Age Is Just a Number 14

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Desiree POV I walked through the hallway to my locker so I could go home and finish packing. It was the day before school closed for Christmas. Trey told me that he was taking me somewhere for the break. I was excited. My first Christmas with a boyfriend. I walked down the hall with a huge smile on my face. Trey called me and told me that we were leaving tomorrow afternoon. Jazmine told me that they were all going with us but she didn't tell me where we were going. I hated not knowing. Everyone knew but me. I didn't bother to ask anymore since no one would tell me. I got my bag and headed out the main doors. I met up with Jazmine who was in the car with Kaleem. "Where's Trey?" I asked. "Had some stuff to do. Hop in." Kaleem said to me. I got into the back and he drove off. "Im actually so excited!" Jazmine said. "I am too! But where are we going!!!" I yelled. They both laughed and smiled at each other. "Ughh I hate you guys." "Don't worry, you'll love it." Kaleem said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Soon we got to the house. I walked in, did the security stuff and headed upstairs to finish packing. Trey told me that we were going somewhere with beaches and sun. I figured that it was Florida. Ive never been there before so if that's where we are going then Ill be happy. I packed a lot of summer clothes and swimsuits. I packed a couple dresses for clubbing and parties. So far I had four huge suitcases. A girl might be going away for two weeks but I like to have a majority of my clothes with me. I walked into my closet to get my notebooks and my songbook. I couldnt go anywhere without them. I felt a pair of arms around my waist and someone breathing slowly on my neck. "You almost finished?" I knew it was Trey. I turned around and nodded. "Yes. Im basically finished." I said. "Can you tell me where we're going?" "No." He said. I frowned. "Baby, its a surprise." "Hmph." He pulled me close to him and tried to kiss me but I pushed him off. "No. Until you tell me where you are taking me, I ain't hugging you, or kissing you. Actually, I ain't talking to you." I said walking away. He pulled me back and made me look at him. "You know you have to talk to me." He said. "No I don't." "You just spoke to me." He said smiling. "Come on, I promise that you'll love it." "Fine." I said. "If I don't, you're gonna be in trouble." He smiled and kissed me. ------ "Uhh, Desiree can you stay and help Blaine and Keon with the luggage?" Trey asked me as he parked the car in the airport parking lot. I looked at him as if he was on some type of drug. "Why the hell would I help them." "Fine. Stay with them." "Why?" "Just stay." He said leaving me. I sighed. Today was not going well at all. First off, Trey woke me up at four in the morning with ice water, then I had to skip breakfast to pick everyone else from the apartments by five thirty to get here by six forty. It was now seven o'clock and I was beyond tired. "Yo, help us with the bags." Carter said to me. "No." "Get your ass out here and help take out the bags." He demanded. "Im not sure if you heard me. But I said no. Im tired, so Im gonna go sleep." "You can sleep on the plane." Blaine said. "I can also sleep right here." "Desiree! Get out!" They yelled at me. "You guys f*****g irritate me!!" I screamed getting out the car. I walked to the back, got one of those trolley things and threw some bags onto it. "Allyuh betta be happy now!" I said with my accent. They all looked at me. I cleared my throat and sat in the trunk of the car. I pulled my hood over my head and fell asleep. Trey POV I quickly ran towards the parking but saw that the girls and the guys were coming with the stuff. They caught up with me. "Where's Desiree?" I asked. The moved away from the trolley and there was Desiree passed out on top the luggage. "She's so lazy." Blaine said. I shook my head. I was in a bad mood already. We just made it in time. The flight was gonna leave in twenty minutes and we had to go through security s**t and luggage stuff. I just wanted to get on the plane and relax. "Lets go. We have twenty minutes to get on the plane." I said.We all started running towards the entrance. We got in and ran to pass our luggage through. I lifted Desiree up in my arms and carried her through security and everything until we all finally boarded the plane. We all sat down in our seats. I still couldn't believe that Desiree was still sleeping. "How long is the flight?" Carmen asked me. "Uhh about six hours." I said. "Okay." "Yo, I didn't say anything to Desiree, but broke out into some accent that was pretty hot." Carter said. Tracey looked at him. "Im not saying her, I said the accent. Chill." "Really? Ive never really heard it. Is it strong?" I asked. "Hell yeah. I swear when she feels like it and she starts talking with it, you'd think someone else is talking. She sounds nothing like Desiree." Jazmine said. I nodded and looked at her. She was peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. "Flight to Trinidad and Tobago will be lifting off now. Please fasten all seat belts and stay seated." The announcer said. I sat back in my seat and relaxed. This was gonna be a good vacation. Desiree POV "Desiree? Desiree wake up." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a plane. "Come on, lets go." Trey said. "Are we here?" He nodded. I stretched and got up. I walked off the plane followed everybody. I looked at my surroundings and realized it looked really familiar. My kind of music was playing. I looked out the window and saw palm trees and a bright sun with a blue sky. I suddenly realized where I was. "OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Everyone turned around and looked at me. "Whats wrong?" Kaleem asked. "No it cant be! Im dreaming! No! Its a dream!" "What is a dream?" Blaine asked. "That Im home! As in Trinidad!" "But you are here." Trey said. I opened my eyes wide. "TREY!!!!!" I yelled jumping into his arms. "I knew you'd like it." He said. I couldn't believe that Trey brought me to Trinidad. I felt at home for once. We went to get our luggage. "Trey? Where are we staying?" Nicole asked him. "I rented a house for all of us." He said. I really didn't care where we were staying. I was just glad I could be home. I could stay with a family member for all I care. We walked up to the desk that was there. A dark skin man was standing there. "Umm I need to get to this place and I need a transportation. Think you can help me out?" Trey asked the man. "Car rentals are ova dere." The man said. I actually felt at home. People who spoke like me. I wasn't using my American accent for the time I was here unless I had too. "Over where?" Kaleem asked. "Can you tell us how to get there?" Carmen asked rudely. "Go down de hall, make a right, go down de hall some more. And its right dere." The guy said. "Listen, we don't know what you are talking about. Give us proper directions." Jazmine said. I could see the man getting really mad now. "Gyal, don't make me repeat myself eh! You gots a brain. Use it nuh." He almost yelled. "Alright, alright. You say go down there?" I asked with my accent. "Yes. You from here?" The guy asked. I nodded. "Okay. Well, yeah. Go down de hall, make a right, go down some more and its right dere." "Thanks." I said. I turned around and everyone was looking at me. "What?" "Your voice." Trey said. "And? Look, me nah have no time to stand here and chat. Im tired, please move yuh legs and lets go." I said again. They looked shocked. I cleared my throat and decided to talk regular. "Guys come on. Lets go. I would like to get to the house and relax. Can we please go?" They snapped out of it and started walking. "Thank you." I showed them where to go since they looked confused. We got there and we found a car that could hold all of us and all our things. "Trey, let me do the payment stuff at the desk and you guys get in the car." "Alright." He handed me some cash and I headed to do the papers. After I was finished and I got the keys, I headed back to them. I saw that Kaleem was in front seat. "I don't think you'd want to drive." "Why not?" "If you get in the back Ill show you." I was gonna drive here. Im not ready to die with one of them driving. Kaleem got in the back and I sat down in the front with Trey. I put the keys in and started it up. "Aren't you gonna put on your seatbelt?" Trey asked. "Nope." I said. I turned on the radio and had it on full blast. I drove up to the entrance to the road. "I think you should put-" "Trey stop. I need to focus." I said. I looked at the cars speeding pass me. I found a quick space that I could make. I mashed the gas and made a sharp turn into the road. "What the hell!!!!" Jazmine scream. I laughed. "Desiree slow down!" Blaine yelled at me. I slowed down just to teach them a lesson. "Thank you." "Desiree look out!!" Carmen shouted. I looked out the window and saw a whole bunch of car speeding my way. I drove in full speed. "I know what to do. Don't tell me how to drive!" I yelled. "Stop being babies!! Im not gonna kill anyone!" From then on everyone was silent. "Trey can I see the address?" He took out a piece of paper. I took it and read it. I knew where this place was. "Baby, you got us a place close to the beach!!" "Yes I did." He said. It was soo hot today. I wondered why I was still in my hoodie. I took my hands off the wheel and took off my sweater. "Desiree!" "What?" "You are never driving when we get home." He said. I laughed. We got to the house and I instantly fell in love with it. I parked the car in the driveway. "Okay guys! We are here!!" I yelled. "I cant believe that Im alive." Nicole said holding onto Keon. "Same here." Tracey said. "Desiree, you drive to wild. Im taking a taxi." "No you're not. Until one of the guys learns to drive up here, Im driving." I said. "Now lets go inside." I said. We all got out the car and headed inside the house. The place so huge. Staircase, big living room, big kitchen. I loved it. I ran up the stairs and looked at the rooms. These rooms were big. I picked out the one with the view of the beach. There were three rooms on each side. Three in front of the beach and three facing the road. I walked onto the balcony and looked at the beach. People having fun and being happy. "You happy now?" I looked behind me and saw Jazmine. "Yes. I cant believe Trey did this for me." "I know. I really wanted to tell you but I couldn't." "I hope they have some good fetes while Im here." "Fetes?" "Parties." "Girl, you know Im not from here. Talk to me so I cant understand you." She said getting angry. I laughed. "Alright fine." I said. She walked away leaving me. I actually couldn't believe that I was here. I had some many things to do. Ii had to see my cousins and my old friends that Ive kept in touch with. "Whatcha thinking about?" I looked to my side and saw Trey standing beside me. "Why'd you do this?" "Thought it could be a good vacation for all of us. Also, you probably missed it here. So I just thought it would make your Christmas break even better." "Trey, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I said. "I swear you're the best." He brought me close to him. "Anything for you." He said giving me a kiss. This was actually gonna be the best Christmas ever.
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