Age Is Just a Number 17

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Simone POV I walked through the hallway with my bestie Megan to the cafeteria. I saw Desiree sitting by herself. Usually she's out with Trey which I hated. Trey was one of those sexy niggahs no one messes with. How the f**k did Desiree get with him? I really didn't understand. I dont even think she knew that he was a thug. We both walked around her and sat down. She looked at us and got up but we pulled her back down. "What?" She asked us. "You know, I dont like you with Trey." I said. "That's not my issue." She said. She got up but I pulled her back down. "Trey, doesn't need you. You know, I actually know him from a while back. I know his type. And you're definitely not it. You're the opposite. He dont like sweet and innocent girls like you." I said. She rolled her eyes at me. "If he didn't like girls like me, he wouldn't have taken me on the best Christmas vacation and buy me expensive jewelry. So shut the f**k up b***h and leave me alone." She said getting up and walking away. What the hell did she mean by that? Did Trey actually do that for her? "Trey sounds serious about her." Megan said. "Not for long." "What you think in that head of yours?" She asked me. I smiled and took out my phone. I dialed a number and waited from an answer. "Whaddup?" Terrance said. "Think you can do me a favour?" "What?" "You're still with Desiree's mom?" "Yeah." "You know where her Aunt lives right?" I knew a lot about Desiree just in case I needed to plan against her. "Yeah I do." "Great, so I need you to pay her a visit." "When?" "Today." "Okay sure. But what do I get in return?" "I dont know. s*x?" "Nah, I dont want your ass. Never mind. I'll do it tonight." "Thank you." I said hanging up the phone. I smiled to myself. I hope he would handle Desiree's ass for me. I dont like her and neither should anyone else. Desiree POV I was sitting on my bed at Aunt Talia's apartment listening to my music like usual. Its been three weeks. School was getting a bit harder but I could manage. Its been hard not to be with Trey but I was broken. He lied to me. He was hiding apart of his life from me. But I missed him. I missed his hugs and kisses. But oh well. He f****d up. I didn't. I switched songs and decided to get some sleep. But I heard a slam through my headphones. I opened my eyes and saw Terrance and some other guys I didn't recognize. "Hey baby girl." Terrance said. "How did you get in here?" I asked. "Dont worry. Now, we gotta talk." "Ill call the police on you." I said. He got on top of me. "Get off me!" He started to take my shirt off. "I told you that you need to come live with your mother and I." He said touching me. "Ain't she sexy guys?" "Yeah she is." A guy said coming over to me. He caressed my cheek and kissed me. "Call me D'Shawn baby." "Get off me!!" He didn't. The three other guys came and stripped me out my sweats. I was left in my bra and underwear. "Please!! Stop!!!" "Nah baby girl. You think Trey can give you what you want? I can too. But better." D'Shawn said. How did he know Trey. I started to throw punches at all of them. They held me still. "Terrance let me have this one." "Alright. Go ahead." He said. D'Shawn came on top of me and touch me. "Stop!!!" I yelled. I pushed him off my and grabbed a large t shirt and ran out the apartment. It was freezing outside. I could heard them running behind me. I bolted down the road even though I was in a large shirt and socks. I ran down to Treys house. But I heard cars driving behind me. They stopped when I stopped. It was about nine at night. It was dark and snowy. They came outside and started to hit me. They had me like a rag doll. I didn't see D'Shawn but Terrance was beating me hard. I was freezing cold. I realized I was outside of Treys house. "Trey!!! Trey!!!!! Stop!!! Trey please!!!!!!" "Shut up!!!" Terrance yelled. I just wanted Trey to help me. Soon I couldn't move or scream. I was too cold to do anything. Trey POV I was sitting in the living room with my boys. I was still heartbroken but I was getting over it. We were watching this boxing match. "Trey!!!!!! Trey!!!!! Stop!!!!!" I heard. I looked around. "You guys heard that right?" I asked them. "Yeah, I heard that." Keon said. Carter got up and looked out the window. "Yo, a bunch of guys are beating up some girl." Carter said. "We should help her." He said. We all agreed and got on our coats. We ran outside and tried to break up the fight. "Hey! Stop!" "Hey! Leave her alone!" I yelled. I threw this guy off the girl. We threw punches at all of them until they were all on the ground. "Kay, lets go." "Wait. Let me make sure this girl is okay." Blaine said. He walked over to her and flipped her over. "Uhh Trey?" "Yeah?" "Desiree" He said. "What about her?" "Its Desiree." "What do you mean?" "The girl the guys were beating up was Desiree." Blaine said. I ran beside him. I saw my baby lying there. She looked like she was freezing cold. All she was in was a t shirt and socks. "What the hell!" I yelled. "Get all those guys into the room downstairs." I said. I knelt down in the snow and tried to wake her up. She didn't move though. I picked her up in my arms and walked into the house while the others got all the guys. I walked her up to my room and wrapped her under the sheets. "Baby, please open your eyes." Her body was cold. I didn't know whether to take her to the doctor or not. I walked out the room and headed down to the private room. They were all tied up. I didn't have to say anything. I just took out my gun and shot at all of them. No one hurts my girl. "Get them out of here." I said. I walked back up stairs and went into the kitchen. I made a cup of hot chocolate for Desiree when she decides to wake up. I walked upstairs to my room and noticed that she was still in the same position that I left her in. I hope I wasn't too late or something. I rested the cup on the dresser and laid down beside her. At least she started breathing properly. I held her close to me. She shifted and coughed. She shivered then opened her eyes and looked at me. "Trey?" She said quietly. "Yes baby?" "Im cold." She said. I got up and got her one of my hoodies and sweat pants. I gave them to her and she got into them. I gave her the cup of hot chocolate. "Thank you." "No problem. Desiree, tell me what happened." She took a sip and sighed. "I was at home. Listening to music, when my step dad and these other guys came in. Then this guy named D'Shawn came and said that he could give me what I want better than you. The other guys took off my clothes but I managed to get a t shirt and run out the apartment. I ran here but they followed me. They started to pull me and hit me and punch me then I just couldn't move cause I was so cold and I was helpless. Then I just went into i dont know some type unconscious thing and I woke up with you right here beside me." She said quietly. Did she just saw D'Shawn? "Did you just say D'Shawn?" She nodded. That got me pissed off right away. I could not believe he did that. I might as well tell her about him. "Desiree, you gotta stay here. Two reasons. First off, D'Shawn and I dont get along. We the head of different crews. My boys ain't as bad as him but things got personal when Junior died. They know who you and Jazmine are. My boys are putting his crew through hell right now and the only way they can get to us is through you and her. You need to stay here Desiree. They dont care whether you are a girl, they will f**k you up and not give a damn. They will kill you if they have too." I could see her getting scared. "What?" "Desiree, please. When you are with me, they cant hurt you. But once your away from me or my boys or my house, they can do whatever they want." I said. "Whats the second reason I gotta stay?" She asked. "Cause I miss you. Desiree, Im sorry for keeping this away from you. Ive fallen for you. Your on my mind all the time. I ain't myself without you." "Trey, if you told me at the beginning, I could have made my decision. Your seven years older than me and a freaking killer or drug dealer or whatever its called." "I know. I know. But what would you rather a guy who is older and can love you and can protect you or a guy who is with you just to say he has a girl and doesn't give a s**t about you?" "I dont know! You are the only guy Ive ever been with Trey." "How about this, tell me you dont love me and we can be history." I said. It hurt my heart to even mention that but we had to make a decision now. She was silent for a while. "I cant say I dont love you cause I do love you. Im in love with you." She said. "Ill stay here to be safe. But if I stay here cause I miss you and you miss me, we cant hide anything from each other Trey." "I promise baby. And I wont hide anything from you." "Okay Trey." She said. She placed the cup on the nightstand. She kissed my cheek but I wanted more. I pulled her onto my lap and passionately kissed her lips. I wasn't going to hide anything from her. I was going to the be the only guy she'll ever fall for. Desiree POV Now that I knew everything about Trey, I was getting use to it. I wasn't scared anymore. But lately, he's been pretty angry and distant with me. I really didn't like it. Every day, I come home from school and he's always pissed off. He wouldn't talk to me, he's spend most of his time in his room with the door locked. I didn't know what was going on with him. I kept the thought of him cheating out my head. I knew he wouldn't do that. I just didn't know what to do. *** I got home and walked upstairs to Trey's room. I saw him lying on his bed with his eyes closed and headphones in. I needed to know what was going on. I was getting mad now. He didn't talk to me at this point and I was starting to anxious. I walked up to him and yanked his earphones out his ears causing his eyes to suddenly open. "What do you want?" "Trey can we talk?" "No. Im tired. Get out." "Trey." "Leave!" He yelled. He never really yelled at me before. I looked at him and left his room. I went into the guest room and laid on my bed. I was a strong girl and wasn't going to cry about this. I was going to play the same game. I looked up at the ceiling when my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID and it was unknown. I looked at it and wondered whether to answer or not. I decided too. "Hello?" "Meet me at Fuego tonight at ten o'clock." A guy said. "Umm-" "Wear something hot." He said before hanging up. I looked at the phone and thought to myself that Ill go. Since Trey clearly didn't want me to talk to him at the moment, Ill have my own fun. I looked at the time and it was seven thirty. I decided to make myself a snack. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it in front the television. After I was finished, I did my hygiene and got dressed. I pulled out my red skin tight halter dress and my red heels. I left my hair in curls with side bangs. I grabbed my red clutch and headed out the guest room. It was now nine thirty. I quietly walked out the room and walked down the stairs. Luckily I got out the house and headed for the bus stop. I got my bus pass and waited for one to come. After about ten minutes one did. I got on and sat down. When my stop was called, I got off and walked towards the club. I stood outside for a bit and waited to get in. "Aye ma." I turned around and saw a guy who looked pretty hot. "I called you. Lets go in." he said. I smiled and we walked in. Now I understood why they called it Fuego. The place was hot and red lights were flashing everywhere. "Whats your name?" I asked him. "D'Shawn." I quickly backed up. "I cant be here with you." I said. He grabbed my hand. "Dont worry. No one gonna know you was with me." He said with a smile. I had to admit, he was hot. Not as hot as Trey but he was indeed hot. Pop That was playing loud. I decided to have some fun. I grabbed him and started dancing on him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. The crowd was wild. Eyes were on me. I knew I had girls hatin on me but I didn't give a f**k. I had their guys looking at me. I think they thought I was stripping cause I could see money flying all around me. The song ended and all I heard was guys yelling at the dj to play the song again. Instead Love In This Club started playing. D'Shawn brought me close to him and we started dancing together. Soon he took my hand and pulled me into a corner. His hands started exploring my whole body. I knew it was wrong but I liked it. He started to kiss my neck making me release a couple moans. Soon our lips were together. He had nice lips. We kept at it for a while until he pulled away. The rest of the night was pretty cool. D'Shawn brought me back to Trey's house and I walked in. I did the security and quietly headed up to the guest room. I laid down on the bed and thought about the night. It was pretty fun. I knew I shouldn't have been with D'Shawn but its not like I did anything wrong. ---- School was over and I headed home. Lately, Ive been walking home instead of asking Trey to pick me up since he wasn't talking to me. I didn't know what was going on with him. I got inside and didn't see him. I shrugged my shoulders and headed to my laptop. I logged into my f******k and saw that a had a bunch of post on my page. I checked it and I was in shock. D'Shawn told me that no one would know about last night. There was a video posted of me and him. I started cussing at myself while reading the comments. "So can you explain it?" I heard from behind me. I knew it was Trey. I didn't even turn around to look at him. I really couldn't find any excuse to say. I had to talk to D'Shawn about this. I quickly got up from the desk and walked pass Trey but he yanked me back. "You wanna be a slutty ass b***h now!?" He yelled at me. He never yelled at me before and it scared me. My eyes started to form tears. "Why you crying?" "I...Im sorry Trey...I did-" "No you not. You only sorry cause you got caught." "Trey-" "Get the f**k out my face." He said pushing me out the way. I grabbed my shoes and stormed out the door. I pulled out my phone and called the unknown number. "Whats up?" D'Shawn answered. "Where do you live! Im gonna personally kill your ass!" I screamed. He chuckled. "You saw the video. Yeah, got a lot of views right? You sure know how to drop that ass ma." He said. I was disgusted at myself. "Take it off!!" "Why?" "Cause! Trey saw and he's even more pissed at me!!" "Aww, okay. How about I post that it was just photoshopped and edited." "Please do that." "But I need something." "What?" "I need to know where Trey hold his shit." "Why?" "Cause its time that I took over this." I knew where Trey kept everything. No one was ever allowed to tell anyone where it was. "I cant tell-" "Well I guess that video can just stay up there and Trey can stay mad at you." "Alright fine. Ill text you the directions." "Good. The video is off and I just posted that it was a fake." "Thank you." "Ouu I guess your man is happy now. He liked my status about it being fake. Now time to make me happy Desiree. You got till ten tonight." He said hanging up. "I cant believe I just did that." I said to myself. I walked back to the house and walked up to Jasmines room. "Hey girl. Where were-" "Jazzy, I did something bad." I said sadly. "Yeah that video was just wrong. At least it was photoshopped and-" "No. D'Shawn and I did go to a club but I begged him to say it was edited. Thats not the bad part though. I just spoke to him and he said the only way he'd say that is if I tell him where Trey keeps the stuff." "Why would you tell him that!!" "I didn't. But he wants to know by ten tonight." "Desiree. You cant tell him where it is. Its in this house!" "I know that. I messed up big time." "Trey is downstairs with the guys, go talk to him. Ill be down in a bit to protect you from getting killed. Cause you KNOW Trey and he will get pissed at you." I sighed and went downstairs to the private room. They all looked at me. "Trey can I talk to you? Alone?" I asked walking in towards his desk. "Nah, come in." He said. Great now I gotta say what I did in front of the guys too. He pulled me onto his lap. "Sorry for yelling at you earlier. I just couldn't believe that you-" "I did. I did go out with D'Shawn last night." "You serious! Why?" He yelled. He suddenly got angry. "Cause, you weren't talking to me and I got mad so I went. But I didn't know at first that it was D'Shawn. It was an unknown number so I didn't know who it was-" "So you just gonna get a random call from someone and go to a club with them? Cause thats just being a damn slut. And you know that." He said. It hurt to know that he said that but he was right. "Thats not all...theres more." "Oh gosh. They had s*x and she's pregnant." Kaleem added. All the guys shook their heads at me. "Kaleem, shut the f**k up!" I yelled at him. "Trey, I never had s*x with him. But I did ask him to say the video was fake. Under one condition." "Which was?" "To tell him where you keep everything. As in weapons, drugs, money-" "YOU DID WHAT!!" He yelled. He pushed me off his lap and got up. He was really mad now. He started pounding on the desk and paced around trying to get his thoughts straight. "Trey, listen to me. I-" "Dont talk." "No but-" "Ive heard enough from you." "I didn't tell him where it is!" He looked at me. "He said I have to tell him by ten o'clock tonight." "Alright. Send him to the old trap house by the boardwalk." Blaine said. Trey nodded, took out a sheet of paper, wrote on it and gave it to me. "Text him that." Trey said without looking at me. He walked out the room leaving me with the guys. "Why Desiree?" Carter asked. "Look, I didn't know okay? I already feel bad. Stop making it worse." I said. "You're really lucky that he loves you. If he didn't, he would have offed from long time." Keon said. I didn't want to be there anymore. "If anyones asks, Im going for a walk." I said getting up. I left the room and headed out the door. I decided to walk instead of taking the bus. It was a long walk but I just felt like walking. I plugged my earphones into my phone and listened to the songs that played. Movado's Nine Lives started playing and I just couldn't help it. I had to get into the song. I started to do these steps while I was walking. I probably looked foolish but I didn't care. I was doing me. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder causing me to scream a bit and pull my earphones out my ears. I saw a caramel skin toned guy with dreads looking at me. "Hey, Im Brian." He said. He was gorgeous. "Uh hi. Desiree." "I hope this doesn't sound stalkerish but I saw you dancing a few minutes ago. You are really good." "It does sound stalkerish but thanks." "Do you only dance?" "No, I sing and act a bit too." "Cool. Here. Looking for young artist. Call it." He said handing me a card for GoodLIFE Recordz. "Alright." "When you call, ask for Brian." He said giving me a smile. I smiled back and he walked away. I was on my way back to the house when I realized that Trey would still be mad at me. I took out my phone and called my nana asking her if I could spend the night. She said I could and I walked the rest of the way to her house.
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