Age Is Just a Number 15

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Trey POV We were all enjoying our time here. I would move here or buy a summer house. The boys and I got use to driving here so we had three cars to drive. I was glad I could make Desiree happy. I knew she missed this place a lot. --- "Yo Trey! Something came for you!" Blaine yelled. I walked down the stairs and took the package from him. "What is it?" "A gift." I said walking up the stairs. I sat down on the bed and opened it. I took out the black case and saw what I was going to give Desiree. A pair of Elsa Peretti Diamond Hoop earrings and Tiffany Keys Heart key pendant necklace. Christmas was only two days away. I was getting excited. I loved Christmas. Just everyone being together and enjoying each other's company. This year, I would get to spend it with the girl I loved. Desiree POV It was Christmas Eve. I was going around the market picking up things to make for a nice Christmas lunch/dinner for tomorrow. Yeah, I know I said I wouldn't cook for anyone but I just had to do this. I picked up some chicken, some ham, some vegetables, rice, noodles, bread and some spices. I was gonna do what my nana always made for us. Baked ham, fried chicken, rice, salad, noodles and sweet bread. The classic way my family did it. I was finished and headed to the car. I was about to step inside when someone grabbed me by my waist. "What the hell!!" "Baby, where you been all my life? You sexy as hell." A voice said. I turned around and looked at the guy. He looked soo familiar. I stared at him closely then realized who he was. My dear cousin. "Tyrese!!!" "How you ah know mi name?" He said. "Tyrese!! It me!! Desiree!!" His eyes opened wide. "Desiree?? Is that you?" He said. I nodded happily and hugged him. He gave me a big hug as well. He was like my older brother. Only three years older than me. We pulled away from each other. Then I smacked him. "Ow! Why you do that for!" "Thats for trying to hit on me you nasty ass!" I yelled back. He had an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry cousin." He said. I laughed. "What are you doing down here? How come you never even call me to tell me you coming down here." "I didn't even know I was coming. My boyfriend surprised me." "Wait, you have a man?" I nodded. "Jeez gyal! You mama take you away for a few years and you come back with a man?" "Yes." "I need to meet him." "Drive me to where Im staying and you'll get too." I said. He nodded and got into the driver's seat. I got into the passenger seat and he drove off. "How is the fam?" "We alright. Its Christmas. You know what that means." "Confusion!!" We sang at the same time. Yes we sang that word. All our lives we sang. At home when we were sad, in the church choir, basically everywhere we were. He parked in the driveway of the house and helped me bring the stuff inside. "Hi guys!" I yelled. Everyone turned away from the television and looked at me. "Who's that?" Tracey asked. "Oh, this is Tyrese." I said. "Wuz de scene?" Tyrese said. Trey looked at him funny. "Why you eyeing me for?" "Niggah I can look at you however I want." Trey snapped back. "You are disrespectful! All mi want fi do is say hi. And you a call me that?" "Trey, this is my cousin." I said clearly. Trey looked at me. "Yes Trey. This is not some guy I met off the street. He's my cousin." "Aiight sorry man." Trey said getting up. He shook Tyrese hand and sat back down. "I approve." Tyrese said. to me. "How long you here for?" "Until the week of New Years." I said. "Okay. Y'all should come out to an Old Year's Night fete on the beach." "Fete?" Carter asked. "Party." I translated. "Ouu a party!! I wanna go!" Nicole exclaimed. "Yes you should." Tyrese said licking his lips. "Watch it. She has a boyfriend." Keon said pulling her close. I laughed. "Sorry. But yeah. Come out." "We will." I said. "Good. Desiree you have to come see the rest of us." "Don't worry I will." "Alright. I have to run. Bye." He said giving me a hug then leaving. "Whats all this?" Trey asked staring at all the bags. "Its for tomorrow." "You're gonna cook?" Blaine asked. "Yes." "Good!" Keon yelled. I looked at him. "Im sorry but you can cook. Can I hire you?" "Hell no!" I yelled. He frowned. "I am doing this out of the kindness of my heart. Be happy." "Fine." "So what you gonna make?" Carmen asked looking through the bags as well. "You'll see tomorrow." I said with a smile. (The next day....CHRISTMAS!!!!!) I woke up to the bright sun. It was Christmas Morning. I got up from the bed and went to the washroom to brush my teeth. When I was finished, I decided to take a drive somewhere. I got my flip flops and my sunglasses. I got the car keys and headed into the car. I drove out the driveway and headed towards my family graveyard. I haven't been there since I was twelve. I got to the house and walked around to the back. The house was abandoned and no one really knew what behind it. The place was still in good condition and my daddy's picture was still up. I smiled to myself and sat down on the grass beside his picture. "Hey daddy." I said. I missed him so much. I still remember how he died. I should know. I was there. It still haunted me at night sometimes. I remember clearly. I was seven. Me, my mom and my dad were having a family night. We were having a great time when there was a crash and four guys broke into the house and trashed almost everything. They took my mom and sexually assaulted her in front of my eyes then tortured my dad in front of me. I remembered him telling me to run and go to my room but I just couldn't. I stood there and watched. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and came back to the present. "I miss you so much. I just came to say Merry Christmas." I said. "I love you." I got up and walked away. I got back in the car and drove back to the house. I got there and walked inside the house. I walked around and everyone was still asleep. It was time to get everyone up. I went into Jazzy's room and saw her sleeping on Kaleem's chest. It was sooo cute but it had to end. "WAKE UP!!!!!! ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed while jumping on the bed like a kid. "What the hell?" Kaleem said loudly. "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" I yelled even louder. I jumped off their bed and did the same to everyone else in the house. They all got up and went downstairs while I went to wake up Trey. I looked at him sleeping. I did what I did before and started jumping on the bed. "Trey!!!! Wake up!!!!" I yelled. He moved and looked at me. He sucked his teeth and pulled the pillow over his head. I laid down beside him and moved the pillow. "Baby, wake up." I whispered. He still didn't move. I got under the covers and started to kiss his cheek and down his neck. "Desiree..." "Wake up Trey." I whispered again. I kissed his lips and looked at him. His eyes were finally open. "I'm awake." He said. I smiled at him. He stretched and sat up. "Yo man! Your girl is too hyped up! f*****g waking me up from my sleep?" I looked up and saw Blaine. I smiled. "Merry Christmas to you too." I said. "Whatever." He said walking out the room. Trey laughed and got up as well. I got up and headed downstairs. "You are something else." Jazzy said. "Im excited!!! Its Christmas!!" I said sitting down beside her. Everybody else came down and we were deciding on what to do. "We should go to the beach!" Nicole said happily. "Yeah we should." Tracey said. "Aiight cool. Lets just get breakfast and head out." Carter said. "You guys go. I'm staying here." "Why?" Trey ask. "Don't ask questions. Just go." I said. They all looked at me. "Go!" They shrugged their shoulders and got ready. It was now ten thirty and I had to get started. I got up and went into the kitchen. "You want me to stay and help?" I looked around and saw Trey. "Nope. You guys need to leave. And don't come back till five or six o' clock." "What??" "Bye bye." I said with a smile. He frown. I kissed his cheek. He left me and soon everyone was gone. It was time to cook!! (Few hours later) The house was smelling soo good. I was basically finished cooking. Everything was looking good too. I placed everything on the table then I changed into some shorts and a tank top and sat down in the living room. "The beach was awesome!!! I swear we have to-" "OH MY GOD IT SMELLS SO GOOD IN HERE!!!" I heard Keon yell. I laughed. They all appeared in front of me. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked. "Hell yea!" Jazmine said. I got up and showed them the table. "Damn girl! You made a feast!" Blaine said. We all sat down. "Merry Christmas! Enjoy!" I said. Soon dishes were being passed around the table and we all ate. It was such a good time. When we were finished, we started watching some Christmas movies. Only thing is, Trey took me upstairs to our room. "Close your eyes." He said to me. I did and he placed a box in my hand. I opened my eyes and looked at it. I opened it and saw a black case. I looked at him and he smiled. I opened it and was shocked. He bought me Gold earrings and a necklace with a heart key on it. "Oh my goodness! Trey!!!" I jumped into his arms and kissed him. He took out the necklace and place it around my neck. "Now you officially have the key to my heart." He said looking me in my eyes. "Trey, this is honestly the best Christmas ever." (Later that night) So far, Christmas was great. The gift Trey bought me was amazing, everyone loved the Christmas dinner I made for them, and watching Home Alone 1 and 2 made the night even better. Trey and I were in bed just chillin. Then he randomly brought me close to him and kissed me passionately. I loved his kisses. They were always passionate and showing me that he loved me. I think I was ready. Ready for him to have it way with me. I wondered if it would feel good. "Trey?" "Yeah?" "Get out the room for a second." "Why?" "I gotta get your gift." "Baby, I don't-" "Please Trey? It'll make your Christmas complete." "Fine." He said getting off the bed. "Can you tell the girls to come in here?" "Okay." He said leaving the room. I got up and went over to my suitcase. I got out my black and white laced lingerie set. I bought it just for Trey and planned on wearing it when I was ready. "You called?" I turned around and saw Jazzy, Carmen, Nicole, Keisha, and Tracey standing beside me. "What are you doing with that?" "I wanna do it tonight." I said. "Do what?" Keisha asked "Think about it. Why would a girl have lingerie with the word SEXY on the panties?" "Ouuuu you wanna do the nasty!" Nicole said with excitement. "Yeah, I wanna do it." I said. I changed and looked at myself. I then got my black pleated mini skirt and tank top to cover it. "You should wear heels." Jazzy said handing me my black platforms. "Now tell me your plan." "Well, I was thinking of playing Ciara's Body Party and doing a lil dance for him." "He'll like that. Where's your iPod?" Tracey asked. "On the dresser." I said. I applied some lip gloss and did my hair in one with a ribbon so Id look like a present. "Okay. Its hooked up to the system. Here is the remote." "Thanks." I said. I started to get nervous. Was I actually ready? "You guys? What it is like?" "Cant tell you hun. You gotta decide that for yourself. But I think you'd like it." Nicole said. She left for a minute then came back with a chair. "For Trey." She said with smirk. "Ill go get him." I nodded. I got on the bed and waited for Trey to come up. Trey POV "What do you think she's gonna give you?" Carter asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I do not know." "Trey, Desiree wants you." Jazmine said coming in. "Alright." I said. I got up and walked up to my room. I opened my door and saw Desiree on the bed. "Whats going on?" She got up and walked towards me. "Desiree?" She stood in front of me and dimmed the lights. "Merry Christmas baby." She said. She pulled me over to a chair and I sat down. Body Party started to play and Desiree started to sway her hips to the beat. She started doing a dance with was really hot. Dropping it and then slowly going into the splits. Then she straddled me and gave me the sexiest lap dance any girl has given me. And Ive had plenty of girls give me a lap dance but Desiree topped them all. She had my manhood getting stiff. Soon her top and her skirt came off showing off some stuff that I liked. Her body was amazing. Curves in the right places. Great size boobs and ass. Everything was perfect. She allowed her hair to fall which made everything better. I wanted her so badly right now. She was turning me the f**k on. Desiree POV I could tell that Trey was liking everything. But it was time to get to business. I placed his arms around my waist. He ran his hands along my body sending me chills down my back. "Boy you should know that your love is always on my mind. Im not gonna fight it, I want it all the time. Boy you should that your love is always on my mind, and I cant deny it, I want you, I want you." I whispered. "Damn girl." He said. "Trey? Im ready for it." I said. "Ready for what baby?" He asked. "For you to have your way with me." I whispered seductively in his ear. "You sure baby girl?" I nodded. He smiled. He picked me up and laid me on the bed. He got on top of me and kissed me passionately. He started to gently touch my boobs. I pulled away and pulled his shirt off. Exposing all his tattoos which made him look even more sexy. His hands explored my entire body but stopped at my area. He started to rub my girl gently. Ive never felt this and I was starting to like it. He kissed me as he rubbed my kitty harder. I couldn't help but to moan. "You like that baby?" I nodded. He stopped and looked at me. He gripped the top of my panties and slowly took them off revealing my girl to him. "Damn, she's a beauty." He whispered. He came close to my ear. "Baby, Im just gonna tell you from now, Ill be gentle and nice for now, but when I get into it, no more Mr. Nice guy." He said. He kissed my neck then went back in between my legs. I was getting nervous now. I slightly closed my legs but he kept them open. "Don't be nervous babe. Its gonna be fine." He said. He touch me then rubbed my cl*t. I closed my eyes and enjoyed what he was doing. Soon I felt something different. I gasped and opened my eyes. I saw him with his head down there. It felt so good. The way his tongue felt against my girl was amazing. I didn't think Id get so worked up over this. And he wasn't even inside me. I felt his finger in me and he was hitting my g-spot. Then he entered another finger and pumped harder than before. There was this feeling in my stomach that was different as I released. "Ughh!! Trey!!" I yelled. He pumped for a few seconds before stopping. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I did and I looked at Trey holding his d*ck. It was huge. Big. My eyes were wide open. He wanted to put that in me? "I know baby. He's big." He said. He slipped on a condom and then came close to me. "You ready?" I nodded. He kissed me then got to work. He pushed the head in and out. He did that for a bit before finally pushing as much as my girl could take for the first time. I winced at the pain it brought. A tear slipped from my eye but Trey wiped it away. "Don't worry baby. It'll get better." He said. He stayed still inside me so I could get use to his size. Then he started to move in me. He was right. The pain slowly became pleasure. I could tell as he began to speed up that his nice side was slipping away. He had me moaning and screaming for quite some time. I could feel myself reaching my climax then I released once again but he continued to go harder into me. He stopped, sat up and pulled me on top of him. "Do your dance baby." He said turning back on the song then taking off my bra. This was new to me. But I went with the flow. Even though he was in me, I did what I had to do. And it felt so good. And I could tell he liked it too. Soon we slowed down then stopped. We got under the covers and looked into each others eyes. I had a smile on my face. "Did you like it Rey?" "Uh huh." I said. I brought myself closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me. I kissed him and he kissed me back. "Thank you for being my first." "No prob babe. Im glad it could be me."
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