Age Is Just a Number 19

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Desiree POV School was coming to an end and graduation was coming up. I was five months pregnant now and things were starting to slow me down. Since I was having twins, I had to be careful. Trey was helping out so much. Even though I was probably annoying him, he was okay with it. Now with school? I dont know. Most of my classes involved hardcore moving and flexibility and I couldn't do it. I settled for the writing parts and the relaxing parts and luckily my teachers understood what I was going through. Dance class, I had to sit out and watch. It was hard but I had too. Jazmine and the girls have been doing competitions and wining every one they went too. I wished I could be apart of that but I couldn't. At first I was devastated but Trey helped me get over it. I was glad to have him. He cheered me up when I was down and loved me. --- "TREY!!!!!" I yelled. "What!!!" He yelled back. He opened the bedroom door and looked at me. "Yes baby?" "Can you make me a sandwich?" "Turkey?" "Yes please." I said with a smile. I finished my homework and turned on the tv. I switched to BET and watched 106 park. "Here you go babygirl." I looked up and saw Trey with a plate. "Thank you." He sat down beside me and took half of my sandwich. I instantly slapped his hand making his drop the bread. "Ow!" "What you cant ask?" "Alright. Can I have some baby?" "No! This is my sandwich." "You are so greedy." "No Im not. Im feeding three people right now. Not four." "You two better be happy in that tummy. Eating up all my food." Trey said then kissing my stomach. I laughed. "I got an ultrasound tomorrow." "Okay. You wanna know what gender?" "No." "Aiight. Ill know and show you when you want to know." "Okay." I said. I cuddled closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me. Then I remembered something. I haven't told my nana or my aunt about this. "Trey can you pass my phone?" He stretched over to the nightstand and gave it to me. I dialed my aunts number. "Hey babygirl." She answered. "Hi aunty. How are you?" "Im fine. Hows my niece?" "Umm well, I need to talk to you and nana." "Alright. Sure. When?" "Uhh, tonight?" "Alright sweetie. Ill get mom and you can come over in about an hour." She said. "Thanks." I said hanging up. "Going over to see your aunt?" "Yeah. I haven't told her as yet." I said. "Alright. Ill take you there. I gotta do some stuff okay?" "Okay." *** "What did you want to tell us?" My nana asked. "Ummm, how would you feel if I told you that you're gonna be a great grandmother?" I half whispered. "Desiree you aint pregnant?" Aunt Talia asked. I nodded. "You are???" Nana asked in shock. "Yeah." I said quietly. They both looked at each other. "Well, Im fine with it." Nana said. "Imma be a great aunty!!" Aunty Talia yelled. "Sooo, whatchu having?" "Twins." I said. "Oh my goodness. Two great grand babies!!" Nana said. She gave me a hug. "When are you due?" "Maybe around the end of September early October." I said. They started screaming and jumping. They were more excited than me. "Wait, does your mom know?" Nana asked. "No. And she's not going to know." "Oh sweetie. I think-" "No Nana! My mom is dead to me. My kids will not know her." "Then what if they get older and asked for there grandma." "Ill just say she died." "Desiree-" "I dont want her in their lives." I said coldly. They nodded and we continued to talk about whats been going on until Trey came back for me. Trey POV "Are you the father?" Dr. Nelson asked me. "Yes I am." I said. "You have a beautiful girlfriend." She said. "Thank you." Desiree said. "Alright. Lift up your shirt and we can get started." She said. Desiree pulled her shirt up and Dr. Nelson put some gel on her stomach. She turned on the machine and we saw a picture appear. "Alright, well you are definitely having twins. They are both healthy. Just keep eating properly. They are developing nicely. Would you like to know the gender of them?" "I dont wanna know." Desiree said. "I do." I said. Dr. Nelson took out a pen and paper and wrote something on it. She folded it and handed it to me. I took it and open it. "We gonna have a nice family." I said looking at Desiree. She gave me a questioning look. "You'll see baby." I said with a smile. (Graduation Day) Desiree POV "Okay! Nana stop!" I yelled. "I am pregnant! You're making my dress too tight!" "Sorry dear. Hows this?" She asked loosening the strings. "Better." I said. I was almost ready to head to the stadium for my graduation. I was at my nana's house getting ready. My hair was already done nicely. I got it super straight with purple highlights to match my dress. All I had to do was my make up which my aunt was going to do for me. Soon there was a knock on the door. "Alright sweetcheeks. Wait here." She said heading to the door. "Get out of here." "Mom hold on." Someone said. "No! Leave!" "Mom can I just talk to her? Please?" I turned around and saw my mom. Nana looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. Today was the last day of my teenage years. I wasn't going to take her s**t. "You got ten minutes." Nana said. Mom walked in and looked at me. "You look beautiful." She said sincerely. "Thank you. What do you want." "Baby, Im sorry. For everything." She said. I didn't look at her. "Desiree please listen. I know I haven't been the best mother-" "Haven't been the best? Mom, you haven't been a mother to me! You are the worst mother in the world! You treated me like dirt! Like s**t! You never cared about me! You allowed men to abuse me and take advantage of me! You gave them permission to torture me! You'd beat me senseless until I couldn't move Mom! Im your daughter! Not your slave! How could you do that to me! How could you do that to your only daughter!" I said breaking down into tears. I fell to the ground remembering EVERYTHING that my mom did to me. "Dear please stop crying its not healthy for the babies." "Babies?" My mom asked. "Yes. Im pregnant with twins." I said wiping my tears. "Im gonna be a grandma?" "No. Aunt Talia is going to be a grandma. YOU aren't anything to me or my babies. I dont ever want to see you again." I said sternly. She allowed a tear to fall. I could tell was hurt. But she needed to know how it feels to be hurt by someone who was suppose to mean the world to you. "Okay. But here. Its nothing much but I knew you were graduating today so I just wanted to give you something." She said handing me a bag. I took it and threw it on the couch. "I guess Ill be going." She said. I looked away as she walked away. "You okay honey?" I looked at my nana and nodded. "Alright. Talia is gonna be here soon." I sniffled and nodded. "Babygirl, dont worry about this. Today is your day." "Okay nana." --- "Desiree Mitchell, Highest Honors. Scholarship to Juliard School of the Arts, Music Award, and General Performance Award." The crowd started cheering as I got up from my seat. "Yeah thats my baby!!" I heard come out from Trey's loud ass mouth say. I laughed and got my awards. "Work that gown!" Blaine yelled. I laughed harder and looked towards the crowd and struck a pose. Everyone cheered louder as I walked off the stage. I sat back down on my chair. Soon everyone got their awards. "I now present the graduating class of 2013." Our principal said. We all got up and threw our caps in the air. The crowd went loud and I ran over to my girls. "We are finish!!!" Jazmine yelled. We all agreed and hugged each other. I pulled away from them in search for Trey. I saw him talking with my aunt and my nana and Grandad. I ran up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled. He picked me up and spun me around. "Ahh, look at my baby. Finished high school." He said. "Good job babygirl." "Thank you." He gave me a passionate kiss. I pulled away. He gave me a card and a bag. I opened it saw a black case. I opened the case and saw a diamond necklace that said congratulations. "This is so beautiful! Thank you Trey!" "No problem baby. Read the card." I took it and opened the card. "Congratulations Desiree from Trey, and your baby girl and baby boy." I said out loud. I looked at him with a confused expression. "Whats wrong baby?" "Who's baby girl and baby boy?" I asked. "You know who they are." He said rubbing my stomach. Wait a minute. I just realized what he meant. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Everyone turned around and looked at me. "Sweetie whats wrong?" Nana asked me. "IM HAVING A BABY BOY AND A BABY GIRL!!!! IM HAVING TWINS THAT ARE A BOY AND A GIRL!!!" I scream with excitement. Ive always wanted both. Whether they were gonna be individuals or twins, I wanted to have a son and a daughter. "Oh my goodness! Thats great!" Aunt Talia said. I was beyond happy. Trey and I got home after a barbecue at his parents house. Thank god everyone else was going to their home so Trey and I could be alone for the night. We got into his room and I changed into my sweats and an oversized tee shirt. "Hey, your nana wanted me to give you this." Trey said handing me a bag. I took it and took out a picture frame of me, my mom and my dad when I was at least three. I started to tear up as I read the bottom of the picture. 'Your father would have been so proud of you. And I am too Desiree. Sorry for being a really bad mother. I do love you. And I regret treating you the way I did. Love mom.' "Baby whats wrong?" Trey asked sitting beside me. "Who"s this?" "Me and my mom and my dad." I said quietly. I couldn't really remember my dad but I do remember when he died. "Wheres your dad?" "He was killed." "Oh. You guys look like a happy family." "I know." I said. I looked at the picture then placed it under the bed. I rested my head on the pillow. Maybe my mom was really sorry. "You okay baby?" Trey asked. I sighed and wrapped up in the sheets. "Baby you can talk to me." He said. I turned to face him. "I saw my mom today and yelled at her. I told her that I never want to see her again and that I dont want her as a grandmother to my kids." I said. "She looked so sorry and I didn't give her a chance to talk." I said starting to feel bad. I sighed to myself. "Well, what would you want to do? You can either live the rest of your life without her or you can get together with her and talk things over." "I dont know." "Well, heres what I think. I think that you should talk to her. You're legally on your own now but she still gave birth to you and showed love to you at some point in your life. Am I right?" "Yeah. But that was at least thirteen years ago." "It doesn't matter. Maybe something drastic happened and caused her to act that way towards you." "I guess." "Think about it babygirl. If your mom could give you a picture of old times, it means something." He said giving me a kiss. "Night babes."
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