Not Sisters

1916 Words
Greer I was content here in Jackson arms. But my brain wouldn’t let me be peaceful for long. After Ara left it got me thinking about Kora, against my better judgement. I think I had been in denial about it. It was just such a large secret to learn. How would it have felt to have a real sister a bond like Kora and Ara. Maybe if we have know each other before we might have got along. I got up to leave from the room, reluctantly I knew I needed to speak with Kora. I didn’t know what I was going to say other than she didn’t need to worry about being in the middle. As far as I was concerned she was Ara’s sister not mine, and I had no problem it staying that way. I didn’t need to rock the boat anymore. “Where are you going ?” Jackson pulled me back into his lap. Placing kisses all over my neck that I couldn’t lie felt like heaven. I quietly groaned, pleasure zipping through my body before I heard a soft cough reminding us we weren’t alone. While Luke looked uncomfortable, Thea was beaming. “I’m so pleased for you guy’s.” She said smugly, lacing her hand in Luke as she pulled him out the room. “Don’t be too long Iris has been waiting with Allegra to see us.” Trying to free myself from Jackson, he pulled me closer and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Come on, let’s find out what was happening Black Diamond.” I told him. He groaned but his was in frustration. “I don’t want anymore chatting , I want to take you to bed and mark up now.” As he started suck on my marking spot I would have let him do that now. Thoughts of what he could do to me right here flooded my mind and I could feel my insides squirming with delight. “F*** Greer. Don’t tempt me. I’m doing this properly.” I had other ideas however, moving myself so I was straddling his thighs, I blew gently over his marking spot. Placing soft kisses over as it as my hands played with the wait band of his jeans. I shivered as suddenly he lifted me from his lap, breathing hard. “You don’t quite understand little mate, once won’t be enough, I’m going to f*** you so good you won’t be going anywhere for a while.” His words only fuelled the fire growing between my legs and I closed the gap between us. My hands grasping his t-shirt and I kissed him. Pulling back from me I could see Onyx was fighting him for control. “You are never going to do things the easy way are you ?” I smirked in return, pushing away from him so I could pull my t shirt over my head. I watched as his battle for control was slipping form his grasp and as I reached behind to inclasp my bra, I knew I was winning this round. Until there was a knock at his door. “Go away.” Jackson growled at the door. I heard whoever was behind it jump on fright and something clattered to the floor. “It’s Kora.” My wolf told me. “Wait,” I called out, quickly pulling my t-shirt back on. “You can come in.” Jackson didn’t say anything I could tell he was confused, even more so when Kora walked in. She looked a little nervous, clearly she was a little scared of Jackson. “I’m sorry to interrupt.” She started shakily. “I wanted to see you were okay, Ara said you were with Jackson.” “Oh, em thanks.” I replied. I didn’t know what else to say to her. I studied her closely, wondering why she cared. “I wondered if we could talk.” Kora said, then looking at Jackson. “Maybe alone ?” “No ch…” “Of course.” I replied. “Greer. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Jackson was already trying to pull me back into his arms. I let him but turned to face him. “It’s okay. I want to speak to her. I’ll meet you after.” He knew it wasn’t a question and I knew he wanted to argue so I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him. He hugged me tightly in return. “Promise me you will link me if needed?” “Okay” “Promise Greer.” “I promise I will link you if I need anything.” “This conversation isn’t over little mate.” “Looking forward to it.” “Do you want to go for a walk?” I asked Kora and she nodded. We headed onto the beautiful rose garden this pack was famous for. It was a beautiful work of art, if the beauty alone didn’t bring a smile to your face then the lovely smells sure helped. “It’s so beautiful here .” I thought out loud, being near Jackson putting me in a good mood. Kora nodded then resumed playing with her hands and didn’t know what else to say so I just waited for her to start. “Mum didn’t talk about my Dad., your Dad I mean. It always made her sad or angry when I asked so I stopped. I didn’t think I really remembered him. It was 18 years ago the last time we last saw her. We didn’t even day goodbye. Obviously, Ara now thinks it’s something to do with you being born?” I didn’t rely. I guess I could see how that added up but I was a baby so what would I know. Even if it was something to do with me was that really my fault. “She doesn’t really remember her, like I do. She wasn’t very maternal, I’m not sure she really wanted us, well it felt like that anyway. That’s why I’ve always tried to protect and be there for Ara. I wasn’t expecting another sister, but when I heard you were hurt I was really worried.” She wrung her hands on frustration as I took in what she said. “I got scared that something might happen to you and I had made no effort to get to know because I was jealous you got Dad. I guess what I’m trying to say is I would like to get to know you … if you wanted to as well?.” I honestly wasn’t a b***h but I couldn’t handle any more I’m my life right now. I tried to let her down gently. “Look Kora, I’m sorry he never told me about you. Maybe if he had things might have been different. But now, well your sister hates me. It’s okay.” I held my hand up when she tried to defend her. “I get it, Jackson … you… I’m not holding it against her.” I continued. “I don’t want to come between you two. You are sisters. We aren’t. Not really. We know nothing about each other, I’m not saying I wouldn’t want to but I think right now it’s best if we forget what we found out. Maybe in the future we can re connect but I’m sorry I’m not ready to just now. I just … you seem really nice and my life, well it’s doesn’t run smoothly, it’s complicated.” I didn’t know how to explain how I felt because I didn’t understand it myself. She looked sad at my words but nodded in understanding. Then she took me aback slightly with her next words. “She loves him, please be gentle with her.” As I was digesting this information, she then asked something else I wasn’t expecting. “Would it be too much for you to tell me about him?” I guessed I could do that. “What do you want to know ?” “What he was like as a person.” I hesitated to answer, yesterday I could have told her everything I knew about him and believed it to be true, but it turns out he had this whole secret life he never spoke of. I wondered if that was partly why he was so sad a lot of the time, I always thought it was because I lived and she didn’t. I was a constant reminder of that. “He was a good alpha, kind, smart and a lot of fun. Everyone loved him.” I told her the words she wanted to hear, her father was a hero. He used to be mine before all this. I thought about how I had tried so hard to excel at everything so he would be proud of me, and that I deserved to be here even after his death I had still seeked his approval and be worthy of running the pack like he wanted me to with Jacob. . Until one day I realised it didn’t matter. No matter how perfect I was it was never good enough. I stopped trying to impress anyone, it wasn’t that I threw myself a pity party. Once he was there gone Aurelia was the golden child. Even being better, I wasn’t better in their eyes, and I knew that wasn’t her fault. I just decided to do it for me. I liked winning, liked being the best and schooled myself that other people’s opinion didn’t matter. Kora was smiling warmly at me. “Thanks.” Before walking away she added. “Let me know if you change you mind about wanting a sister. I’d love to get to know you.” I watched her go and had a minute to myself. I thought about her offer, I didn’t think Ara would be too happy about sharing her sister, and if I was honest it was hard enough that I wanted to let Jackson in. I smiled to myself that I did want to let him in. Anyway I already had a sister, already. I still loved Aurelia despite what she did. She would always be more of a sister to me than Kora ever could be. If I’m honest I didn’t know if I would ever trust Kora, I mean Aurelia betrayed me and I would have died for her.” “Honey, I need you to come back.” “Is everything okay?” “I miss my mate.” I smiled. I couldn’t wait for Jackson to mark me. I couldn’t believe how strong the mate bond was already without that tie between us. If my body was on fire for Jackson before I was a raging inferno now. So distracted by that I forgot to be annoyed he used honey. When I found them, Iris was hugging Allegra and both girls had tears running down their faces. Jackson was sat in the corner, with a worried look on his face. I headed to him and let him pull me onto his knee. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be sitting alone for a while and strangely I really didn’t mind. “I missed you.” He murmured into my hair. I suppressed a laugh at the absurdity, because inhaling his oaky scent I knew I had missed him too.
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