In Love

1834 Words
Greer We were on our way back to Silver Oak when I realised Jackson didn’t have hold of my hand. I studied him gripping the steering wheel tighter than needed. “Are you okay?” He was silent. “I’ve heard things about Blue Sapphire. I thought they had been dealt with already.” I kept quiet, something else was bugging him too. “What did he mean about Jacob.” I suppressed a smile that he was jealous. While I wasn’t widely excited about telling him the story I did want to put his mind at ease. “Jacob and I, were expected to be mates, and would rule the pack together, like I would be more of an alpha female than luna. The day you came here I found him …with … Aurelia. Justin told me he thought she was his mate and would be luna and I was to go with you instead of her.” His grip lessened instantly. His hand grasping mine. “Did you want him to be your mate?” There was a trace of uncertainly in his voice. For the first time I felt the big bad alpha’s insecurity, which was rich considering his past. I toyed with the idea of teasing him, but I made the mistake of catching his beautiful brown eyes and I just couldn’t lie. “Not once I met you.” I relied honestly. Not able to meet his eyes as I uttered my confession. Jacob had rarely entered my thoughts since I met Jackson, until today and I had almost forgot the hatred I harboured for him. My heart skipped a beat at the silence that followed. “So why are we saving her?” He gestured to Aurelia. I didn’t quite expect him to understand. She was all I had left, and despite her faults I loved her dearly. The jury might be out on whether she deserved my love, but she had it anyway. “Because we are.” Smiling he took my hand in his again. His touch making me way happier than a simple touch should. “Better ?” I teased him now, bringing a smile to his face. “Do you think she will be okay?” I asked him looking at Aurelia’s grey face. “Once we see Thea, although emotionally it might be harder to heal, your uncle implied…” “I know what he meant..” I didn’t want to think about what they had done to her. My good mood evaporating. “She shares your blood, she will be okay. You are the toughest wolf I’ve met.” “Aurelia is nothing like me, we might look the same but that’s where the resemblance stops. She is … nice, you know all cute and helpless.” “She isn’t that f**** nice if she stole your boyfriend.” “He wasn’t my boyfriend, I was told he was my mate and I believed it until this big bad brooding alpha stormed into my life and turned it upside down.” It was strange how meeting my mate put the recent heartbreak into perspective. “You are not making me sound that appealing? “Well I guess the jury is still out.” “Greer.” Jackson warned an edge to his voice. “I can pull the car over right now, and show you exactly how appealing I can be when I mark you right here?” My heart skipped a beat at that and I licked at my suddenly dry lips. “F*** don’t do that or I will.” He said in a low voice his eyes trained firmly on the road. “I’d be okay with that.” I breathed, quietly but I knew he heard. More than okay really, I don’t think there was anything I wanted more right now. Jackson The minx was teasing me but the temptation to follow through on my threat was so strong I floored it home. If it hadn’t been for her cousin lying across the seats I might have not made it. My only goal to get her to our room before I marked her and had her until my hearts content. My c*** twitched at the thought of being inside her and Onyx was howling his approval of that plan. I was still a bit thunderstruck by the weight of emotion I felt for her. I had nearly ripped her uncles head of when he suggested I give her up. Then I wanted to find this Jacob dude again and ensure sure what wasn’t breathing. I could tell she found my jealousy amusing. I wasn’t quite sure where it had come from. I felt a little embarrassed that I had given her the third degree and she hadn’t ever questioned me about Ara. I remembered her look of horror when Ara walked in on us after that night together, thankfully she appeared to have forgotten all about her with all the horrors she had been dealing with recently. It was probably wishful thinking that it wouldn’t come up at some point. While this wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have I supposed this was as good a time as any to clear the air. “So I never quite explained my relationship with Ara.” To her credit she appeared unaffected at the mention of her name, allowing me to continue. “I wouldn’t say we were in a relationship but whatever it was it’s over now.” A slight twinge of guilt that I hadn’t actually had this conversation with Ara, but she knew about mates so I didn’t think I needed too. Greer was quiet for a moment. “Good, I really didn’t want any to have to beat her ass…Do you think she will stay around ?” “I doubt it. Why?” “She doesn’t like me, I kind of get why so it would just be easier not to have to see her. If I didn’t t have to.” “If she causes any trouble, consider her gone, honey.” “Eurgh, I going to give you a pet name that’s equalling annoying.” I actually couldn’t wait for a pet name, I’d love anything she choose. “Who is the puppy now?” My annoying wolf teased me. Thea was waiting for us with Patrick when we arrived back at Silver Oak. Greer and I had discussed the information Justin gave us. She was keen to look for Kora’s mum to break the bond and I had one hundred percent forbidden it. I didn’t even want Ara and Kora to know she might be alive yet, not while there was a threat to Greer. She reluctantly agreed that I would speak to Oliver and Luke and see what they thought we should do. I was a little miffed she valued their opinion over mine but I had been surly enough today with her so I took it on the chin. Patrick came over, slightly taken aback by our guest. “Patrick take Aurelia with Greer and Thea to the medical bay.” Grabbing Greer before she could leave I kissed her. “I’ll come find you soon.” I murmured to her. I let her go to follow them but only seconds later she was back, throwing her arms around my neck. Kissing me passionately, I happily complied. “Thank you.” “What for?” I was confused then I smiled wickedly. “In fact it doesn’t matter thank me later.” “I intend too.” She kissed me again and suddenly I didn’t want to leave her. When we finally l broke apart I saw her look behind me and smile. From behind me I heard. Leighton’s voice “S*** it’s true… well this sucks.” Even though it was Leighton I couldn’t suppress a growl. “Chill man, she seems happy about it so I guess I have to be too.” Not removing herself from my arms Greer smiled. “If it’s any consolation Leighton, if it couldn’t be Jackson I would have chosen you.” This made me growl again, this time at Greer. “Take that back.” “No way, he was way nicer at the start.” “But can he do ..” “Jackson..” She squirmed from my grasp when she saw what I was about to do, her face rosy with embarrassment. “Oh goddess can you at least try to keep your hands of each other, I’ve just had my heart broken can’t you have pity on me.” I had to laugh at the look on his face. “Behave.” I warned Greer as I kissed her lightly this time before I got too excited and left. Making sure to fix Leighton with a state on my way past. Luke and Oliver were waiting in my office. They looked up as I walked in, still smiling after being with Greer. “It went well then ?” Luke asked. “I was worried when you told us to come alone.” I opened a bottle of whiskey and paired some in into three glasses. Passing them over. “We got Aurelia, but it looks Blue Sapphire might be looking for Greer. They had been already and the useless alpha told them where Greer is to save the other one.” The both looked slightly horrified at this but didn’t speak. “There is more, he confirmed that Alpha Jason fathered a little girl and that their father had them bind its wolf.” Now the bit that worried me most. “It’s also possible that the same witch was responsible for the death of Greer’s mother, tried to bind Greer’s wolf and is possibly not dead.” I wasn’t sure if Greer got all that but she was a smart cookie so I knew she would work it out soon, when she didn’t have Aurelia I worry about. Not that she deserved Greer’s worry in my opinion. Luke now had a worried look on his face while Oliver was looking at me strangely and then he smiled. “Cheers!” He drained his glass. Causing Luke to look at him in disbelief. “This is hardly a celebration Oli, we have to increase defences here, do you think we are better staying here to help or maybe we should split the girls up ?” He was instantly into planning mode. “Chill Luke, it would be suicide to attack us just now, and we are celebrating.” He refilled the glasses. “Looks like Jackson’s fallen in love with his luna, why else would he be so happy.” I didn’t deny this, I was in love with Greer. I maybe wasn’t ready to confirm it for them but the knowing look I saw Oliver and Luke share meant I didn’t need to.

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