Age Is Just a Number 16

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Desiree POV Tonight was new years eve and we were getting ready to go to the party on the beach. I did my hygiene and decided to do my hair in a neat ponytail. I got on my black and pink romper with my black flip flops. I did my make up natural and left the bathroom. I went downstairs and saw everyone waiting on me. "Took you long enough." Keon said. "Shut up." I said. I picked up the keys and walked towards the door. "Well lets go." I said with attitude. I was in a crappy mood. Trey and I got into a huge fight cause I was hanging out with my cousins most of the time and bringing them back to the house. Well excuse me if Im trying to catch up with my family members. I simply told him to f**k off and since that day, we haven't spoken. And that was like, three days ago. We all hoped into to van and I got in the drivers seat. I drove out the driveway and headed down the road. Within ten minutes I parked the car along side the road and we all got out and walked towards the beach. I could hear the music playing and I was feeling it. We got to the crowd and I called my cousin Omari. "Hello?" "Mari, Im here. Where y'all at?" "By the bar." "Okay, we'll be over there." I said. I hung up and turned to everyone. "You wanna separate or stick together?" "Separate." Kaleem said. "Aiight. I guess keep your phones on." I said. They all nodded. I headed over to the bar and looked around for some people I knew. "Desiree!!!" I turned around and couldn't believe it. It was my crew from Primary school. "Oh my gosh!!!" I screamed. I ran and hugged Tianna. I haven't seen these people since I left. And they were looking real good. I hugged Shayanne, then Chanel, then Ashton, and Kelvin. "Damn Rey, you looking good." Ashton said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Ashton stop it." I said to him. He laughed and released me. "How have you guys been?" "Fine. You know the usual. Why didn't you tell us you was gonna be down here?" Chanel asked. "My boyfriend didn't tell me I was coming." I explained. They looked at me surprised. "You have a man?" Kelvin asked. "Yes! Your quiet Desiree has a boyfriend." I said laughing. "Wow girl." "Hey, do you still sing?" Shayanne asked. I nodded. "Yea why?" They looked at each other and then pulled me across the beach to the stage. "Whats going on?" "We gonna perform big time tonight. Remember back in the day we use to do a lil dance and stuff?" Ashton asked. I nodded. "Well here's a mic." He said handing me one. I looked at them in shock. "Alright lets do this!" Tianna yelled. "I don't even know what-" "Yes you do." They said winking at me. I didn't even know what they were talking about. "Alright now!" The DJ yelled. "We got a special tonight! The hottest group around is here tonight with a special guest who left us a while back Desiree Mitchell!! She's with them tonight! So lets give them a hand!" The DJ yelled. I could here people saying 'Omg is that Desiree?' Im guessing this was a party where most people remembered me from school. Soon the DJ started the song and I realized it was a song that we all sang for a talent show. I smiled at them and started singing. Trey POV I was f*****g pissed as hell. I stayed with Kaleem and Keon while the girls started dancing to songs that were playing. I was actually getting tired. I haven't seen Desiree for the past hour. A part of me wanted to not care but the other part was sad that we were mad at each other. "Alright now!" The DJ yelled. "We got a special tonight! The hottest group around is here tonight with a special guest who left us a while back Desiree Mitchell!! She's with them tonight! So lets give them a hand!" The DJ yelled. Desiree???? I looked at the stage and saw her with some other people. Soon a song started playing and she started singing with them. The crowd was going wild at this point. "Lets go to the front!!" Keisha yelled. She grabbed my hand and in no time we were at the front. It was pretty cool to see my girl enjoying herself. Plus she was good at it. Our eyes met and she winked at me. I guess we was cool now. They finished and Desiree jumped off the stage and landed in front of me. "Desiree!! That was awesome!!" Jazmine yelled. "Thank you." She said. She looked at me. "We good now?" I asked her. "Yeah we good." She said. "Okay, its the thirty second countdown!" The DJ yelled. People started getting excited. "If you got a man or a gyal! Hold on to him or her!" Desiree wrapped her arms around my neck. "They say if you got a lover on old years night, you must kiss at exactly midnight and you'll know in your heart that they are the one for you." She said. "Baby, I know you the one for me." "10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone yelled. I lifted her up in my arms and kissed her passionately. I already knew that I loved her and no one else. She was my girl. This year would be a great year for both of us. She pulled away and looked at me. "I love you Trey." "I love you too Desiree." Desiree POV When we got back from Trinidad things were going well. School was a breeze, no one was really buggin me. Well Simone was but I could careless. Everything just seemed to be going well. Trey finally met my nana and she fell in love with him. I was happy that she did. Trey was the guy for me. I never thought my first boyfriend would be so great. I thought I would be heartbroken all the time and getting hurt. But Trey was different. I don't think Trey would ever hurt me. He hasn't lied as yet and Im glad. I also like the fact that he was only a year older than me. I would go older but one year was good for me. ***** I was totally bored out of my mind. No one was in the house. Jazmine went to see her family and Trey and Kaleem went out with the guys. I decided to go exploring. I checked out all the rooms on the third floor. Then I went to the basement. Ive never been down there before. I walked down the steps and saw a huge room filled with exercise equipment. Why didn't Trey tell me about this? I could use this instead of the gym. I was gonna have a serious chat with him. I noticed there was a door. It was pretty weird. I walked towards it and opened it. I heard yelling from a bunch of guys. I didn't know what was going on or who was down there. I walked down the steps and the yelling became louder. I recognized Keon's voice. I ran down the stairs and couldn't believe my eyes. "Trey please! I gotta kid! And its just-" "You think I give a f**k!!" Trey yelled. "I'll f*****g blast you right now!!" "Please, just give me till next week!!" Some guy said. He was tied to a chair. What was going on? "You said that last week!" Kaleem said. "Look, do you have a kid who is f*****g three years old and you trying to...ahhhh f**k man!!" The guy screamed after Carter punched him in his face. "I dont give a f**k whether you have a kid or not! You know who I am! Trey Parker! And what is my rule? I give you, you give back or you get blasted!" How could Trey be so cold and mean to this guy. "Trey man, just give me one more..." *BANG BANG BANG* I covered my mouth. I could feel tears running down my face. I couldn't believe that my boyfriend was a typical killer. I suddenly got scared of him. "Im done here. See what happens when people..." Trey stopped talking when he turned around and looked at me. They all turned around and looked at me. I started to back up. "Desiree I-" "Stay away from me." I said. He came towards me. "Dont touch me." He took my hand and brought me close to him. "Baby listen, I was-" I pushed him off and ran up the stairs. I was crying at this point. "Desiree!" I heard him yell. I kept running until he grabbed my hand. "Let go of me!!! You're a f*****g liar!!!!!" "Baby, I was going to tell you!" "BUT!!!!????" "I didn't know how too. Jazmine and Keisha told me that you never liked guys like me. You told my parents that you didn't like guys like me. But I wanted you. And Im in love with you. I fell in love with you." "If you were in love with me, you would have told me!!" I yelled. "How could you kill him!!! Just for not paying you back on time???" "Its business Desiree!!" "You have no heart!!! How could you hide that from me!! I bet you have more secrets too huh? What else is there to know about you Trey? Cause it looks like I dont know who you are!!" I yelled. He sighed. "Im not nineteen." "What, so your twenty?" "Im seven years older than you." He said. I got to think. Seven years older than me would be twenty four. "You're twenty four?" He nodded. I almost dropped. Im dating a grown man basically? "YOU'RE TWENTY FOUR TREY!!!! IM f*****g SEVENTEEN!!!!" "Baby, Im-" "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I yelled running up from the basement and headed towards the door. "Desiree, no. Dont leave. Just hear me out." I looked at him. "What Trey?" "I was going to tell you okay?" "Dont talk to me Trey. Im out." I walked out the front door and ran towards the road. I felt him grab my hand. I turned around and looked at him. "f**k you Trey! I gave you everything I have. My love, my life, my f*****g virginity! And you keep those two key points of yourself from me? I deserve the best! I thought you were the best! But you aren't! Your just those low life assholes who just want a girl to say they can have a girl!" "Desiree! You know I love you!" "You are a f*****g joke to me." I said walking away. I couldn't look at him. I just wanted to go to my nana's house and cry. I got to the condo and knocked on the door. Soon the door opened. "Rey!" She said. She pulled me inside the house and sat me down on the couch. "Baby girl? What happened?" She asked me. I just cried on her shoulder. I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out. "He...Hello?" I answered trying to hold in my tears. "Im sorry." Trey whispered. I couldn't do anything more but cry harder. "Desiree? Who was on the phone?" Nana asked me. She took my phone away from me. "Hello? Who is this?" Trey POV I walked back to the house heartbroken. I never thought that I would feel so empty and hurt. I saw everyone standing at the door. They all looked at me. "I told you you should've told her from a long time ago." Tracey said. I walked right past them and kicked opened the door. "Please scan-" I punched the system and walked inside. I just messed up with the love of my life. Maybe I should have told her from the start. I took out my phone and called her to see if I could make things right. I made my number unknown then waited for her to answer. "He...Hello?" She answered. I knew she was crying. It broke my heart to hear her. I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to her right now. "Im sorry." I whispered. As soon as I said that she cried harder. "Desiree? Who was on the phone?" I heard. It sounded like her nana. "Hello? Who is this?" "Its Trey Ma'am." I said. "What did you do to my granddaughter..." *** "Do you understand me? You better be sorry or Imma make your ass feel sorry!" She yelled. She hung up the phone leaving me in shock. I just got the cussing of a lifetime. I locked my phone and walked down to the private room. I sat down at my desk and rolled a blunt. "Yo Trey." I looked up and saw Carter. "Yea?" "Got a call from J. Wanna make a deal." "You know where to go." I said actually not caring. "Bring me back quarter of the money aiight?" He nodded and went into the back. I was getting tired and decided to get some sleep.
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