It Started Long Ago.

2264 Words
Greer I awoke once again wrapped in Jackson’s arms. I smile creeping into my face as I remembered last night. My eye caught the rose petals, now mainly scattered on the floor. A small frown graced my face as I considered the effort Jackson had gone to while I had merely fallen asleep. I was also aware that I never had I slept as well as I did in his arms. I lay and admired his handsome face. I believed every word he said last night. It set me free from any lingering doubts I had about us. For the first time I felt truly optimistic that something good was happening. He was mine. “So we are royal?” “Yeah about that. It wasn’t really important.” “No?” “Well you are technically the last surviving member of the old royal family, but basically you are a princess without a crown.” “What does this mean. I’m not a ruler.” “No you are not, but I am kind of hard to make submit, even Iris won’t manage it and her annoying wolf likes to boss me around.” “You don’t like Allura?” “No I love her actually, she is a kindred spirit but so bossy. You should listen to Iris.” I didn’t know how I felt about the princess thing, I was just going to let that go for now. When Jackson’s eyes opened moments later, the first emotion I saw was surprise, followed but something else, something someone with romantic notions might call think was love. Pulling me back into his arms, so my head was once again resting above his heart I felt his warm breath on my neck. “Morning, gorgeous.” His voice deep with sleep.”I hope you slept as well as me.” Placing a kiss on his bare chest in response I traced circles on It. Marvelling at the sparks I could see at my fingertips. “Did you mean it when you said we could go get Aurelia?” I asked Jackson keeling my head down in case he had changed his mind. I was going anyway but I didn’t want to admit to him I would prefer it if he came. He chuckled into my hair. “I know you are going to go but yes I meant it then I said where you go I go. I’m not letting you out of my sight little one.” He kissed me again. Those words caused that bubble of hope I had been growing to burst in my chest. I had never really felt like I was anything to anyone. His words said so casually meant literally made my day. I hastened to school myself to calm down. “Can we go now ?” I pleaded. “I had other things in mind first …” I semi sat up to see he was staring at my marking spot. His eyes met mine, his containing a feral look I hadn’t seen before like he wanted to eat me. Mine must have widened in surprise as he groaned. “F*** you are so innocent it’s going to kill me. Let’s go.” I couldn’t help but smile at him, a little disappointed that I wasn’t getting to find out what that look meant but my worry for Aurelia won and I jumped from the bed. Jackson and I had sat in comfortable silence most of the journey to Crimson Pack. He held my hand in his lap and as we got closer he must have picked up my nerves as he stared rubbing his thumb gently across it, soothing me immensely. “Let’s make something clear. If anything feels of and I say it’s time to leave, we leave, wether we have her or not. If she doesn’t want to come, we leave without her. Also you are not to leave my side, not even for a second.” Jackson’s jaw tightened. I bristled slightly that he thought he could order me about. “Greer?” I was about to make a snappy reply when I looked at him, staring at me intently before shooting his eyes back to the road. He was worried. “You are my number one priority, we are only here because she means something to you.” “Okay.” I squeezed his. “I’ll let you be in charge… this time.” I was touched he was worried but if he thought he was going to be ordering me about he had another thing coming. I saw a small smile on his face when I didn’t argue. Enjoy this one Jackson, I’ll pick my battles. We had arrived and I was suddenly nervous about getting out the car. Pulling me back inside Jackson, kissed me passionately. Pulling away he then placed a gentle kiss on my head. His touch and kisses having an instant effect on my mood. The guards let us through with ease, recognising me, while Jackson’s aura pulsed beside me. “Rein it in. We aren’t looking for trouble.” “They are looking at you.” “They have to, I was an alphas daughter.” “Hmm. I don’t like anyone checking out what’s mine. Come on little mate.” His grip on my hand tightened. “Something is wrong.” I could feel it too. Our speed increased as we headed to the packhouse, where no one there to greet us. “Hello,” I ventured as we stepped inside. The familiar walls feeling foreign to me now. I was hit with a startling realisation that this was no longer my home. An omega was clearing up a mess in the back of the room. “Excuse me have you seen Aurelia or the alpha?” I asked. “They are in the medical bay.” Confused only for a moment I led Jackson straight out the packhouse and to the medical bay at the other side of the pack. Thoughts of why they would be there hurtling around my mind. My heart fell when I arrived. A nurse directly me to a room immediately, with Jackson holding tightly onto me I opened the door to see Aurelia lying in a bed. Fresh wounds littered her face and a bandage was placed around her head. Uncle Justin sat beside her in a chair. His head resting on his hands that were enclapsed in hers. Jackson was quick to place his hand on my back as I took in the sight. He devastated face looked surprised to see me. “Greer ? What are you doing here?” He asked. Looking at Aurelia. “What happened to her?” I whispered. I tried to take in the machines around all beeping in rhythm but I didn’t understand what half of them meant. “Some wolves came looking for her, but when they realised she wasn’t who they were looking for they tried to make Jacob tell them where you were.” He looked at me trying to hide the hurt in his eyes. “He didn’t know who they were looking for, the stupid fool didn’t work it out in time. To help him remember they made him choose who got punished, his mate or Aurelia. Well you can see the outcome. My baby girl.” He sobbed into his hands, a broken alpha. I was too late, I should have come last night instead of whispering sweet nothings with Jackson. They must have come straight for her after we got Allegra out of Black Diamond. “Oh Auri I’m so sorry.” I backed away from her into a the solid embrace of Jackson. His scent helping chase away the guilt that ate at me. “They know who you are. I’m sorry I told them when I got here, I knew what they did to her and I couldn’t let that happen again.” “You let them go ?” Jackson growled from behind me, caused uncle Justin to stand up as he realised the very real threat from Jackson. “They had witches with them, I didn’t have any choice I needed to save my daughter. Just give them Greer and they won’t harm your pack. It’s her they want.” “Over my dead body.’ Jackson roared and if I hadn’t been in front of him I think he would have launched. I could feel his rage heating my body. I leant back into his arms so he was forced to comfort me. His heart rate slowing. “It’s okay. He is hurting. I know you won’t let anyone take me.” I felt Zorina’s belief in him. She didn’t need to tell me to trust him at the moment. Justin looked up with a strange look on his face at our embrace. “You are mates?” I nodded very slowly, unsure really of how much to trust him. “Then you know?” I was going to assume he meant I got my powers, but then I considered he might know more. When I remained silent he looked thoughtful. “There is something you need to know, because of it hasn’t started already it will do soon.” He looked up at the sky and muttered. “Forgive me Jason, I can’t protect her.” “It started a long time ago. Your dad met a witch and well …she fell in love with him. But they weren’t mates, they fell into an easy relationship or so your Dad thought But then one day she told him she was pregnant. Your dad was excited and planned to make her his chosen luna, but our father had other ideas. He refused until the pup was born and then only of it was a boy and survived would he consider it. Alas a baby girl was born. Our father ordered her wolf be bound, he was worried about some ancient prophecy that told of a powerful wolf born into Crimson. He believed it to be her. Your dad used to sneak of to see them when he could, the witch had moved to a mother pack so she could raise the pup among other wolves in the hope that our father would finally accept her. Then one day when visiting the witch and his daughter your dad met your mum, he was infatuated with her from the moment he met her. She didn’t know anything about his previous … relationship or that the pup was his and when they turned out to be mates her begged Hazel not to tell her. Then everything happened at once, your mum died and the witch thought she would now be luna, not understanding the mate bind and it well didn’t go well with your Dad. Then one night we caught her trying to bind your wolf, so you would suffer the same fate as her daughter. She said it was only fair, you and Aurelia who had been born by this time could be the child of the prophecy. But we couldn’t let her. It ate up at your dad he let it happen once. As a result witches were banished. then your Dad started to question her involvement in your birth. Hazel had escaped by this point, we never found any trace of her or her daughter. When we refused to bind your wolves Dad told us to keep you both hidden. So we did letting anyone who wanted to think you were sisters, trying to remove any suspicion that one of you was the chosen one.” I promised your Dad that night I would protect you but I can’t, I haven’t. I’ve failed you both.” “I’m taking Aurelia to Silver Oak. I can protect her there.” It wasn’t a question and he knew better to argue. “I’m sorry Greer. I truly am.” He looked painfully at his daughter. “I indulged her too much, she always wanted to be you. Your Dad made Jacob heir only so you could be alpha. I exploited it to give him to Aurelia when she wanted him. For what it’s worth he is wanted you.” “Well he wanted to be alpha more.” I snarled. My anger at Jacob amplified with the state of Aurelia right now. I also could feel Jackson rage radiating through his veins as I was still locked in his arms.” “I’ll explain the Jacob story later. You have nothing to be jealous about.” Lowering this head to my neck I felt his scent envelope me again. Calming me down His teeth scraping across my skin in a possessive action that I had to suppress a shiver from. “Possessive alpha?” “Very.. honey.” “Did you recognise the wolves that hurt her?” He asked my uncle as pulled me away. A clear sign ge whatever to leave. “I couldn’t be sure, as I haven’t met the son but he resembled the old alpha of Blue Sapphire, but it’s been a while since I saw him I’ve worked hard to keep this pack under the radar since the girls got older, to keep them safe. I didn’t need a the mate bond to know that Jackson’s was thinking he has failed at that. I didn’t remember that pack but I felt Jackson stiffen almost imperceptibly for a second meaning he had. . .
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