Age Is Just a Number 18

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Desiree POV Its been officially three days that Ive spent at my nana's. It was hard not being with Trey but he was mad at me. I sat down on the couching looking at re runs of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air when my phone started ringing. I checked the ID and saw that it was Trey. I took a deep breath and answered. "Hello?" "Where the hell are you?" He answered. "At my Nana's. " "And you ain't tell nobody where you were?" "Im sorry Trey. But you were made at me." "Well, Jazmine told me to tell you to meet her at the mall. Then come back baby." He said. I smiled. "Okay Trey." I said hanging up. I got my purse and got my shoes on and headed out to the mall. Trey POV I finally forgave Desiree for what she did. But I was going to punish her. She was at the mall with Jazmine but when she gets back, she would never forget this lesson. Desiree POV I got inside and brought my bags in. Too bad Kaleem met Jazmine at the mall. They just dropped me off and left me. I went upstairs and laid on the bed in the guest room. "Get up." I heard Trey say. "Trey Im-" He grabbed my legs and pulled me off the bed. "Trey!" "Shut up!" He yelled. He pulled me up and slapped me. "What the-" "You're gonna listen to me Desiree." He had an angry look on his face. He lifted me up on his shoulder. "You better not scream or kick. You'll just make your punishment worse." He said. "Punishment?" I whispered. He walked down the stairs and walked down into the private room. He placed me on this table and looked at me. "Of course. Baby, I cant let you off the hook for what you did." He said. He ripped my shirt off leaving me in my bra. "You gotta learn that you dont mess around with people. You belong to me. And you dont tell or negotiate with my enemy." "Trey, I know-" "Be quiet. Now stand up." I did and he pulled my sweatpants off. I gasped at what he did. "Bend over." I looked at him as if he was crazy. He turned me around and pushed me over the table. I felt my hands being locked together."Baby, Imma need you to use that lovely voice of yours." "To do what?" He chuckled. Soon, he blind folded me. "Trey? Why cant I...AHHH!" I screamed. "Trey why did you...TREY!!!" I yelled again. It felt like he was hitting me with his belt. "I want you to count." He said. "Count what? Trey what are you...OW!!!!" "The hits. Every number you miss, it gets harder. Now start." He said. My ass was already hurting like hell. He kept hitting it harder and harder. " three...four..." The hits kept getting harder. "Trey...OWW!!" "Start over." "One...two...three...four...five...six...ugh seven...eight...nine..." The hits stopped. At least thats what I thought. Soon the hardest one came. I shrieked in pain. "What number is that baby?" He asked me. "Ten." I whispered. "Good girl." He said. He rubbed my ass which felt a little better. I heard him unzip something. "Trey? What are you...Oh my god!" I felt him inside me. He started moving faster. "Uh Trey." "You gonna make that mistake again babe?" "No Trey." "Good." He said. He thrusted into me. I felt myself wanting to release. "Trey, Im gonna-" "No baby. Hold it in." "Ughh I cant!!" "You better. Now, who do you belong too?" "You." "What's my name baby girl?" "Trey." I whispered. "What? I didn't hear you." "Trey." I said a little louder. "Say it again baby." He said flipping me over. He took off the blindfold and I could see him. "Say my name babe." He thrusted into me even harder than before. "Trey." "Scream it Desiree." "Trey!" I yelled. He smiled at me. "Trey I wanna cum." "Me too baby." He said. A moments later, we both released. He slowed down and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He walked up the stairs and headed into his room. He placed me on the bed. "Ready for round two?" What??? "Trey no. I think I had enough." I said. But he thought differently. He got on top of me and slipped himself into me again. "Trey." "Dont fight it babe. I know you like it." He said. I really did. We kept at it for a while until he decided to stop. We then got under the blankets and cuddled. "You know I did this cause I love you. And cause I want you to MYSELF." "I know. Im sorry about that. Forgive me?" "Yeah I forgive you." He said. I gave him a kiss and fell asleep. (A month later) Lately, Ive been feeling really sick. Throughout my classes, Ive been feeling dizzy. Also, Ive been throwing up. I didn't know what was up with that so I just took my peptobismol. I woke up with a weird feeling in my stomach. I rushed out of Trey's bed and headed for the washroom. I threw up for a bit then brushed my teeth. It was four in the morning but I couldn't sleep back. I went downstairs and sat down on the isle. I didn't know what was wrong with me. "Desiree?" I looked up and saw Jazmine. "You okay?" "I dont know." "Well, I heard you throwing up in the bathroom so I came to check up on you." "I dont know whats going on with me." I said. "Maybe you ate some bad food." She said. Maybe I did eat something bad. But then I realized something. I haven't had my period as yet. It was really late. My mind started going really fast. "What are you thinking?" "Drive me to a drug store." I said. She looked at me. "Please?" "Alright." We got up and headed towards the door. She got the keys and we headed out the door. We got into the car and headed for the twenty four hours drug mart. When we got there, I got out. I didn't need her to come inside with me. I walked inside and headed to the pregnancy area. I picked up two and went to the cash register. The man looked at me and smiled. "If you ain't knocked up, wanna go on a date?" He asked me. "No." "25.90." He said. I have him the money and he gave me what I needed. "Wheres the washroom?" "Down at the back." He said. I walked in the direction he showed me and went inside. I opened up the test and did them. Yes I did both at the same time. I waited five minutes until I hear two beeps. I looked down at the test and almost fainted. They both said positive. I grabbed them and walked out the washroom. "Have a good night ma." I looked at him and said nothing. I walked out the store and got into the car. "What did you go in for?" Jazmine asked me. I didn't known what to do. Me? Pregnant? Now? I allowed a tear to drop. "Rey? Whats wrong?" I took out the test and gave them to her. She turned on the lights and looked at them. "Desiree your pregnant?" She asked me. I released a huge sigh. "We gotta go to the doctor when they open." She said. I didn't know what to do. --- "So, Miss Mitchell, you are indeed pregnant. Four weeks." Doctor Tamer said to me. "Alright thanks." I said getting up. Jazmine got up and I did as well. We walked out the office and headed to the car. I took out my phone and dialed Trey. "Babe, this isn't a very good time." He said. "Okay, but we have to talk seriously." I said. "Everything okay?" "I dont know." I said. "Alright. We'll talk later." I said. I hung up and took a breath. I didn't know how to deal with this. --- I laid on Trey's bed not knowing whether to be happy or not. Tears kept falling though. So I guess I wasn't happy. But I wasn't sad either. I was more scared than sad. I heard the door knob and Trey walked in. "Hey whats wrong?" He said. I looked in the mirror and noticed that my mascara was ruined from my tears. He sat down beside me. "Trey? I dont know how to say this." I said quietly. "Desiree whats wrong?" "Im pregnant." I said. He looked at me as if I told him I committed a crime. "You're what?" He asked. "Im pregnant." "Stop f*****g with me Desiree." I took out the test and the papers the doctor gave me then gave it to him. "Fuck." "Trey, I dont know what to do." I said. He wrapped me in his arms. I started crying again. "Baby, please stop crying." He said. "Look at me." I held my face in my hands. "Desiree look at me." I looked at him. "We'll get through this okay?" "I dont want it." "You ain't killing my baby." He said angrily to me. "Baby listen, we gonna keep it." "Why Trey?" "Cause, it would be nice to have a kid." "Alright Trey." "Good." He said. He kissed my cheek. "Babe, I promise Imma be here for you all the way. Okay?" "Okay Trey." Trey POV I left my room and headed down to get some water. This was news. Desiree was pregnant. Now I gotta protect her. I couldn't let anything bad happen to her. She was carrying my baby now. I was happy in a sense. Ive always wanted to be a dad. My dad was always there for me so I wanted to be there for my kid. Desiree POV "So, are we going dress shopping today?" Tracey asked. "Yeah. We should go today." Jazmine answered. "You guys go. Im going to the house." I said. Prom was coming up next Friday and I wish I could go but I was starting to show and I didn't want to put to much on my baby. "Desiree, you have to get a dress." Keisha said. "No. Im not going to prom." They all gasped. "We've been waiting for this since freshman year." Carmen said. "Im pregnant. And Im showing. I cant wear a tight dress." They all started talking at the same time trying to get me to say yes but it wasn't happening. I just walked away from them. I called Trey and asked if he could pick me up. Luckily he said yes. I walked out the school and sat on the bench. I really wish I could go dress shopping but I couldn't. No one but my friends knew about this and I didn't want anyone else too. I saw Trey pull up and I headed to his car. "Hey baby." He said as I got in. He kissed my cheek. "Hey boo." I said. "How are my two babies?" "We're okay." I said. He drove off and headed down the road. I looked out the window and thought. "Whats wrong?" "Nothing. Oh doctors appointment next week." I said switching the subject. "Aiight. How far along are you?" "Baby, Im three months." "I see." He said. I playfully slapped him and laughed. I was happy that I was gonna have a baby with Trey. I could see him as a dad. A wonderful dad. Simone POV "You want me, to help you guys out." I said blankly. "Why?" "Cause, you are the closes person to Desiree and if we get her out, we have Trey. He cant survive without her." D'Shawn said to me. D'Shawn was my step brother. Baddest nigga in town. I knew he had a feud with Trey. And Trey was hot as hell. And to hear that he was with Desiree killed me. "Aiight. Im in." "Good. Where is the place everyone is gonna be together?" "The only thing I can think of is Prom." "That would work. Get her there." He said. "Alright." I said. "Now get out my room." He shrugged and left. Now, it was my turn to finally get back at Desiree. Ive hated her since forever. She was the prettiest, had all the guys falling for her, she had the accent that everyone thought was cute, she had it all. But now, it was going to end. Trey POV I sat down in the private room chillin on my phone. Desiree and I were so dumb. She was upstairs in my room relaxing and texting me. MyBaby♥: Baby, im excited!! Me: I know you are. I am too. "Trey?" I looked up from my phone and saw Carmen. "Whats up girl?" "Nothing. Just wanted to talk to you." "What about?" "Desiree. Would you take her to prom?" "She didn't mention anything about a prom." "I know. But the only reason why is cause she's pregnant." "Thats not an excuse. She aint showing that much." "Exactly. I know she wants to go." "Ill take her to her prom. Ill take care of everything." "Thanks Trey. It would mean the world to her. The girls and I could get her dress and-" "Nah Ill handle that." I said. "Trey how are you gonna-" "Carmen, get out." I said dismissing her. "Excuse me? Ill leave when I feel like leaving." She said. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to text Desiree. "Alright now Ill leave cause I want to leave." "Bye Carmen." I said. I was going to get Desiree to go. It would be nice to take her to prom. (Prom day) Desiree POV Everyone was getting ready for prom. It was sad for me cause I wasn't going. I would love to get all pampered up and dressed up. But I wasn't going. I got to the house and went up to find Trey. Instead I found a note. 'Hey baby. Sorry I aint home to give you a kiss. I know you've been stressing a bit so here is my card, go to the spa and make yourself feel pretty. Aight? You CANT SAY NO. Love you' I rolled my eyes and took the card. I walked outside and saw a BMW pull up. A short guy came out and opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said. I hopped in and sat down. He drove me to 'Bella's Boutique'. I got out and walked in. "Hello, Miss Mitchell. This way." A light skinned girl said to me. I followed her to the back. I got a nice french manicure and pedicure. I got a facial and the lady did my hair and make up. It felt really nice. When I was finished it was about six thirty. I spent a lot of time in there. Soon I got home and went to lie down when there was something on the bed. A clothing bag. I opened it and saw the most beautiful dress. It was a black and silver strapless dress. I read the note that was on it. 'Baby, you need to put on this dress and the shoes and go downstairs. No excuses or anything.' "Trey, what are you doing to me?" I asked myself. I got into the dress which fit perfectly even though I had a stomach. I got on the Silver Platforms and looked at myself. I looked beautiful. I walked out the room and headed downstairs. I went into the living room and saw Trey in a tux with a flower in his hand. "Trey?" "Carmen told me about how you didn't want to go to prom cause your pregnant. But you look beautiful. So we are going to Prom." He said to me. He slid the corsage on my hand and kissed my cheek. "Trey, you did all this?" He nodded. "You're the best." I said. "Come on baby." He took my hand and we walked into his Escalade. A few minutes later we arrived at the school. Trey got out and opened the door for me. I got out and we walked inside. I looked at the place. It was a Night in Paris. I loved it so much. We caught up with Jazmine and Kaleem. Trey and I danced a bit before I had to go to the washroom. I went into the washroom and used it. I walked out and saw Simone and her friends. I suddenly got scared. They all looked at me. "Dont have your friends to protect now do you?" She said coming towards me. I looked at her with fear. Soon a guy walked in. It was D'Shawn. "Didn't I tell you not to tell Trey anything." He slapped me in my face when I didn't answer. "b***h!" I held my cheek. I wanted to run out the bathroom. "I know you pregnant." He said rubbing my stomach. "Dont touch me." I said quietly. He laughed and punched me in my tummy. I fell to the floor in pain. "Simone she's yours. I dont want her alive when your done." He said. He left and Simone started hitting me. Her friends ganged up on me as well. I fought back and ran to find Trey. Trey POV I waited for Desiree to come back but she didn't. Instead I saw D'Shawn. I looked at him and walked up to him. "What the hell are you doing here." I said. He looked at me and laughed. He took out a gun and shot up towards the ceiling. Everyone in the room ducked. I pulled mine out my pocket and pointed it at him. I saw all of his crew around me. I said Kaleem and the guys with their guns too. "It ends tonight Trey. Your girl is gone. What else do you have." What did he mean by my girl is gone. Soon Desiree ran in. Her dress was ripped and her hair was messed up. I ran over to her. "Take one step towards her and she's dead." I didn't care. I grabbed her and picked her up over my shoulders and ran. D'Shawn started firing shot at us but I managed to get out the school and place her in the car. "Trey whats going on." She asked me. I pulled out the school and headed for the hospital. Gunshots started to fire through the car. "Get the back and duck." I said. She listened and did what I said. I was at full speed. But I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I knew I got hit. I didn't care though. I managed to lose them and get to a hospital. I got there and parked. "Are you okay babe?" She sat up and nodded. "You need to go in and check that out." She said pointing to my arm. I nodded and got out. I walked in and went to the desk. "Hello and how may we be of assistance?" "I just got shot in my arm. Can you do something about it?" "Okay right this way." She said. I followed her into the back and allowed her to take care of me. Desiree POV I was beyond pissed now. I sat in the waiting room waiting for Trey. I was fine and I went in to make sure my babies were fine. Yes I was having twins. Which made my reason to be upset greater. Soon Trey walked out. "Im good now. Lets go babygirl." He said taking my hand. I snatched it away from him and headed out the hospital and towards the car. I got in and so did he. "Not even going to ask if Im alright?" He asked. I looked out the window. He didn't say anything to me the rest of the ride back to the house. He turned off the car in the driveway and I got out. I went into the guest room and looked at myself. I didn't need this. I was putting myself in danger living with Trey. I got up and started to pack some clothes up. "Whats going on with you? I get shot in my arm and you dont even ask how Im...why are you packing your bags?" I looked up and saw Trey standing above me. I didn't answer him. "Desiree!" He pulled me up to face him. "I dont like this attitude s**t you do!" "And I dont like this killing and drug s**t you do!" I yelled back. He took a breath, looked away then looked back. "I thought you understood now and your okay with-" "What told you that Im okay with this Trey? Im not okay with it! I hate it! If it was just me alone, I would be a little okay. But when Im pregnant? With twins? Im not okay Trey. Im lucky that my babies didn't get hurt tonight night. D'Shawn punched me in my stomach then had Simone f*****g beat me up but I fought back. Do you know how dangerous this is for me? Do you understand that living with you can kill me and my babies Trey?" I asked him. He looked at me. I could tell that he was trying to figure out something to say. "So what, you gonna leave me now?" He finally said. I didn't want too but I didn't know what to do. "Desiree if you leave, Ill have nothing. If I die, you lose me and my kids wont have a dad. We both lose each other if we give up. Baby, I need you by my side. You my other half babygirl." He said. He was serious about this. I could tell through his eyes. "Look, dont go. Ill make sure your safe okay? There will be some bumpy roads but until D'Shawn and them gone, you will be safe. You have to trust me." "I dont know Trey." "What would you want me to do?" "I want you to KILL D'Shawn." I said sternly. "Or I will." "Baby you cant-" "Watch me." I said. "I dont want you near him. Do you understand me." Trey said sternly. "Whatever Trey." I said. I was about to walk away when he held me back. "Dont whatever me baby." He whispered. He kissed my neck all the way up to my lips. "Im sorry prom didn't go the way you wanted it too." He said between kisses. "Its okay." I said. "Can we get something to eat? The three of us are hungry." I asked him. He laughed and nodded. "What do you guys want?" "Some Fried Chicken." I said with a smile. He laughed and we changed into some sweats. We walked down to the car and headed to KFC. "Hold up! Did you say your having twins???" He asked in shock. I laughed. "Yes Trey. Thats why I said the three of us are hungry." "Damn. Two kids? You're gonna be fat." "You're actually so mean." I said pouting. We stopped at a stop light and he kissed my cheek. "I love you baby." "Sure you do."
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