Stupid Wolves

1548 Words
Jackson I slept better than I expected to last night. Ara had been pouty that I didn’t go back to her room. I had wanted to make sure Greer got to the correct room but I needn’t have worried as I could hear her getting ready and going to bed. I wasn’t expecting a thank you for her stuff but I had put my number in the new phone, among the others I thought she might need and I kept checking to see if she messaged. Mum was putting the finishing touches together for her ceremony today. Luke had called a meeting about Kora, so far they hadn’t found out how to unbind her wolf. This was not my department but I assumed they needed my help with something. When I went down stairs Greer was awake already, making something with the twins. I assumed it was pancakes but they didn’t look quite right. “Hurry up and cook I’m hungry .” Lachlan growled at the pan. “Maybe we should have some cereal as we wait?” Greer took a concerned look at the pancakes which didn’t look edible. “Daddy I made you breakfast, the first was meant to be for Greer but she says you can try it because you look hungry.” Coral volunteered. I was just thinking of an excuse when Greer announced. “They are ready.” She looked me dead in the eye with a smug expression as she placed a piles of battered looking shapes on my plate. “What do you think Daddy?” Coral gazed at me with her big eyes. “Delicious.” As I forced myself to swallow, taking a big gulp of orange juice ti wash away the salty mess in my mouth. Telling the pups to and find my mother I turned to Greer. “Come luna, we have a meeting to attend.” I stood to leave and she actually followed. I held the door and as she walked past I whispered in her ear. “You’ll pay for that.” I promised my heart rate spiking at the thought of her at my mercy. Her eyes snapped to mine and I realised I had gone too far when fear flashed through them. I had placed my hand on the small of her back and I got zapped by a jolt of static. She relaxed as I jumped away, quickly removing my hand, I couldn’t tell if she was smirking because she strode of in front of me towards my office. We got there first but the others were not far behind. I pulled out a chair for Greer beside me which, despite her look of distain, she sat in. Moments later Ara walked in, taking one look at Greer and glaring at me. It wasn’t like Ara was usually here, I couldn’t even recall the last time but to avoid a problem I pulled out a chair for her at the other side. Once Iris and Oliver finally arrived Luke explained the problem. “We have no idea how to break the bind on Koras wolf.” Luke started. “Do we have to unbind it.” I asked. Greer inhaled sharply. “Of course we do, it’s trapped inside her.” She glared at me, any hatred I thought I might have eroded definitely back. “I want to.” Kora said quietly. “I was happy as a witch but now I feel bad I have had a wolf inside me all this time.” “We have only dealt with bindings that broke upon a wolf coming of age and meeting their mate. This must be stronger and we are stuck.” Luke said. “We need a plan. Greer For smart wolves these guys obviously didn’t read much. I waited for someone to speak but the room remained silent. “You need to find the witch that placed the bind on your wolf.” I looked a Kora. When everyone looked at me in shock I just continued. “Which is likely to be your mother or a close relative. It was probably done where you were a baby, hence why it’s so well hidden and you didn’t know.” “You seem to know a lot about this?” Jackson asked me suspiciously. I was annoyed at him for this morning, he had been being such a good sport I forgot I hated him. Then he reminded me, he was an a******, a divinely handsome a***** admittedly but an a***** still. I was just going to pretend that his threat didn’t give me goosebumps that weren’t out of fear. “So would you if you bothered to read.” I shot back. “Witches had been binding and cursing wolves for years. It does make more sense now that you are mates as I have never heard of a wolf and witch being mates.” “We found some evidence of it when we looked it up.” Iris confirmed. “I know what’s written. I’ve just never actually heard anyone that knew a pair.” I didn’t want to say the next bit but it was important. “You have to understand, this was done for a reason, your mother had a secret she didn’t want to reveal. No good witch would do this without good reason.” “We are good witches.” Ara all but shouted at me. Holding my ground and I felt Jackson tense beside me. “I didn’t say you weren’t but this is hard to do, especially this well. You need to know what you could be walking into. The wrong witch might know something we don’t. Although… “ I trialed off as my thoughts caught up with my mouth. “What?” “You feel wolf feels normal ?” I tilted my head, maybe that wasn’t the correct word. Thea and Irises wolves felt different to everyone else’s. There was a pull towards them, more so Iris. Now I was concentrating in it maybe there was a slight connection to Kora’s wolf but it was different to theirs. “What do you mean?” I didn’t know how to explain what I was feeling. “Look, I think the only way to unbind her is to go back to your coven, if it’s still there. Unless anyone else has any other ideas?” No one spoke. “What if we can’t find our coven?” Kora asked looking at Ara. “Then find the most powerful one you can and hope they can help.” I suggested. “I thought Ara found it?” “I found some witches that had belonged to it and started their own, they were nice and because I only visit for periods of time I stopped looking any further.” “Will you help us find them Jackson?” Ara looked hopefully at Jackson. “Sorry I can’t, my wolves are not likely to be welcome and I have too much on here to go on a wild goose chase. If you find out what we need to do you can come back here for help.” “I can go with them though Alpha?” Evan looked at Oliver. He nodded. “I wouldn’t expect you not to.” His eyes flicked to Jackson, who held his gaze, something unspoken passed between them. I felt a pang of jealousy that she might convince Jackson to go, jealousy I had no place to feel as she was his girlfriend and he was still my enemy. “Kora, is there anything you know that might help work out why your wolf was bound. How your parents were killed ?” I asked trying to work out if there was anything else we could do. “I don’t think so, I don’t remember my Dad to be honest. I maybe have a few memories. Mum didn’t talk about it much, I think it made her sad. Ara was still pretty young when she disappeared.” “She isn’t dead?” I asked. “We assume so, she used to go away for periods of time but always came back when she said she would. Until that night, there was a storm and the coven was attacked. We had to run and we found ourselves at Paradise. We never saw her again. Initially we were given food and lodging for small favours. Then as we got older, the favours got larger and when I refused things got nasty. Ara was threatened and so I had to do his bidding. “What about the other witches?” “Only four of us went to Paradise. Iris met one already and I haven’t seen or heard of Maude since we left. Ara never found her when she went searching.” The mood darkened after after those revelations. The obvious thing was to find out about their fathers, of which Kora’s was obviously a wolf. I headed back to my room. Checking my phone I had finally had a reply with information. I felt my insides fall as I read and re read the message. The implications of it were too vast for me to grasp immediately.
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