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Iris “I so thought she was going to be your mate Jackson.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “Well I’m glad she isn’t. This is going to be hard enough without that complicating matters. Did you see the hatred she has for us.” I could hear the anger in his voice that just taking about her elicited. Them being mates might have been the fastest way to solve that problem. “Jackson, you need to get over this. Even if Crimson Pack did try and take Scarlett, do you really think this girl had anything to do with it. She would be like 14/15 at the time. It’s not fair to direct your anger at her.” I could tell what I was saying was getting though by the tight angle of his jaw. I wanted to say more but Oliver placed his hand on my leg. Squeezing more firmly than he needed to that was my cue that Jackson was not a happy bunny. Annoyance bubbled up inside me. We had been p***y footing around Jackson’s for years. He needed to accept the inevitable. He needed a luna and while I felt bad that we had to use his problem to find this wolf, I didn’t feel too bad really. She was beautiful, clearly she must be mentally strong , after navigating her way through all the emotions I felt in that room before we left. All in all she should be perfect. The one snag was the burning hatred I could see when she felt for Jackson, which was totally understandable. Most people believed Jackson had been responsible for that attack. Only we knew it had been a set up. Why, we didn’t know but I had a feeling it wouldn’t take long for us to convince Greer of the truth. She didn’t strike me as stupid. Allura had been deep in conversation with her wolf. There was alot that Greer didn’t know. I linked Thea to go easy on her with information. If she was really clueless, learning who we thought she was might be a bit much on top of the day she has just had. She struck me as that sort that would recoil emotionally if she needed to and I already had figured her mind would be a tough one to penetrate, even for me. Jackson’s mood didn’t improve as we neared Silver Oak. He must have linked ahead as his mother and beta Patrick were waiting for us on the steps. Luke and Thea were right behind as so we exited the cars pretty much together. Luna Rose descended the steps to greet us. “Hello dear, you must be Greer. Welcome to your new home.” She smiled brightly and Greer seemed slightly taken aback by the warm welcome. “I’m sure you will want a tour when you are ready but how about I show you to the luna rooms first ?” “I’ve requested a room for her mother. Patrick will take her things there.” Jackson interrupted his mother. The luna suite was next door to Jackson’s room. Scarlett had never slept there, it was more of a dressing room as she had marked and mated with Jackson almost immediately. “Jackson, I understand you may not want her in your room just yet but the luna should at least be in the luna suite.” Luna Rose told Jackson firmly. “It’s fine. Your alpha is more likely to survive the night the further away you place me.” I snorted and Greer caught my eye. Horror evident on her face that she had said that out loud. I liked her spunk. I didn’t even need to look at Jackson to know how much those words would piss him off. She was saved from any repercussion by the arrival of a car behind us. Ara exited the car that had arrived and glared at Jackson. “We need to talk.” Jackson A sheepish looking Evan and his mate Kora arrived with Ara. I wasn’t expecting them and didn’t understand why Ara was so worked up. I was also seriously pissed at this Greer wolf. She had clearly not read the contract that she was here a luna in name only. She would have no say in the running of the pack, Mum would happily keep her duties and most importantly she was basically to be invisible. Threatening me was not a good start. But before I could deal with that I needed to deal with the Ara issue. “Why do we need to talk?” I asked her, trying and likely failing to keep the frustration from my voice. Talking was not something we did. “Did you not think it was prudent to mention your new luna. Or was I just to find her in your bed then next time I visited.” Ara spat at him. “Why would I mention it to you, you aren’t part of this pack?” I was genuinely confused now. Ara had asked once years ago if I could have would I have chosen her as luna. I can’t even remember the answer I gave her. I wouldn’t have minded honestly, we had had an on off relationship for years. When she was here we slept together. But she spent much of her time between her coven and visiting her sister. She didn’t even have a room here and I didn’t allow her to sleep in mine. When she stayed she actually slept in a guest room, I rarely discussed the pack with her, unless it came up in conversation. “Didn’t you think I deserved to know I was being replaced. F*** sake Jackson you could have called me.” I could see she was upset and I didn’t have the energy left to deal with this as well. “Thea can you calm her down. I don’t understand why she is so worked up. She knew I would be taking a luna and I don’t see how it even affects her.” Thea walked over to Ara and gave her a hug. Thea was closest to the two witches. They had both saved her at some point in the past. While the rest of us had struggled to trust them she had accepted them immediately. “He told you to do that didn’t he?” Ara gave Thea a watery smile. “Thanks though.” She glared at me but at least seemed calmer. I was about to leave walk away when an overwhelming sense of fear hit me.
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