The Contract

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Thea Rupa was whining excitedly in my head as we arrived. I had learnt to rely on her senses, she seemed to intuitively sense danger. “I have a good feeling about this Thea.” My mate Luke, reached over and squeezed my hand. He was obviously picking up on her vibes too. As the years passed he had watched silently as we searched for the wolf we thought the prophecy required to break the curse. A silver wolf with the gift of light. A daughter of light. Iris and I both had silver wolves and they could sense others when we were near. I had healing powers and could manipulate someone’s energy. Iris could produced protective shields and bubbles, made force fields and shock waves and could project memories. Our friend Felicity had visions of the wolves in real time and so we could use her like a walking map. We had been able to locate some others that way. Her sister Flora saw visions of the future. Her visions were harder to interpret but she had finally mastered the art of projecting them without Iris’s help. Meribel had a cool power where she could place suggestions your mind. It wasn’t mind control but for a weak minded wolf they usually could be persuaded. The last wolf we had rescued recently was Piper. She hadn’t met her mate yet so we were figuring out her power. I think it had something to do with sound waves but it was all new to her. Only Iris and I had accompanied Jackson today, together with our mates. The others were at the Scarlett Valley our elite training facility, trying to hone their skills. “On a scale of one to ten how grumpy is Jackson going to be with us after today?” Luke asked. “Definitely ten.” Oliver replied. “Even I wish we could have found another way to visit here. But he needs a luna anyway.” “We maybe could have found him one that wasn’t his enemies daughter though.” I sighed. “Well if she isn’t gifted we can leave her here and he can continue to hate her from afar.”Oliver looked at Luke. “You still don’t buy the Crimson Pack story do you ?” Luke looked thoughtful, and chose his words carefully. “Truthfully no. It was all a bit… convenient. But I couldn’t find any evidence to back up that claim. So here we are.” I linked our hands, sending him calming vibes. I knew he blamed himself for bringing the curse into my life. No matter how many times I told him I would choose him every time he still blamed himself. The car stopped directly outside the packhouse. We had arrived already. Only the luna was waiting for us. She greeted Oliver warmly, as alpha of alpha’s she had no choice but to. The rest of us were treated with polite indifference. I had been expecting more hostility. “Please come this way.” She led us through to a large room with a table in the middle. Sat at the top was clearly Alpha Justin. His cold gaze scanning us all as we arrived. He made no effort to rise and great us. Stood beside him was a beautiful blonde girl. “Thea, is her. Allura can feel her wolf.” Iris was in my head immediately. “Rupa is the same.” I replied. Relief flooded my bones that we might have the final piece to break the curse. “She feels powerful, why is her wolf hiding her aura.” Iris asked. “I don’t know. How are we going to get her to leave.” “Good day alphas.” Spoke alpha Justin, his tone implying it was anything but. “Let’s not take all day. Greer has agreed to your conditions. The only addition I have made is a clause. If she is to meet her mate within one year she is to be released from the contract if she chooses to be.” “I thought it was Aurelia you wanted ?” Luke asked me. “It’s this one, whoever she is ?” “Is the that agreeable to you Greer ?” Luke asked the girl standing in the room. Evidently trying to get confirmation of her name. She was staring at us all in some sort of trance, Her golden eyes moved toward him, the hatred in her eyes softening but not leaving. She nodded very slowly and I felt the breath of relief released by her alpha. Clearly she wasn’t happy with this decision. I saw blood on her lip and I was worried how they had made her accept. Although getting her out of here was my priority I couldn’t help but pick up on her sadness at leaving. Jackson had been silent during this exchange and I looked over to see him staring intently at the girl. His eyes never leaving her. I could feel his anger coming if him in waves as he fought for control in front of his perceived enemy. The sooner we concluded this the better. “So if it’s agreeable then she is ready. She can go with you today.” The luna spoke, her voice shaky in our presence. Between the three alpha auras and Iris they gave of some display power without even trying and it was clearly too much for this pathetic luna. The poor girls head snapped up at this. “What ? Now?” I could hear the panic in her voice. “I’m not ready, I haven’t …” Almost on cue, like they had been waiting outside, in came an omega carrying a single suitcase. “I had the maids pack up ..” “Mother, father, what’s going…” in rushed another blonde girl, a handsome dark blonde wolf on her heels. She stopped on route to Greer when she took in our presence. “Jacob, I told you to take Aurelia out for the day.” Her father snapped angrily. Pulling his daughter to his side. As she stood next to Greer it was easy to compare the two. Both lovely and clearly related the one named Aurelia failed to match the beauty of the one named Greer. Their eyes were different, all in all Aurelia felt like an inferior attempt at copying Greer. “She is going today?” Asked the young wolf. Drawing my attention to him. “Iris, can you see how he is looking at her, what if we are taking her away from her mate” “If he is and he lets her go then fool him, Allura says her wolf isn’t upset.” The wolf was staring at Greer with barely disguised longing. It was so obvious that even the other blonde wolf Aurelia noticed and an annoyed look crossed her features. “Well if that’s all the luggage she had then I suppose we can take her now.” Oliver decided for us seen as Jackson hadn’t spoken a word since we arrived. “Are you ready to leave?” I asked Greer, hoping my voice sounded welcoming.
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