.” I asked as I stared into Chloe's eyes. She looked at Sherry, Sherry nodded her head in approval and we all made our way to a special place. I’d never brought anyone to my place of serenity, but I felt connected to Chloe in a sense that I had never felt with anyone before. I don’t know how to explain it, but it felt like I wanted to be a better man. I know I was usually a bachelor with a different woman whenever I wanted or needed a warm body, but this felt different, it just felt right. We walked to the area where the moon shone upon the lake and I laid a blanket down and sat down while patting the side next to me. She sat down her eyes were filled with shock at the beauty of our surroundings. "This is amazing! I've never been somewhere this beautiful especially at night!” She stated, and continued "I know that we only just met, but I feel a pull or connection to you. I know it sounds strange, and I’m not going to push for anything. For all I know this could be the first and last time we see each other, and I want to make the best of these moments.” She smiled. I reached out to push a stray tendril behind her ear. "I enjoy being with you and I will do my best to make sure this isn’t our last time being together.” I stated as I stared into her beautiful brown eyes. She pulled me closer and began to kiss me, it was a demanding kiss that left us both breathless. "I wanted to see if this kiss would be as electrifying as the one in the club, you do not disappoint!” She giggled and took my hand into hers. “I know we don’t know each other well, but would you be okay with going to the hospital with me tomorrow? Just as a friend to support me for what I need to do.” “Are you okay, should I take you right now?" I asked concerned that she was sick. "I’m fine.” she assured me. “I just need to visit some loved ones in the hospital and I don’t want to go alone. Well Dane’s father was hospitalized and Dane wouldn’t explain why. I didn’t believe him at first, but while Sherry and I excused ourselves to the restroom in the restaurant I made a call to confirm. He had a stomach bug, they kept him overnight for observation and to maintain his fluids. He was severely dehydrated when he was admitted. Luckily his wife forced him to seek professional help." “Glad he is being taken care of." Reginald tensed up a bit thinking of how to react to Dane possibly being there when they visited his parents in the hospital. “While I don’t mind going to visit his parents with you, I’m concerned that Dane will get the wrong idea about you being there. He may think he has a chance to rekindled what you once shared.” I felt like a heavy weight was compressing my chest as I thought about losing her. I tried to calm my breathing, but only did so when she gently squeezed my hand encouraging me to look at her. “I have zero interest and intention to ever be with Dane again. He is a stranger now. One who treated me awful most of the time, constantly cheated on me, restricted me from being myself and doing the things I enjoyed. He had good qualities, that I now realize he only used when he thought he pushed me too far. He would love bomb me into second guessing myself. It took me this long to figure out that what I felt wasn’t love. It was twisted companionship." "We will go together." Reginald said before pulling Chloe into his embrace. He thought to himself tomorrow would be interesting to say the least. After a few hours of light talk, exchanging phone numbers, personal interests and such, they made their way back to the vehicles and dropped the ladies off at Sherry’s place. Reginald was grateful for the true friendship Chloe and Sherry shared. "One last kiss goodnight!" She said as she pulled him in for the final kiss of the night.
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