Witches and Wolves

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Greer Just when I thought my big mouth might get me killed. Jackson’s girlfriend arrived and saved my bacon. She was clearly upset at my arrival. I couldn’t smell her wolf which was unnerving. I was burning with questions to ask but didn’t want to draw Jackson rage back to me. “This is Ara, she and Jackson are … friends.” I jumped when I heard Iris in my head. Clearly they were more than friends “She is a witch. Her sister is mated to Evan. Oliver’s beta.” I froze when I heard the word witch. I tried not to let me fear overcome me but I automatically stepped backwards. “Breath Greer. She isn’t hear for you. Just breath.” Zorina was chanting in my head. Witches had been banished from Crimson Pack after the death of my mother. She had been friends with a witch, who was there for my birth. She was meant to bless us but something went wrong and mum died. Dad found her with me one night as a baby, convinced she was cursing me or something he attacked her. She escaped but as a result they were banished and a fear of them deep rooted in me. Everyone was staring at me now as I fought to control my fear. Thea came running over from the witch but I flinched from her. “It’s okay. Ara and Kora are good. You don’t need to fear them.” I wanted to put some distance between us. “Please can I go to my room now.” I practically begged the luna. Before I could leave a couple appeared surrounded by pups. Not wanting to scare the pups, and rationally thinking they would bring pups into danger I felt my fear subside slightly. A chorus of ‘Mummy, Daddy” rung out and the pups raced over to us. Two blonde little boys threw themselves at Iris and Oliver and I watched as a miniature version of Jackson and a pretty little pup threw themselves at Jackson. His whole being changed when he embraced them, like for a moment he wasn’t pissed at the world. They wriggled out of his grasp and turned to stare at me. “Daddy, Daddy did you really being a princess to be my new Mummy?” The cute little girl asked jumping from foot to foot. This made Jackson uncomfortable, which pleased me more than it should. “This is Greer, she might stay here for a while.” Was finally his answer. The little girl bounded over, while her brother regarded me from beside his dad. “Greer,” she repeated. “You are soo pretty, when I grow up can I look like you?” A bubble of laughter escaped, she was really cute. I hadn’t had much experience of pup so didn’t really know how to interact with them but I felt bad when her face fell at my laughter. Suddenly I wanted to make her happy. “I think the only princess here is you pretty girl.” I bent down so I was level with when eyes. “No I’m not.” She replied matter of factly as only a pup could do. “Uncle Luke calls auntie Thea princess and you look like a princess.” I thought for a moment. “How about you promote Auntie Thea to Queen and then you can be the Princess.” “But what about you?” “I can be your …friend ?” The smile I got in return warmed something in my heart. I remembered how hard it was to grown up without my mother. It was made a lot easier by the kindness of Luna Ashley. I could be these pup’s friend if it helped. “I’d really like you to be my Mummy.” She insisted. “Well I guess that’s really up to your Daddy, how about we be friends for now and you can see what you think ? You might think my games are rubbish.” The look on her cute little face was delightful as she weighed this up. I saw a smile on the face of her brother that he quickly hid when he saw me looking. “Pups, it’s time for dinner. Leave the new luna alone. She needs to rest.” Luna Rose spoke from the top of the steps. Slightly embarrassed for chatting to the pups in front of everyone I silently followed her up the steps. She took me straight up to my room and promised to come back later once I had rested for a tour. “Feel free to make yourself at home.” Before leaving she paused. “Thanks for that. Those pups mean the world to us.” I was left alone with me thoughts, which suited me just fine. I had too many of them to deal with right now so I lay on the comfy bed and closed me eyes. A few hours later I woke up, probably because my stomach was trying to eat itself. I skipped breakfast as I was late for training, then missed lunch because I felt sick watching Jacob having s** with Aurelia. My mind boggled that had only been this morning. The luna had told me to make myself at home. So I assumed that meant I could make myself something to eat. I would soon find out if not. Logic would dictate that one asked first before getting to it trouble but I had preferred to deal with the consequences of my actions after. That way if I was punished at least I wasn’t hungry too. I wasn’t going to say it was a fool proof plan but I had survived so far. After a few minutes of wondering I found a kitchen area containing Iris and Oliver. Iris was making something and Oliver was sat with his beta and mate at a large table. I hesitated before entering. “Feel free to join us there is plenty.” My tummy rumbled at the smell wafting out from the hob. “Iris is an excellent cook.” Oliver told me proudly. I was surprised, as I had been lead to believe most lunas didn’t spend much time in the kitchen. I had a feeing these wolves were a bit different. The beta’s mate was watching me carefully. A guarded look on her face. She cleared her throat. “Why were you so scared of Ara earlier ? She was just a bit upset ?” I didn’t really want to explain my past to strangers. “I’m not used to witches.” I replied, not really caring if she found my reply rude or not. “But why aren’t you afraid of me ?” She asked. Now it was my turn to study her closely. “Because you have a wolf.” I shrugged. The shock on her face, forced me to look at her again. Everyone was staring at me in shock. “What do you mean Kora has a wolf? She is a witch.” Iris finally said.
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