Keep Your Hands Off

1259 Words
Jackson It was quiet with everyone gone. The pups had been sad not to see Greer but Mum sent them of to practice so they would have something to show her on her return. They had been busy all day, with no disasters. Leighton had rung this evening. He had met Greer and wanted to know the details. Knowing him too well I just asked him what was really going on. “I was just .. I’ve never met anyone like her Jackson. I really hope she is my mate. I know she is to be your luna but..” Unlike his brother who had been an a** to his mate originally Leighton was desperate to meet his. I think spending so much time with Thea and Luke had rubbed off on him. Both likeable in their own right they were the one couple that never seems sickly sweet or annoying as they were so perfect together. Now Ashton was alpha, Leighton wanted his mate along with him when he stepped to be his brothers beta. “Maybe you will get lucky then.” This might be unlucky for me through. I would never stand in the way of him meeting his mate. Well maybe I would choose Lachlan over him but I saw him like a younger brother now. “You don’t have long to wait, but keep your hands of her till then.” My threat came out stronger than I expected. The last thing I needed was a lovesick or pregnant luna to explain, and the thought sat more uneasily with me than I would like. I put my phone away. The call had taken me by surprise a little. I hadn’t given much thought to if Greer met her mate. My heart sank a little that if she liked him back she might be sad at her ceremony this week. She didn’t strike me as the type that gave her feeings away easily so maybe it wouldn’t matter that he would be here. I wished I sent Patrick up to keep an eye on her. The thought crossed my mind at the time, when Onyx wanted to go but I ignored it. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Ara knocking at the door. I let her in and she wasted no time me know why she was here. She was wearing vert little. A short thin black dress that her n*****s were straining at the fabric of already. I raised an eyebrow. “You really shouldn’t be walking about the packhouse like this. Unmated wolves will be watering at the mouth.” She did look decidedly sexy. “They know I only have eyes for you.” With that she stepped out of her dress and approached me in her naked glory. I felt my c*** string to attention at the sight of her. She had always been like this, unwaveringly confident. I couldn’t remember the first time we slept together but I knew I was definitely not her first. There has been others since her, but they were shewolves usually when I was drunk and Onyx had given me hell afterwards, and occasionally one of them had them had illusions they could be luna that I then had to deal with.. Ara was rubbing her hand across my chest and I felt my muscle flex in response to her caress. I almost didn’t need to check she was ready for me as I could smell her arousal scenting the room. My hand dipped between her legs and my fingers caressed her folds before my finger slid inside. I slipped my other hand around her waist to steady her as arched against the pleasure my fingers were bringing her. Using my thumb to rub her sweet spot while my fingers roughly pumped in and out of her I watched her eyes as she fell apart. My c*** was now eager to play. I gently placed her on my bed. Reaching over to ensure protection was in place I relished slamming my c*** into her slippery wet p****. Her wild moans turned me on as I pounded into her. Her nails lacing my back. I wanted to be deeper so I picked up her hips and she wrapped her legs around my torso, her eyes rolling in pleasure as I drove deep inside her chasing my release. When I finally came I collapsed into the bed. Ara didn’t move panting heavily, likely sore from the vigorous of my pounding. Normally I would be keen for another round, and she was always up for it, but for some reason I now wanted to shower and sleep. Ara snuggled into my side. She knew I wasn’t keen on the closeness but I couldn’t push her away after immediately s**. She was always like this, it got a bit annoying hence why our relationship worked with us not seeing too much of each other. It had been her suggestive for it to be a much or as little as I had wanted and over the years nothing has really changed. As far as I was concerned it wasn’t exclusive and although we didn’t discuss it I was sure she didn’t abstain in the periods of time we spent apart. I couldn’t settle with her resting her head on my chest tonight. It irritated me more than normal so I got up for a shower. This was usually her cue to leave. I kissed her on the shoulder and headed for the shower. Taking longer than usual I let my thoughts drift to what would happen when Greer returned. I couldn’t very well be having loud s** like this with her next door. I could always go to Ara’s room. While thinking about I considered why I didn’t do that more it would be much easier just to leave. I knew it was because I never went looking for Ara but I was never disappointed when she came. My thoughts too quickly found their way back to Greer. I found myself smiling when I thought of her the other day with the pups. The thought that it would be nice to see her that happy and relaxed around me hung around in my head. It ultimately didn’t matter, the less time we spent together the better. Even if I was looking forward to her returning. Other than social engagements, regular enough meetings so she knew what was going on was all the interaction we needed to have. If she wanted to spend more time with twins that was fine. They liked her. I frowned when I realised that Ara hadn’t really ever interacted with them. I assumed it was due to her age, being only 18 when she met them. However Greer was the same age now and had been lovely to them. Even Lachlan who was more reserved than the others and didn’t take to strangers easily had fallen under her spell. For their sake I hoped Leighton wasn’t her mate. I knew they would be sad if she left to go to Opal Lake with him. . Leighton was a great wolf, on track to be a great warrior. He was probably make the perfect mate for her actually . Young, fun and loyal to boot. He would adore her completely, something I was guessing she hadn’t had by how guarded she appeared. For the sake of the twins I hoped they weren’t though. I didn’t want to be out looking for another luna again so soon.
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