Waking Up Alone

1785 Words
Greer I woke up, alone in the medical bay. I was hooked up to machines and drips. “Zorina” “Here” She replied weakly. “Where are we?” “Home.” I needed to find Jackson. I needed to see he was okay. My last memory was thinking he wasn’t going to make it. I didn’t feel like my heart was broken but maybe I was just numb. I was a little wobbly as I got from the bed but I had the sense to turn all the machines off before I started pulling things off me. I wasn’t really getting any steadier as I tried to locate him. Relying on smell alone I tried to ignore the surgical smell around me and concentrate on his oakiness. I had to hold onto the wall numerous times just getting out the door and I was silently restarting my decision to leave my bed. My nose led me to the room next door. I was shocked to see him lying on the bed, hooked up to drips and monitors. He was topless, his god like body on display, still sporting large wounds on his torso and leg. They did look to be healing. I made my way over to him, his scent causing Zorina to stir. I knew she was exhausted. I don’t think many females wolves could carry an alpha to safety, especially when injured. Relief overwhelmed me, he was breathing. I approached the bed, marvelling once again at his perfect godlike looks. Even in this state nothing could distract me from admiring his muscles, sculpted into perfection. I placed my hand on his arm and smiled as I felt the sparks, still very much there. I needed to be close to him so very gingerly as my shoulder was still aching and careful not to get too close to any of his injuries I lay on the bed beside him. I traced my fingers over the contours of his face. My wolf was more content being close to him, but I longed to be even closer, but I didn’t want to hurt him. Eventually fatigue caught up with me, resting my head on an uninjured part of his chest I could hear the steady beat of his heart. When he woke up I was going to make sure he didn’t get the chance to leave me again. I wasn’t ready to give up on us. Jackson might not want a new mate, but I knew he wanted me. I just needed to convince him I was worth it. Thankfully my desire for perfection meant I wouldn’t be giving up easily. “Wake up soon mate, I’m not going anywhere.” I spoke softly to his chest as I let myself fall asleep. Jackson I woke up with Greer, sleeping on my chest. I felt like s**t, but the fact that she was with me warmed me from inside. I remembered how she had come back to help me, totally ignoring my requests for her to leave with the others. I knew if she hadn’t the chances of me making it out alive were slim. I was seriously impressed her wolf could get me out. I knew she had been injured too. I was barely conscious when she got me to the car, passing out herself not long after arrival. I was vaguely aware of Luke arguing with Thea, and she healed me enough to keep my alive. The whole time I was thinking about Greer, praying she was okay. I hadn’t done a very good job of protecting her there. “Thea? How is everyone ?” “Jackson you are awake. Iris and Oliver are okay. Oliver isn’t quite fully healed yet. Allegra is fine and Greer was healing nicely last time I looked. She should wake soon.” “It’s ok let her rest, we can debrief later.” I didn’t want any company other than Greer just now. I hoped her being here meant what I thought it did. Nothing hurt as bad with her here. Even in her post battle state she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I didn’t think I would ever get used to it. Having her here in my arms gave me hope. I knew I wanted her as my mate and I was praying this meant she wanted the same. I waited for the guilt of acknowledging this to hit me but for once I didn’t care. It wasn’t that I was planning to forget Scarlett, I never could do that, but it was like I had accepted that she didn’t take my heart with her and I was ready to give it to Greer. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Ara walking in. She stopped when she saw Greer in my bed. “What is she doing here?” I could hear the hurt in her voice. I spoke softly so not to wake Greer. “She is my mate, Ara where else would she be?” “You don’t want a mate.” “I didn’t Ara, but…” Our voices had woken Greer and she stirred on my chest. “Jackson… your awake.” She sounded sleepy. For a moment I forgot Ara was here as I stared down at Greer. Until I heard the slam of the door as she left. Greer jumped at the noise and looked confused now one was there. “Ara was here.” “Why?” She growled at me. I would have laughed at the jealousy if I hadn’t been so pleased to hear it. “Why do you look so happy that your ex girlfriend was here?” This time I couldn’t help my smile, until she sent me a death stare. “I’m happy you care. If she is my ex girlfriend what does that make you ?” There was a slight pause as she chose her words. “Your mate.” It wasn’t a question and in case I needed any confirmation she reached up and kissed me. It was like every emotion she felt was present in the kiss. There was no doubt on my mind now. I pulled away stroking the hair from her face as I looked into those beautiful eyes. I hoped she could see the happiness in my eyes at her words. “Jackson , Greer is missing, and I can’t link her.” “It’s okay Thea she is with me.” “Oh thank goddess. I forgot that Luke found out some information about her Dad. Ask her feels up to hearing it.” “Greer, honey, do you feel up to chatting with Luke about your Dad?” She snorted at me. “Honey ? Really ? But yes I suppose I need to. You might have to put some clothes on, I won’t be responsible for my actions if your ex girlfriend looks your way again.” I didn’t doubt her for a second, something told me life wasn’t going to be dull with Greer around. Once I found some clothes to wear we met Luke and Thea in my office. They were otherwise alone and Thea looked exhausted. She waved of my look of concern. “Almost everyone got pretty badly hurt, transpires it hard to heal when you have been poisoned too.” “Poisoned ?” I looked to Luke. “Some of the potions that hit us seemed to affect the girls powers, all of them. So they know about them and have been working with witches against us. Which is why I haven’t told anyone else this information.” He looked at Greer. “Drake knew your father, he knew that your father had a … relationship with a witch. They were not mates and their relationship was not known to many. This part Drake didn’t understand but somehow your Dad met your Mum, she was underage but he fell for her. It’s his belief that your Dad ended things with the witch and waited for your Mum’s 18th birthday, where they found out they were mates. She came to Crimson Pack as luna and you were born.” He looked like he had more to say. “Just tell her Luke.” I told him. Sitting myself on the sofa and pulling her into my lap, in case she felt the need to run. “Drake doesn’t know if this is relevant but your Mum was best friends with a witch, she was there the night she died. Drake said that the reason your Dad banished witches from the pack was he found one alone with you when you were a baby. He feared they were trying to bind your wolf. He never told Drake why, even why he asked. Drake thought it all stemmed from your mothers death, that he automatically thought the worst of witches ever since. We have to assume Kora’s Mum is or was that witch.” I was amazed at the strength of Greer. She sat silently taking all Luke said in. “He knew about her all the time, why did he never try to find her or tell me?” “He maybe didn’t know where to look, if her mother is dead, then maybe his only point of contact was gone?” Luke surmised. “Why do you keep saying if she is dead?” She asked him. “The witch escaped, your Dad searched for her but Drake doesn’t believe he found her.” “So Kora’s mother could be alive, and she clearly hates me?” I detected the note of panic in her voice. “I honestly don’t know, I can’t believe she wouldn’t have tried to find the girls if she was alive. And we don’t know for sure that she was trying to do anything to you. If she was your mothers friend then maybe she was trying to bless you or something.” Even I could tell from Luke’s voice he didn’t think was likely. “You aren’t to tell Kora any of this yet.” I told Luke and he nodded in understanding. I didn’t need to give them any more reason to dislike Greer. She was still in my lap. I shifted slightly so her head was on my chest and I could kiss her hair. “You okay honey ?” “Not really…” “Can I do anything?” “Not call me honey. And let me stay here a little longer.” She could stay here as long as she wanted, I didn’t want to let her go either.
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