
1145 Words
Greer Any other day I would have been delighted to see Sharon ordered about. But today I didn’t care, I was numb. It was the only way to survive. This was how I got through birthdays, and alot of days since dad died if I was honest. Channeling my efforts into training and learning, anything not to have to deal with my emotions. Aurelia cried, she was a crier. She said you felt better after but personally it thought you just looked a mess. Unless your emotions flowed with the tears I didn’t see how it could possibly help. So I retreated into my mind, at least here Zorina would argue with me and keep my thoughts from spiralling. Well usually she did. Today she was distracted. She was enticed by these new wolves. While I was frankly terrified to leave with Jackson, she was unfazed by it all. I took a small comfort in that he wouldn’t have went to the effort of letting me bring my guitar if he intended to murder me straight away. I had a suspicion that these wolves felt sorry for me, that I was happily shipped off with a single suitcase and barely a goodbye. I didn’t know want or need their pity though, so I pretended to be unaffected. Numb. I didn’t spare Jacob a second glance. I could feel his eyes following me as I walked out. Between whatever his eyes on me and Jackson’s looks of hatred I wanted nothing more than to shower. I felt dirty. I wanted to wash away today and hope tomorrow wouldn’t be any worse. I just had to survive the car ride back and then surely I would be left alone. Once I was alone I could concentrate on a plan and how to get myself out of this mess. One of the shewolves placed her hand on my back and guided me to one of the cars. It was strangely comforting. I hadn’t even noticed her mate had my stuff. He placed them in the car and opened a door for me. As I turned to survey the packhouse for one last time I caught a look of pleasure on the lunas face. Sadness dined alpha Justin’s face as he consoled a crying Aurelia. Unintentionally I saw Jacob. His face set in a hard line, something unreadable in his eyes. I pulled my eyes away and slid into the car without even uttering goodbye. I focussed my eyes out the window and hoped that I was left in peace for the journey. Once we were on way, a silence descended that you might call uncomfortable if you didn’t want silence. Finally it was broken by the shewolf. “I know this may have been a tough day for your Greer. But I’m Thea and this is my mate Luke. We will take you back to Silver Oak, Jackson will bring Iris and Oliver.” So that was everyone’s names. I could see her mate watching me in the mirror. His eyes were even softer now we were out of the hostile environment. It hit me I could see the love her had for his luna everytime his eyes fell to her. Remembering the burning hatred in Jackson eyes as he rested them on me I sadly accepted that want going to be for me. Not deterred by my silence Thea continued to chat. “Silver Oak is lovely, I grew up there. Jackson is my brother if you hadn’t guessed.” I hadn’t but now she mentioned it they had the same eyes and the same degree of self carriage and just well perfectness. I silently found it ironic that he might end up with me as his luna. The perfect alpha and the luna that strived for perfection and never succeeded. The irony wasn’t lost on me that that might annoy him. I wanted to more than annoy him. I wanted him to pay. Although I wasn’t sure if the perfect alpha title still stood. He didn’t win the alpha of alphas competition, despite being favourite and if memory served me correctly he had a new reputation as a ruthless alpha. Lucky me. “So my wolf tells me your wolf is called Zorina. That’s a lovely name. I do hope you settle in at Silver Oak. Coral, and probably Lachlan too, are going to love you.” My attention snapped to Thea. Who were these wolves and why did they need to love me. “Coral and Lachlan…Jackson’s twins.” My heart was gone now, it couldn’t fall further. He had pups. This had a double implication for me. Firstly did this mean was I to become their mother and secondly this meant he had a heir, which meant he wouldn’t need one from me. The realisation I would be luna in name only only hit me like a ton of bricks. Pups weren’t something I wanted or needed, but I had always expected Jacob and I would have some. While the relief hit me that I didn’t need to be with Jackson in that way, the pang that I wouldn’t have a pup of my own was another emotion I couldn’t process. I probably should have looked at the contract. “They are delightful, you will love them. Coral is going to be beside herself, Jackson is bringing home a real live princess. It will make her day.” My frayed brain still accepted it was sweet that she was trying to make me feel at ease but this was taking it too far. While comparisons had been made of me my entire life this was most definitely a first, being compared to a princess. “So I’m not sure what your wolf has told you, or what you know you can do yet. My wolf Rupa is also a silver wolf. We have the gift of healing. Maybe tomorrow you have rested Iris can show you some of her gifts. They are pretty cool. What can you do ?” I looked at her blankly. “Pardon?” “Have you discovered your gifts yet? Maybe you haven’t if you haven’t met your mate yet. Sometimes they start to appear before though.” “I’m sorry, I think you have me mistaken with someone else. I have a regular wolf, I don’t have any gifts.” Once again the all too well known feeing of disappointment washed over me. I looked out the window as Thea fell silent. Her presence was soothing but as we drove further from Crimson Pack the worry in my gut started to grow. “It’s going to be fine Greer. I trust these wolves. Trust me.” Zorina had never let me down, I didn’t really have any choice but to trust her and bury my worry deep down.
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