Mistaken Identity

1670 Words
Iris Oliver had taken ages to heal this time. Whatever had hit him had been powerful. I had thought to get the doctor to pull blood from everyone to see if we could work out what they used. We have never been so close to losing like that before. Granted Black Diamond was the most powerful pack we had infiltrated and they probably were waiting for us to do something like we did but still, I had never nearly lost anyone like that. If Greer hadn’t got Jackson to Thea in time he wouldn’t be here now. Luke had overtaken my car at breakneck speed when Greer passed out, obviously terrified when Thea was also became unconscious after taking enough poison from Jackson to keep him alive. I found Luke by Thea’s side as she was recovering. “How much longer do we have to do this Iris ?” He asked. “I don’t know Luke, maybe Greer is the key to stopping them, maybe she and I together are strong enough to stop them forever.” I had to believe this because I couldn’t lose any of my friends, we were like family, and already I considered Greer part of it. “I can’t lose her, Iris. It’s my job to protect her and I can’t protect her from herself. Healing Jackson in that state nearly killed her.” “But losing him would have destroyed her too if she could help. You were chosen as her mate because you can handle this and you can protect her. You got this Luke. She will be okay.” I let those worlds since in, reminding him why he got her, as I left to check on the others. Allegra had pretty much healed now and when I left her room she came with me and had stuck to me like glue, clearly in a bit of shock at meeting us and her escape from Black Diamond. While waiting on the others healing she had told me her story. I initially couldn’t believe what Allegra had told me but I did. Happy tears fell down my face as I hugged her, much to her confusion, but she soon rightly hugged me back. Greer entered the room, looking confused but true to form she remained quiet. Seeing her wrapped comfortably in Jackson’s arms I couldn’t believe I didn’t see that coming. Thea hadn’t said I told you so but she knew there was something going on there. They looked so perfect together. I was pleased Jackson was her mate, and that he wasn’t fighting it. I didn’t think he would have won if he tried. I had thought that Greer and I were quite similar, she seemed stubborn like me but where I still didn’t think before I acted she was more reserved. She had also just proved she was a kick ass warrior. I was happy she was on our team. I saw Oliver watching me intently. I thought back to being Greer’s age and never wanting a mate, or to be Oliver’s luna. How stupid was so to think I could ever live without him. I understood now what the moon goddess had said about choosing our mates. Oliver let me be, his carefree attitude tolerating all my bad decisions, only reining me in when he thought I had gone to far. With him I did feel indestructible, that was until Allegra told us what they were planning. Which had shaken me more than I cared to admit. “Does someone want to fill me in?” Greer asked, looking at Luke. He didn’t need to ask permission, she was family now. “Allegra here is yet another silver wolf. Christian was told by a witch that she has powers.” Luke continued. “Christian has been using her to test and develop potions that can block your powers and also to steal them.” Allegra looked visibly shook at the mention of these. “Did they work ?” Greer asked. “The power blocking did but not the power stealing, much to his annoyance.” Allegra answered herself. “Then when he thought he found you, the witches told him you where the key. With you he could unlock the powers. They said you could break the curse and restore his powers too.” “How do you know this ?” I asked her. She looked upset so I looked at Luke. “The beta, he tried to look out for her. She is Alyssa’s cousin and she asked him to watch out for her. He was worried that Christian was going to harm her, more than he had already so he orchestrated her escape. The same night we happen to appear, completely by coincidence. “Who is Alyssa?” I forgot Greer hadn’t always been here. When Luke told her my tale he must have not given her all the names. “Aylssa was my brothers mate, she came from Christian’s pack. He wanted to take her as his chosen luna and was upset when she met Lachlan. She was killed the night he attacked my pack, along with their pup she was carrying. Lachlan didn’t even know she was pregnant.” My voice cracked as I remembered the secret she never got to share. Greer looked at me sadly and didn’t speak. “The tale Christian told us was so different. He told us your brother stole Alyssa and forcibly marked her and then he killed her to prevent her leaving. We were all meant to hate you but I remembered the one time she returned after meeting your brother. She was so happy, she promised to come back and get me, once she was settled. Dave swore to look out for me until she returned. He sort of took on a big brother role after she died.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “He will be okay won’t he, I tried to get him to come with me but he won’t leave Chloe and she wouldn’t come.” “Did Chloe know the plan to get you out?” “Yes, she was against it, she didn’t want anything to happen to Dave. Which I get. She was so nice to me growing up, like a big sister but I guess it all got too much when Christian decided I was gifted. They argued a lot about it. He could never convince her to leave with me, she thought it was too risky but he couldn’t watch anymore. He is a really good wolf. He didn’t want to be beta. He got the position when Alyssa’s dad went missing and he decided that he could do more good for the pack as beta, especially when Chloe would never leave.” The fondness I her voice for Dave ran deeper than brotherly love, I understood they there was probably an element of jealousy on Chloe’s part, as Allegra grew up. It would be hard to see your mate be close to someone else. Thankfully for me it wasn’t something I had to worry about but I could imagine how tough it would be, even if innocent. “Back to Greer, you said Christian needed her and knew where she was.?” Luke asked. Allegra tilted her head like she was trying to remember. “Yeah, but he didn’t call you Greer, he used a different name? Is your wolf called Aurelia or something ?” Greer Aurelia, he is going after Aurelia. My heart rate skyrocketed and if I hadn’t been sat in Jackson’s lap I don’t know what I would have done. “What did you say?” “I’m sure Dave said you were called Aurelia.” “I need to go.” I stood up to leave. I had to go get her. I could bring her here and keep her safe from him. Instantly Jackson’s arms were locked around me. “Steady little mate, let’s hear everything out first. If we need to I promise we will go get her.” “You would come with me?” This wasn’t really his problem, she was mine and even if Zorina didn’t share my love for her I couldn’t let anything happen to her. “You don’t seem to be getting the idea, you are stuck me and I’m not letting you out my sight. We are a team, where you go I go.” Those words meant more to me than I could imagine, it was although I finally let go the belief that he was going to let me down. I turned around and buried my head in his chest. Fighting the urge to cry I could feel his breath tickling my neck as I calmed down. I wasn’t sure how long we stood like that but I was aware everyone was still in the room. Which was the only thing that stopped me from kissing him passionately. “Allegra, Luke tell me everything you know.” Not leaving Jackson’s safe embrace I let them repeat the details to me until I understood. “So Christian thinks the daughter of light, which might be true. If it is then I might be key to stealing all our powers. But he mistakenly he thinks I’m Aurelia, who we know doesn’t have any powers. He has potions that can block our powers and other than Aurelia we don’t know that he knows of any others.” Luke nodded in confirmation. “I know it’s maybe not priority to you guys but I would still like to get Aurelia, just in case. She can stay here a while can’t she?” I looked pleadingly at Jackson. “Of course, if that’s what you want.” He replied instantly. “I’m not sure she deserves your help.” Iris grumbled. Then her eyes lit up “S*** with everyone nearly dying I forgot. Greer your wolf isn’t silver. It’s gold.”
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