The Guitar

1342 Words
Greer I was waiting beside Uncle Justin when they walked into the room. I had never experienced auras like it and not just one, they all emitted a powerful aura, each one different but all strong, without them even trying. Not only that they were breathtaking. All of them, in different ways. First to walk in was a regal looking brunette, with perfect shiny dark hair. Nothing about her looked out of place and she moved effortlessly, like a damn queen, she looked right at me and surprisingly didn’t seem disappointed, a smile tugged at her lips and despite her formality she just seemed nice. I assumed the ruggedly handsome alpha beside her with sandy brown hair was her mate by how his kind eyes followed her every move. A large powerful looking blonde alpha with sparkly blue eyes almost demanded uncle Justin’s attention. Beside him stood a another stunningly beautiful brunette, power rolled from her and from the way the blonde alpha constantly placed himself just in front of her, I assumed them to be mates as well. Which meant the dark haired god left had to be alpha Jackson. My hatred for him forgotten momentarily as I was distracted by his god like good looks and chiselled body. I had never seen perfection in so many forms before, who the hell where these wolves. I felt positively plain in comparison, my was hair a mess and I was totally dressed down with a shirt tucked into my denim shorts, which were probably ripped as I rarely got anything new. I was snapped out of my trance when someone asked me a question. “Will you go ?” My wolf asked. “I don’t want to.” I pretty much whimpered at her. “I think we should. I trust them. They seem kind.” I was seriously running out of whatever was keeping me going. “Could we fight our way out and make a run for it ?” I begged her. “I don’t think we are strong enough, there is something special about these wolves. And the alpha seems angry already. I don’t think it’s wise just now.” I nodded in response to whatever question I had been asked, it was irrelevant now my fate was sealed. Not trusting myself to speak as my world fell apart once again. I was so overwhelmed that I didn’t know if it was Aurelia, Jacob or someone else that appeared with a single suitcase, as suddenly they were all in the room. My breath caught when I understood they wanted me to go now. I couldn’t bring myself to look at either Jacob or Aurelia, their betrayal too much to deal with on top of this. Aurelia started to cry, despite her crocodile tears I would miss her. I loved her like a sister, and despite everything I had just witnessed I would never forget the years she let me share her mother’s love. Jacob I wouldn’t find it in my heart to forgive but maybe Aurelia I could. The blonde god decided it was time to leave. I looked at my suitcase and my heart cracked. “What about my guitar.” I managed to get out, my voice barely above a whisper. It a bit old and bashed but it was my mothers, literally the only thing of hers I had left. “Don’t be ridiculous Greer, as luna you won’t have time for frivolities like that. And I’m sure the alpha won’t have space.” Luna Sharon scolded me, her voice dripping with distain. “I’ll keep it safe Greer, and sent it on to you or bring it when we visit.” Aurelia rushed to say. I silently thanked her, even though the look in Sharon’s eyes suggested there was no chance of that happening. Accepting my fate, I couldn’t bear to look at alpha Jackson, I could feel the hatred in eyes burning into me. I picked up my suitcase and forced my feet to move in the direction they didn’t want to. Jackson When we stepped into the room, the hostility was palpable in the air. To my surprise my eyes were automatically drawn to the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long blonde hair and the most striking eyes, a golden honey colour that I had never seen before. Her eyes held my gaze, hatred obvious in them but she didn’t back down as she regarded us all. My eyes had a mind of their own as the appraised her. Her long slender legs, which were tanned and toned. As I moved up her body my gaze hardened as I caught sight of blood on her lip. My narrowed gaze moved to her alpha. Clearly he had coerced her to agree to the contract with force. While I wouldn’t accept her if that was the case I found myself unwilling to leave her here with him either. “That’s because she is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” Oynx purred in my head. “Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t even like blondes. And Scarlett was more beautiful.” “I like this one, and no she wasn’t.” “Are you forgetting who she is ? Her Dad is the reason they are gone. For all we know she was in on everything .” He actually scoffed at me. “Fool, how can anything look that pure and be evil. Really Jackson you are an i***t sometimes. Anyway, you can’t leave her here, someone hurt her.” I winced internally. I REALLY didn’t want to take her but equally I agreed we couldn’t leave her. “Tell them to get the guitar?” Onyx demanded. “What ?” “She wants her guitar, tell them to get it ?” “I’m not doing that, what does she need a guitar for. She can buy a new one if she wants.” “GET THE F****** GUITAR. Or the next time your witch touches us I’ll rip her head off.” Oynx had never bothered to offer an opinion on Ara before. She was a witch I had a love/hate and on/off relationship with . If we could even call it a relationship. Directing my gaze at the luna, I let a little of my aura through. “Bring her guitar, so we can leave immediately.” I suppressed my grin at the shocked look on her face as she scuttled out the room. I directed my gaze towards the two young wolves. Interestingly the young, presumably alpha to be, without a shred of aura to his name was staring at Greer, trying and majorly failing to hide his anguish at her leaving. I noticed that she didn’t gaze his way once. Her only concern seemed to be for the other wolf, presumably that was Aurelia. While we waited for the luna to return I found myself comparing the two girls. Clearly related, they were of similar height and build with identical hair colours. However Aurelia seemed to be a flawed or imperfect copy of Greer. I couldn’t put my finger in it but she didn’t carry the same feeling of power that Greer did, she didn’t draw your eyes to her and when you did look at her she paled in comparison. comparison. Which seemed ridiculous as she was still beautiful. “How did you know she was the one we wanted ?” Iris asked. I momentarily had forgotten why we were here. I hadn’t know but I didn’t want to admit that to her, she might read too much into it. “You didn’t say she wasn’t. Do you want to leave her?” “No, Allura senses something strange. It’s like her wolf is hiding her powers and her aura. It’s the first time a wolf hasn’t automatically followed her. We need her. Jackson… please try and be nice. Or at least tolerate her for now.”
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