A Wolf In Binds

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Thea Iris had linked me in a panic after Greer insisted Kora had a wolf. I was still consoling Ara at the time. I almost told her why I had to go as a surge of hope flared in me that if Kora had a wolf then Ara had one too. Kora has confided in me last year that Ara had been researching if it was possible for a witch to get a new wolf. Witch and wolf mates were rare, literature did report then and lead us to a witch would struggle to carry a wolf pup but if if managed the pup would be a witch or a wolf. Hybrids were not thought to exist but if Greer was correct then maybe they did. Ara knew that Jackson needed a luna and she wanted to be with him . I had watched over the years as they grew closer but Jackson never truly let her in. With the new rules produced by the council the only way for them to truly be together would be for them to be mates. The rules only applied to a chosen luna, mates were exempt. Even the council knew better than to mess with the moon goddess. I often wondered if Jackson had wished he has chosen her before the rule change but I wasn’t sure how good she would have been. Possibly due to Jackson’s indifference to what she did she spent large chunks of time travelling. I realised today when I saw them on the steps Jackson clearly didn’t think anything between them would change once he brought home a luna. After seeing Greer’s reaction to Ara earlier I decided it was best to see if this was really true before I got Ara’s hopes up, I didn’t want to frighten the poor girl again if I didn’t have too. “There is no way we missed Kora’s wolf ?” I asked Rupa. “I would like to think not but why is Greer so certain she has one.” I couldn’t fathom any reason for Greer to suggest one was there, unless she believed there was. Evan was holding onto Koras hand tightly when I arrived. Everyone was staring at Kora and Greer was sitting uncomfortably picking at some food. “What does Allura say ?“ I asked Iris. There was no point mind linking. Iris looked horrified, which was all the confirmation I needed. “I’m so sorry we didn’t realise before Kora. We didn’t think to look and it’s so tightly bound even looking for it I might have missed it.” “So you saying she really has a wolf?” Evan asked and I saw his wolf try to push forward. Evan had been delighted to find his mate, never minding she was a witch and everyone had reservation s about her and her kind. Over the years she have proved her worth and gained our trust. Still it must have been tough for his wolf not to have his counterpart while Evan had his though. “How to we unbind it ? Why didn’t it unbind when she met Evan like Floras did ?” Greer shank back under the weight of all the questions. “Sorry.” I apologised. “It’s not your fault we missed this. It’s just now we know I really need to fix it.” I told her. “Thea is a fixer.” Iris told Greer. The poor girl looked exhausted. I had planned to speak to her today about the attack on her pack but I wasn’t sure how much more she could take and she didn’t trust us enough to accept any help yet. Greer Once again I wished had kept quiet. The weight of all their questions growing on my shoulders. I raked my brain for what I could remember about witches and wolves. Most bindings were designed to break when someone came of age or met their mate. So this had to have been performed by a powerful witch. One who clearly never wanted this wolf to be detected. I was running on emotional empty but before I could tell them what I remembered Thea squeaked. “This means Ara might have one too, we have to check. She could be Jackson’s mate after all.” At that I stood up. I needed to escape before the witch came back. I held it together before but I didn’t want to embarrass myself again if I have a breakdown. It was getting dark. My fear of witches was compounded in the dark. “I need to go to bed.” I announced as I left the room, my dinner half eaten before anyone could stop me. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t remember my way back to my room. I just needed to be out of the kitchen before they summoned the other witch. Wandering the hallway I cursed my lack of direction and regretted not paying attention earlier. The twins, Coral and Lachlan appeared, both seemingly happy to see me. “Greer, where are you going ?” “I can’t find my room.” I confessed to the pups. It was mildly amusing I was relying on what a pair of what 5 year olds to help me. “We can show you.” Coral put one hand in mine and took her brother’s in other and led me in comfortable silence. I was pretty sure the room we arrived at was not the one I left earlier. “I’m not sure this is my room.” I told them. “Of course it is, you are to be the new luna. This is the luna’s room. It’s closest room to us, but we are still quite far away. Will you be okay?” Their concern was touching, for a brief moment I realised that they were the first people to care about me in a very long time. Even though they would never understand it those words meant a lot to me. So much so that I didn’t want to disappoint by insisting they find my other room. I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep, I would find my other room in the morning, Jackson would never know I disobeyed him. “Do you need to take you to bed ?” “No it’s okay. Daddy promised he would do our story once he put the fire out. Did you see the fire I wasn’t allowed to go?” When Coral believed I hadn’t, she and her brother left to find Jackson. I sank into bed. I knew I should attempt to process something from today. Otherwise I knew I would be having nightmares, especially as I doubted Sharon would have packed me a night light and even if by some miracle she had it would be in the other room. I lay down and processed the day so far. Aurelia and Jacob were together, uncle Justin had given my birthright to them right under my nose. Hilariously the wolves here didn’t know any of this, they had been nice to me just thinking I was upset about coming here. Surprisingly, except Jackson, everyone was nice. It wasn’t the pack I expected it to be, I was expecting they might be more hostile to me. My new alpha to be, because I wasn’t sure if I would be accepting him had a witch for a girlfriend, who wanted to be a wolf but her sister had one not her. I was pretty sure I didn’t feel any wolf inside her. The only logical explanation was that they weren’t full sisters, and Kora’s wolf had been bound at birth to prevent anyone finding out. I hoped that Iris and Thea worked that out themselves as I definitely didn’t want to be the one who delivered that bombshell. Maybe Jacob’s old nickname for me as the talisman of doom was pretty apt. Bad luck seemed to follow me. He stopped calling me it after my dad was killed as it was all to raw by my bad luck clearly remained. The problem I had was now I was here, and had met Jackson the story I had been told didn’t seem to fit. The cold and uncaring alpha was correct, generally speaking, but he wasn’t like that with his pups and his friends really seemed to care for him. They didn’t strike me as the sort of wolves that would allow a rogue revenge strike. Unless I had read them wrong. “You haven’t Greer. I suspect we have a lot to learn. Get some sleep.” Zorina yawned in my head. Sleep claimed me faster than I was expecting when my I finally closed my eyes.
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