Elite Training

1301 Words
Greer I had really enjoyed performing with the pups. Everyone had gushed about how brilliant it had been. It felt surreal to be surrounded by so much love, you automatically thought some of it was for you. The more time I spent here the harder it was to believe the stories I had heard. Iris was taking me to the elite training site today with Thea. She said it was a girls trip but Oliver and Luke had insisted they come too. It was a long drive up, punctuated with questions about my past and old pack. I tried to chose my replies carefully, not wanting to give too much away. Even thought Zorina said I could trust them, I was wary. Having been a bit snappy with my answers I decided to open up a little. “Look I’m not being rude, but I just don’t like to talk about things like that. I’d don’t remember her, I was just a baby.” “It’s okay,we understand. But you can talk to us.” After another awkward silence Thea chatted about preparations that were underway for the ceremony and who was invited etc. I hadn’t slept well last night as there had been no moon, I knew when I went to bed it was too dark and I would’ve plagued with dreams. I was so tired that when the questions eventually stopped the lull of the car lured me to sleep. Waking up on arrival, Thea insisted we have lunch before seeing anymore. Refreshed I was buzzing to do something so I ate my lunch in record time. Oliver raised a cocky eyebrow. “Seen aa you can give Iris as run for her money, looks like you are sparring with her today.” That sounded fun, then I remembered all the powers Thea said she had and my face fell, which made him laugh. A young dark haired wolf came looking for us. His eyes lighting up when he saw Luke. He nodded to Oliver who also seemed happy to see him. “Ashton told me you were coming.” He said by way of introduction. Turning to me. “I’m Leighton, this must be Jack…Wow.” He stopped mid introduction and just stared at me. Luke coughed and nudged him in the ribs bringing him back to his senses. He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, you are …gorgeous doesn’t even seem enough. Are you sure you want to be Jackson’s luna. Could you just wait for me?” “Nice try Leighton, although if you did turn out to her mate, you are the only one he might let away without a challenge.” Luke told the young wolf. What was the challenge? I really wished I had bothered to read the contract before I signed it. I knew I could ask Jackson to let me see it but I’d rather not have to see him if I didn’t need to. “I thought I got released if I meet my mate?” I decided just to ask Luke. “It’s kind of customary to challenge the alpha for you. You know pack honour and all that. You get to choose who you want if Jackson were to win.” “He can’t stop me then?” I wouldn’t haven put it past him to put some block in place to keep me prisoner or something. “No, not in the first year. After that pretty much yes he can.” I knew what he meant, I would be marked by then, ruined for anyone else, removable only by death. “Do you want a tour?” Leighton asked me. You couldn’t help but like him, he seemed so upbeat. Following him out Iris told him to meet us in one hour. On our way out we met Ashton and his pregnant luna Felicity. Leighton explained about her gifts and then they looked at me strangely when I offered them my congratulations on the pup. “We hadn’t actually told anyone yet?” Felicity confessed and Ashton beamed with pride. Leighton gave her a big hug. On the way out he asked home I knew. I had no idea so just shrugged. I made a mental note to keep these thoughts to myself from now on. The facilities were impressive. There was a special area for the gifted wolves to practice, where they could do less damage. Many alphas wanted to send their sons here for training, so it was difficult to get a space. There were other shewolves here too. Some with gifts and some that just excelled as warriors but weren’t being given the necessary training simply because they were female. I thought about all the plans I had made with Jacob to give shewolves more opportunities back at Crimson Pack. I wondered if he would do them now with Aurelia. I knew she would be the luna I was planning to be. I had hoped that seeing a luna leading the pack with her alpha would be an inspiration to the others Leighton picked up my mood had changed and asked what was wrong. I felt like I could trust him instantly so I told him a little about leaving my pack. I meant to leave out the part about seeing them together but it all came out as verbal diarrhoea. He stood speechless for a moment, before his eye fell to me clouded with sadness. “Im sorry that happened. I’ve only known you five minutes but if that i***t couldn’t see everything I can in all the years he knew you then he didn’t deserve you anyway.” I blushed when he sounded so sincere. “I’m only meant to be Ashton’s beta, so how about once I’m your mate we can go kick this Jacob’s a** and get your pack back?” “You would do that?” I asked happily. “You are even more beautiful when you smile, so yeah I’d do anything that made you happy… oh we are late. Race you back.” He took of, leaving me momentarily speechless. I chased after him but he was pretty fast so I had only just caught him by the time we arrived. We didn’t speak anymore as I was a paired up with Iris. S*** she was good. I was holding my own bit only because I knew Zorina was helping me. Twice in a row she sent me flying, when I started to tire. I jumped up with renewed vigour, desperate to land a few blows when she upped her game again. Whatever she did sent me flying high and I was dreading the bump when suddenly mist appeared below me and cushioned my fall. “Trainings over.” She panted. Lying on the floor I saw Luke holding onto Leighton.I decided to stay there a moment and catch my breath.Iris came over and offered me a hand up. “Sorry, you were better than I expected. For some reason Allura is really competitive with your wolf.” I had a funny feeling she did that to see if my powers would come out. I saw disappointment in her eyes. As we headed back I saw Leighton’s eyes scan me from head to toe, checking I was okay. Even though I only met him today, I felt like we could be good friends. I tried not to check him out I already knew I would not be unhappy if he turned out to be my mate. I wondered how long it was until his birthday. I didn’t dare to fantasise about him being my mate, I was unlikely to be that lucky, but I was sure I he could make forget about the grumpy demi god in Silver Oak.
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