Chapter 4

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Great, now I had to tell Bane about this, I doubt he'd believe me. I mean who would believe a giant black smoke cloud was trying to eat me and Gavin? Although if it wasn't for Gavin, I wouldn't have seen it. I gathered myself before knocking on Banes door. "Bane? May I have a word with you?"  I suddenly heard giggling and fumbling around. "I'll get it!" I recognized that voice...  The door swung open, the site of her red hair made my fist curl. She wore a giddy smile on her flushed face. "I'm sorry but Bane's busy." She said with a little pout face. She then patted me on the head. "Looks like you will have to wait little moon." "I can't, It's important." I said, she then revealed her naked body from behind the door. "Ugh God!" I said as I covered my hands. "God lord cover yourself!" "This is how a females body is suppose to look tiny moon. Compared to your little boy body." She  said smirking at me. I glared at her, I was thin but I damn sure wasn't flat chested. I might of not had the biggest breasts around here but they weren't little. Unlike this woman who was more on the bustier side. "Ferrah?" Bane's raspy voice made my heart pick up. I immediately turned my head away. "Whose at the door?"  "Oh just your whinny little runt." She said simply, I bite the inside of my cheek again. I glanced at Bane, who thank god, was dress decently. Ferrah turned to him and started kissing his neck. "Come on baby forget about her let's do something more fun." She purred. Ugh god she disgusted me.  Bane smirked at her. "Maybe later, I have to much to do today." Bane's body was tense and his face looked a little flushed. He didn't look at me or acknowledge me yet. Ferrah finally let out a sharp sigh. "Ugh, fine but when you want company let know okay?" She said and kissed him on the cheek, Bane seemed to flinch back from her. She then grabbed a robe and pranced away. I rolled my eyes. Did the woman not know of modesty?  "Lucia, what is it?" Bane's voice brought me back from my inner thoughts. I looked up at him, he seemed more relaxed now, his muscles weren't so tense. "I needed to speak with you about something. May I come in?" He opened the door without saying a word. Going into Bane's room made me feel a little uncomfortable, given what I just saw. I shuttered in response to my now scorned image of Ferrah. Bane sat on the corner of the bed. "You gonna start talking, cause I have other things to do today." Bane said as he leaned backwards. "Have you ever seen anything that isn't well..normal around here?" I asked "You." He said smirking. I squinted my eyes at him. "Oh ha ha. Not funny." For some reason I could feel him looking at me, but this felt different. I stared up at him, his eye's suddenly narrowed at me. "Your bleeding Lucia." He said My eyes widened, I started searching myself but there were no cuts on my arms or legs. I suddenly felt warmth between my legs. I stretched one of my legs out and saw a scarlet line dripping down my leg. I suddenly felt horrified. I closed my legs and turned away from him. My chest tightened and an overflow of emotions took over... Bane stood up and walked away for a second. This wasn't suppose to happen like this. You were suppose to be here to tell what to do...I don't know what to do. A sudden rush of heat flooded my face, I felt like I wanted to cry. Bane came back with a cloth. He kneeled down to my outstretched leg and started to wipe the blood away. I quickly retracted my leg from him.  He sighed heavily "Is this the first time you've bled?" He asked. I felt paralyzed, I didn't know anything about how I was suppose to take care of this on my own. My mother was suppose to teach me but... I started to shake, this was too much to bear. Hot tears started to flood down my face. Bane reached for my leg again but I slapped his hand away. "Don't. Don't try to be nice to me now. Don't pity me." I said with immense rage.  I snatched the cloth from him. "I may be here against my will, but your the one who put me here in the first place and your the reason my family is dead. So don't. Don't try to help me." I was sweating, my body was heating up. Bane stood up "Exactly. I took your family from you. You have no idea what to do about this situation do you?" I scoffed "What? And you do?" He grabbed the cloth back from me. "I have sisters. Their's happened in front of me as well" He then pointed to chair next to him. "Sit." He said when I didn't move he grabbed my arm and sat me down himself. He took my leg in his hands, they were warm but probably because I was sweating so much it made my skin cool. He gently wiped the blood from my leg, seeing Bane like this was very odd. I've only ever seen him when he was angry with me or when we were fighting. I never knew he had sisters... "This will last for four to six days at the longest." It was weird that a man was teaching me about female stuff, but I guess I had no other option but to learn from him. "Here." He took his shirt off, I looked away but found myself glancing back at him. His skin was olive colored and flawless unlike Gavin's. He was muscular but that was to be expected from an Alpha wolf. He wrapped it around his hand. "Here it's cotton, it will work. Slip it under you for now so you won't bleed through." "Uh, But its your-" "Don't worry about it." He said standing up. "Whatever you had to tell me can wait til later." He took the cloth and placed it in a bucket of hot water. I took a look around his room. It was a big room, with a big bed and bookshelves. I was sitting in a chair next to a small table that had a liquor glass on it. There was a book on the table, I turned it around to read the title. "How to Weaken a Mate Bond" I glanced back to Bane who was now putting on another shirt. Was Ferrah his mate? Maybe he was trying to break his bond with her. I wouldn't blame him though...She's a handful. Bane grabbed another wash rag and threw it too me. "Here, if that happens again." "By the way, what were you doing when this happened?" He asked. Now he wanted to know? Maybe now wasn't the right time to tell him... "Uh, I was with Gavin." That name seemed to strike a nerve with Bane. The vein on his temple pulsated.  "Stay away from him." He demanded as he walked up to the door. "Gavin is not the kind of person you should be around. My pack already aren't found of you, if your with Gavin they really won't be any nicer to you." I stood up and sighed. "You know I really don't care. Gavin is the first wolf here who hasn't laid a hand on me. Let them hate me, they already do and I did nothing wrong but breathe the same air as you." I said then reached for the door but Bane slammed it shut.  "You think what I just did for you wasn't kind?" He said with growl. I leered at him. "No, you just pitied me."  He leered at me. "For someone who has supposedly known kindness, you mistake my actions for pity? I don't pity you. I told you I don't regret what I did therefore I don't feel bad for you." My chest tightened. Then why was he helping me now if not because he pitied me? This man has bitten me, pulled my hair and smothered me in mud. His actions were like oil and water...they didn't mix and they made no sense. "I'm leaving." I said as I tired to pull the door open against his weight. I suddenly felt his grip on my throat as he pushed me against the door. I grabbed on to his hand as he held me there. He leaned into me, I closed my eyes turning my head away from him. My heart pounded and I could felt my pulse beating against his hand. I suddenly felt his hard body press again me. I felt his hair lick the nape of my neck as his hot breath against my skin made me shiver. His grip wasn't as hard... I felt him take a long inhale. Was he smelling me? I felt his other hand wrap around my waist and he pulled me into him. I felt like a rabbit locked in a wolfs jaws...every fiber of my being was telling me to run. "You smell so good..." He said in a very raspy low voice. I started to shake in his embrace. His hand slide up my back to my shoulder and slowly slipped off the sleeve on my shoulder. I glanced up him, Bane's eyes were hazed over in a lustful way.  My eye's widened. I jolted from his arms and ripped his hand from my neck. "How dare you!" I screamed. Pulling up my sleeve. "Keep your hands off me you retched dog!" My skin was crawling I felt violated. I then kicked him in the shin and he fell to one knee groaning. I ran out of his room. My eye's burned. I hated it here, nothing was sacred. Not my body or my mind, everything could be taken away from me...
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