The Invitation

1043 Words
Chloe’s pov As we left Dane’s room we heard Dane shouting about paternity tests and an abortion. We hoofed it out of the hospital and Reggie came over for a light snack at my house. I told him that I had made plans to meet Sherry and hoped that we could all go out together soon. I had a mega load to drop on Sherry! As soon as we had the wine poured I started talking about everything that happened since we last saw each other. Reggie’s history with women, why he never brought women to meet his parents. Why he kept his history from me, and how it was introduced to me. How much I didn’t know about him. I felt partially at fault because since I’d met Reggie, he had been intertwined with my messy ex, and there wasn’t much room to focus on him. I had my faults. I had been focused on all of the craziness involving my ex and it had been difficult to just move on after he got into the car accident. But then we started talking about the hospital fiasco. I didn’t even get to finish talking about how messy it got when my mom called to tell me that they had been invited to Dane and Tessa’s wedding. Dane’s parents had agreed to arrange the wedding with in the next month to prevent bad publicity. They wanted to avoid reports of Tessa’s pregnancy being the reason for their shotgun wedding. They were spinning a story about how Tessa had been by his side at the hospital. How Tessa and Dane had always been friends. That the moment he opened his eyes after being unconscious for days after the car accident, he instantly knew he loved her. They’d gone on to say that Dane and his girlfriend had broken up before he saw Tessa at the hospital. They left out all of the nuts and bolts like the fact that he is a cheating abusive man slore. My parents are beyond furious, and I was upset at the pure shamelessness. I told mom that we would talk about everything later. But before I ended the call I agreed that they should block Dane and his parents on everything. His parents didn’t even have the decency to warn me before they made the wedding announcement public. After supporting them in the hospital, even knowing their son had assaulted me. I’m grateful to know where I stand in their minds. I guess maintaining relationships was not a priority for them, but P.R. and damage control are top tier. I think they thought I would be happy to know Dane had no reason to continue pursuing me. Whatever, I guess they had enough to handle. My feelings were not important enough to warrant consideration. “I’m not going to go into too much detail, but Tessa came to the hospital after Dane woke up. No one knew she was there, but she heard his claim of love for me etc. We heard her side of the story and she basically shut Dane’s profession of love for me down. She exposed everything. Tessa let everyone know that she is pregnant with Dane’s baby. Dane denied everything. Stating that he simply doesn’t remember.” “They’re having a ‘shotgun wedding’ by the end of the month, and sent an invite to my parents. What a fvcking mess!” I told Sherry after I finished speaking to my mom. “That mother fvcking lint licking slore and his tw@t waffle! Sherry shouted as she paced the living room. “I knew Tessa would make some sh!t up to save face. What could we expect from such presumptuous behavior?” “You have taken the high road too many times, and look how they have taken advantage of you. You have been too nice, and have expected the same in return and they’ve completely shown us all that you don’t matter.” “I’m tired of all these mother fvckers and I’m not going to let this sh!t slide. I’m going to tell anyone who will listen and can read the real story! Fvck these b!tches! Fvck ‘em!” Sherry promised. “No Sherry, I’m completely finished with Dane’s family. There is no need to drag his parents through the mud. Everything that’s happening is Dane’s fault. I don’t blame them for any of this. They are trying to fix a terrible situation.” “It’s truly unfortunate that they have been dragged into this all by their son. If only he had been able to control himself…Loretta and Stan are just trying to repair whatever they can.” “I do not forgive Tessa and Dane. At least not now, but maybe one day I will be able to let it all go. Right now everything is still raw, and I’m still hurting. I thought I could just move on with my life after Dane dumped me, but I keep getting drawn into his never ending stupidity.” “I’m just tired. I wish I could just forget everything. I’m going to do my best to put enough distance between myself, Dane and his family.” Sherry hugged me and said with a straight face,“This is why we need to egg Sherry’s house!” “Please, we don’t even have to do it ourselves, I know a few guys who have nothing better to do and they wouldn’t get caught. We don’t even have to pay them. They have been itching for action for months. This would be like a regular Friday night for them.” “I don’t want to do anything to Tessa and don’t want to know if you decide to go through with anything. It won’t bring me satisfaction, but whatever happens, please make sure no one can trace it back to you, and that you get pictures. Have it posted on a fake account and attach her and the Nelson’s to the post. Make sure you completely cover your tracks, and have whoever else is involved do the same. It would be something I could laugh about later.” “I got you!” Was all Sherry said, before changing the subject.
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