The Performance

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Iris Jackson couldn’t take his eyes of Greer while she was dancing and singing. It really was a pity she wasn’t his mate. I think she could have been the one to make him change his mind. Thea was worried that he wouldn’t take his next chance if it came. While he was better than he had been, he didn’t deserve to be alone. The problem was I think he thought he did. I always hoped that he and Ara would become more. I guess when she wasn’t his mate and couldn’t be his luna I understood why he didn’t invest more into the relationship. She was trying very hard not to be jealous of Greer but as she seemed to shine at everything, and in such an understated way. She didn’t show off or brag. Truth be told she had been pretty quiet since she arrived. It was a lot for her to process. Allura said that her wolf had told her she had had a bit of a shock at her pack before we took her. She wouldn’t say what but Greer obviously hid it all well. I could tell she was digesting the information about Jackson too. It was almost like she wanted to forgive him, I knew what it was like to hold onto a grudge. I had been out for revenge against Christian for years. Oliver promised we would get it. I trusted him, he always kept his word. Even when I thought he hadn’t before in a roundabout way he had. He had never let me down. I had a glimpse of what Jackson went though losing Scarlett’s few years ago. When we got hurt saving a silver wolf. Oliver had nearly died and it shook me to the core. I made Thea take a break from looking for wolves for a while. So much had gone on in a short time we all needed some is time. I ended up pregnant again so the rest was a little longer enforced. I knew Thea was desperate to break the curse. She was desperate for a pup of her own. I had hoped that the daughter of light would be Aurelia, she would be Jackson’s mate and all we needed to do was convince him to accept her. Which he might have done for his sister. If only it had been that easy. Greer was still important. Allura knew it. We needed to find some way of finding her powers. So far all I could think of was finding her mate, and what better place to start than a training ground full of elite warriors. I hadn’t want to tell her everything so we settled on the back story and the curse but not the prophecy. As it was so much to take in she didn’t ask anymore. I was worried she would shut down with the pressure but she seemed remarkable unaffected. I could tell from her silence she was processing and planning. I hoped her plans aligned with ours. I knew it was only a matter of time before she realised she was the key to breaking the curse, how exactly I wasn’t sure yet. I was starting to be hopeful she could handle it, the more I got to know her. Greer Iris invited me to have dinner with them, but Jackson would be there and I needed a lie down. Pups were exhausting. After promising to find them after dinner and they could show their parents their performance I headed to my room. I had some time to kill before I made good on that promise so I went for a walk in the grounds. I hadn’t gone far when I saw a lone figure sitting in a bench. I had got too close before I realised it was the witch Ara. I didn’t want to be rude but I still wasn’t sure of them. I tried to sidle away but she had seen me already. “You know don’t you ?” She asked. I nodded slowly, guessing what she meant. “Why would she not tell us?” I was assuming she had worked out that if Kora had a wolf they were likely only half sisters. I crept a little closer so I could talk quietly. “I don’t think it matters really. You are still sisters. Hell I have a sister that’s really my cousin. It doesn’t make her any less a sister on my eyes.” I figured Aurelia would have slept with Jacob whether she was my real sister or not, and my reaction would have been no different. “Your right.. thanks. ..Sorry if I seemed mean to you. Your … nice I guess, I guess I was jealous.” I scoffed. “You definitely don’t need to be jealous. Me being here is going to have no impact on your relationship. I’m sorry to say I kind of hate your…boyfriend. Even if I didn’t I wasn’t made for him so no offence but I don’t want to be involved in all he has going on. You can handle that.” I tried to joke but I meant it. If Ara wanted him she was welcome to him, whatever was left of him. I had never given much through to my mate, always assuming it would be Jacob but if I have a choice, I certainly wouldn’t want it to be him. For once in my life I wanted someone to rely on. Someone I could trust with my life. Someone who loved me, without thinking what loving me could bring them. Definitely not someone I had prove myself worthy of, because that was a task couldn’t seem passed. I had never come first in anyones eyes, how rubbish would be it be to be someone’s second chance mate, especially one they had made very clear they didn’t want. My dad had loved me, but I was a constant reminder of Mum and he was an alpha. It wasn’t that I didn’t matter to him, but lots else did too. Ara was clearly okay with all that, it was a pity she hadn’t been his mate. Although, while I had despaired at coming here, had I not I wouldn’t have learnt about the silver wolves, and it looked like I was getting an opportunity to help them with Iris’s invite to the elite training ground. I also might not have an opportunity to learn the truth about what happens that night my dad died. For the first time since I arrived I felt excitement brewing, like maybe something good was going to happen to be for a change. Talisman of doom be damned. Lost in my thoughts I realised I better hurry so the pups could do their performance. I hoped they had learnt it well enough this afternoon, I didn’t really want to have to sing in front of everyone. Sharon had always belittled my love of music, so much so I only really sang for Aurelia and Jacob. They always said I was good, but after they turned out to be untrue I wasn’t so sure now. At least I didn’t have anyone to impress, everyone would be so enamoured with the pups they wouldn’t notice me. Iris The pups had been so exited they had insisted we invite everyone for their performance. I managed to narrow it down to grandparents, and Luke and Thea. The four of them ran up to Greer when she arrived. She paled when she saw everyone sitting down. “Sorry, they are so excited. I hope you don’t mind.” “No, it’s fine.” She looked nervously at the pups. “Okay take your places, I’ll play you sing?” She told them, to a response of cheers. She started to play and I could see their confusion, they knew some words but maybe not all and didn’t quite know when to start. She gave it a few more seconds before stopping. “Okay, thanks for letting me warm up. Are you ready guys?” They nodded but not as enthusiastically this time. This time however she sang along with them, her voice a little nervous to start growing in confidence as the pups got into the swing of it and sang along with her. Their radiant smiles said it all when we stood up to cheer them at the end. I glanced at Jackson, he was staring at her. For someone who claimed he wasn’t interested in his new luna he sure didn’t act like it.
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