A Royal Wolf

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Jackson Greer’s jaw actually dropped at this information. Gold wolves were thought to have disappeared a long time ago. “Told you are mate was special. You know what this means right.” Onyx was smug. “She is a royal wolf?” “Learning human, about time.” Onyx was feeling pretty pleased with himself right now. Greer looked at me with a panicked look in her eyes. I felt surge of protectiveness towards her that she looked for me. “It’s true honey.” I said softly and her eyes narrowed at the word, snapping her back to present. Now I could remember holding onto golden fur when she rescued me from Black diamond. I could tell she was having a conversation with her wolf. She looked at Iris. “Did you know before.” Iris shook her head. For the first time Greer’s mask slipped and a look of uncertainty crossed her face. It was like she was questioning all she knew and trusted. “It’s okay, if she didn’t tell you it was for good reason. Has she ever let you down?” I had never been so relieved to see the realisation dawn in her eyes. How the hell Onyx earned himself a royal wolf but I could feel he was pleased as punch. “How do you feel about going for a run, Onyx is desperate to meet her.” Greer looked nervous. “I don’t know.” “Just me and you, we can help you shift ?” I didn’t think she needed me to help. She shifted fine at Black Diamond but Onyx said she was worried. Thankfully she nodded and I could sense my wolf’s excitement. An idea popped into my head. “I have one thing to do quickly, how about I meet you at the lake ?” Turning to the others. “Can you bring the others up to speed and ask Kora if she knows of any witches that would work with Christian? Also it might be worth seeing if we can come up with some sort of antidote for the poison. Tomorrow I’ll take Greer to Crimson Pack. I assume you guys will be staying here for the time being?” Right now I was going to spend some time with my mate. Surprising for me I wanted to. . I rushed to the garden and completed my task in record time. Desperate to get back to Greer, only leaving her so it was a surprise. She was already waiting for me at the lake. The sight of her alone caused my heart to race. As I got closer her glow seemed a little diminished. As I sat down and enveloped her from behind I felt her stiffen before she took a breath and relaxed back into my arms. “What’s up?” She paused, I waited for her to to say nothing but she surprised me once more. “I met Ara on the way here. She asked I wasn’t satisfied stealing her sister but I needed to steal you too.” My anger bristled that she dared upset Greer. She stole nothing, I didn’t belong to Ara and none of this Greer’s fault. She was the victim in all of this. She just didn’t act like it, she took everything in her stride. I was in awe. I needed to contain my need to protect her from everything, I knew she didn’t need it. My lips barely touched her skin on her neck when I felt her relax. “Do I need to banish her from the pack?” I would if Greer wanted it. I wouldn’t feel great about it but if it’s what Greer needed she could consider it done. “No.” She sighed. “I’m trying to see it from her eyes. I guess I would hate me too.” “No one could ever hate you. She might be jealous, and adjusting right now but she won’t hate you. You are too..” I searched for the right word. Pure was on the tip of my tongue but It just didn’t seem enough to describe her somehow. I turned her around to I could look into her eyes. “Look Greer. I know I haven’t behaved as I should have around you. I wanted to hate you, because I was scared of what I could feel for you. Of what that could become. But I’m not scared anymore, not of that.” I paused watching the enormity of what I was saying resister. “I promise I won’t let you down. I want you to let me in, completely. I want you to feel safe with me, and only me. I want to be the one you want to tell everything to, that one you share your secrets with, tell your dreams.” I could see a flicker of something like hope in her eyes. “I might not deserve this chance but I’m begging you to give me it. I love you more than I ever thought possible and without the guilt that has haunted me for years. It’s like you take it all away. I want to be that for you.” There was a pause as she took a shaky breath. Her eyes letting me see deep into her soul for the first time and it was beautiful. “You already are Jackson.” My heart was pounded and I gently kissed her lips, holding her gaze while I made her a promise. “I promise I won’t ever let you down. I’ll be whatever you need me to be.” “I just need you…you are already perfect to me.” She whispered against my lips. Then she stepped back and shifted before my eyes until a beautiful golden wolf stood before me. Her gold fur shimmered, and her eyes exactly the same shade as Greer’s. I found myself compelled to bow to her. Lifting my head I found she had come closer and I reached out to touch her fur. Delightedly soft beneath my fingers, Zorina nudged me, clearly eager to see Onyx. I chuckled at her impatient wolf but Onyx was strangely quiet for once so in awe of his mate. “Okay you are up buddy.” “Thanks Jackson, maybe I am glad you are my human after all.” That was as close to a compliment I would be getting from my wolf. I let him take control and he was straight up to Zorina. His wolf still towering over her but she was the most powerful shewolf we had seem. He nuzzled her head, then proceeded to rub his body against her. It didn’t take long before the were nipping and playing at each other’s heels. Howling, he took of around the pack with Zorina glued to his side. After running and playing for a while he led her back to the lake where I lost count of how many times they mated. Feelings his jolts of pleasure so strongly as he bit down on her neck. Eventually they lay down together by the lake, Onyx curving his body around her in a protective fashion. He got up to drink from the lake and the moon’s reflection cast a strange reddish glow. He stared at it for some time and I could see the reflection through his eyes. “It’s Arwen,” “I know.” He replied. “She is saying goodbye.” I watched as he touched the waters edge, ripples reverberating across its surface and she was gone. Their silent conversation over. Onyx raised his head and howled at the moon before he looked across at Zorina still nestled in the grass beside him. Nudging her gently with his muzzle he woke her, guiding her quietly back towards the packhouse. Stopping in a secluded part of the garden he licked her muzzle. Allowing me control again he shifted back and she followed Greer smiled as she appeared before me. “I’m not sure who is more smitten.” She murmured sleepily, the exhaustion of the day catching up with her. “Defiantly me.” I whispered as I strode towards her, scooping her lithe frame up into my arms. She didn’t complain as I carried her back to the pack house and up to my room. Her head resting comfortable over my heart. She was almost asleep as I entered my bedroom, uncomplaining as I placed her on my bed. I stopped to savour her beauty once more as she lay among the rose petals I had scattered over the bed easier this evening. Lighting the candles I had placed around the room, the room now had a warm glow. The light flickered across her features only adding to her ethereal appearance. “Did you do this?” She murmured sleepily, her hands picking up a handful of petals and letting them fall over her. Giving her a small nod, I pulled my top over my head, removing my jeans I lowered myself onto bed beside her. Her sleepy eyes followed me, her hands reaching out to caress my chest. I could see she was fighting sleep, her eyelids fluttering as I traced my finger over the contours of her face. Still marvelling at her perfection. Pulling her onto my chest. I kissed the side of her neck. I had planned to mark her tonight but she was exhausted and I wanted it to be special. “Sleep little mate.” I murmured in her ear. Her chest rising and falling in a comfortable rhythm that was strangely soothing. “I won’t let you down Greer.” I knew her trust wouldn’t be given easily but I was determined to be worthy of it. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, her honey scent comforting me in a way I never imagined possible.
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