What a Mess

1182 Words
I received a message from Loretta that Dane was unconscious, but that he had been wiggling his fingers last night. I was hoping this would be the last time I had to return to the hospital. My family, Reggie and I needed a clean break from this dreadful situation and I was ready to get it over with. As usual we made our way to the hospital and sat in the waiting room to wait for news and a progress report. Well we had been at the hospital for about two hours before Loretta messaged me. Loretta: Hey Chloe, I know this hasn’t been easy for your parents, Reggie and you, but we will be forever grateful that you have been here for us through this difficult time. Me: We are all worried about how you and Stan are holding up. We realize this is a difficult situation and wanted to show our support the best way we are capable. Loretta: I know I haven’t said it enough lately, but thank you so much Chloe. We appreciate everything you have done for us. Loretta: I’m messaging to thank you and also to request a favor. Dane just woke up and has been asking, no begging us to reach out and ask you to come to his room. He suffered a concussion. At the moment he doesn’t remember that you two are no longer together. Loretta: I’ve done my best to inform him that he broke up with you while trying to avoid additional stressful information. He would like to apologize and try to make amends. Loretta: It is entirely up to you whether or not you will accept his request. I’m just hopeful that it will give the two of you the closure you need. I know it’s selfish of me to make a second request, but if you decide to accept, please try to avoid a shouting match. Loretta: This entire situation is stressful. I know I’m asking for so much, but please do this for me and Stan. Me: I accept his request as long as he agrees to Reggie and my parents being with me. Loretta: We will see you all soon. I put my phone away and told everyone that Dane was awake and that I would like us all to go to his room. When we arrived, Dane’s face was tear streaked and his eyes were bloodshot from crying. I was prepared to see him in a physically vulnerable state, but his emotional pain was a surprise. “I’m so sorry Chloe. I don’t remember much, but my parents told me I lost you. That I cheated on you and dumped you, but I love you and can’t imagine myself ever doing anything to hurt you. I can’t forgive myself for the hurt I have caused.” “If I could go back in time I would tell my past self to never forsake you and to always treat you well. I love you more than I love myself. I never deserved you. I will remember the good times we shared, and reflect on how to be a better person. A better man.” “I will forever regret losing you for my own selfish deeds. You will always be the one who got away. I will love you until I die. I hope that you can forgive me whenever you’re ready. Not for myself, but for you. I just don’t want your thoughts of me, and my image to serve only as bad memories, and traumas from the past.” A tear rolled down my face. But before I could answer Tessa interjected. “You are such a liar. Your mother texted me that you were awake and I came as soon as I could. Only to hear you spewing all sorts of lies.” No one even realized that Tessa had entered the room, but it sounds like she heard everything. “You used to say you loved me everyday. You even told me that you were going to leave Chloe to be with me, but that she was blackmailing you to prevent you leaving her. Was there ever any extortion? Or did you lie to get into my bed? You said you didn’t love her. Those were the reasons why I met with you in secret.” “Why is your friend Tessa here Chloe? And why is she lying?” Dane asked and I was stumped. Tessa did not wait for an invitation to continue her confrontation. “I’m here because I thought it would be a good idea to be here for you. To maybe talk about the promises you made me. Also the fact that I’m pregnant and you said you’d take care of me and the baby, if I got pregnant when you pulled out, because we didn’t have a condom last time.” The room filled with hushed whispers after Tessa exposed Dane. “I don’t remember having a relationship with you. Chloe and I were supposed to be together forever. Why would I go behind her back and sleep with her best friend? Look, Chloe and I are already broken up there’s no reason for you to come here and ruin any chance I have to be her friend in the future.” “Didn’t your parents tell you she has a new boyfriend? You already told Chloe that I was one of your side chicks after you dumped her. She got an order of protection from you shortly after you dumped her, not because she is conniving and manipulative like you Dane. But because you tried to break her emotionally and physically. She is only here for your parent’s sake. As far as I’m concerned you and Chloe have no future.” “Well I’m sure Chloe would like to speak for herself.” Loretta chimed. “Everything Tessa said about me is correct. I don’t want any part of you in my life. I gave up on you when you gave up on me, and I won’t change my mind. I do hope that you and Tessa will have a wonderful future. With a baby on the way I’m sure you all have so much to discuss.” “No! I don’t know what Tessa is talking about. I can’t remember her or any rendezvous I supposedly had with her.” “I gave you my love and virginity! Now you want to act like you don’t know me!” Tessa screamed. Dane and Tessa’s conversation was heating up by the minute. I know if I was feeling uncomfortable everyone else was too. So I cleared my throat and said, “I’m relieved everything is out in the open. We will be taking our leave and I hope that everything works out for Dane and Tessa. By the way I hope that you both will consider removing me from your friends list, delete my contact info and unfriend me on every media platform as I’m planning to do the same. Good day and good luck!”
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