Take Me Home

1386 Words
Jackson When Thea called this with news that Greer met rogues in the forest I demanded they come home now. There had been no attack on that area for years, my gut churned that they were starting again now. Greer was unharmed and unfazed apparently. Unfortunately this wasn’t enough for Onyx he needed to see for himself. Hence why I was currently waiting for them to return. Thea had requested I move her stuff into the luna suite for her return. I didn’t tell her I had done so already. She didn’t say why other than she wanted someone close to her during the night. I didn’t know what she was expecting me to do. I was the last person she would want anything from. I hadn’t heard from her since she left to go with them. I didn’t even know her number if she had one. I had made sure mine was saved in the new phone I got her but I wasn’t expecting to hear from her. Once she was luna I would have to sit her down and shape out some ground rules for us. First I knew we needed to have a conversation about how I didn’t kill her father. I want sure how to get her to believe me on that but our life would definitely be a bit easier if she hated me a little less. Before I knew it they were home. It was late and the pups had been desperate to wait up but had all fallen asleep. After we had eaten everyone sat in the common room area we used to use all the time to hang out when we were younger. “It feels like old times, just hanging out. Anyone want to go dancing.” Iris joked but I knew she was only half joking. Leighton had come back with them early from training and he was chatting to Greer but his ears picked up at the sound of dancing. “I could go out?” He said, looking hopefully at Greer. “Greer, do you play anything other than guitar.” Thea asked. “I can pay piano too, maybe not as well.” “Play something for us, something upbeat and Iris can dance here. I don’t have the energy to go out.” Thea begged her. Greer looked nervous but agreed and make her way over the piano. “What do you want me to play?” “What can you play?” Thea asked. She shrugged. “Anything if I’ve heard it before?” They started shouting out songs and Greer started to play. She was clearly nervous at first but soon she was singing along to her own playing, Iris and Thea trying to join in, totally out of tune. Hearing the noise Ara, Kora and Evan appeared and joined in the fun. I noticed Greer seemed a lot more comfortable with the witches now. Leighton came over to join me where I sat. His eyes gazing to Greer full of admiration. “It’s so unfair you found her first. Now I had to wait.” He whined at me. “You would have to wait anyway.” I reminded him. “Do you think she is your mate?” “I really hope so, she is amazing, she doesn’t deserve to be stuck with a miserable b***** like you.” He was only half joking but I could see he really liked her. The thought unnerved me more than I liked. I had been happier than I wanted to be to see her return. Onyx had been unhappy about the thought of her being chased by rogues. I wondered if it was how fond the twins had instantly become of her that made him so protective of her. As everyone tired Greer slowed the music down. The mates all coupled up and Ara came over and asked me to dance. She pouted when I refused, using Leighton as my excuse but he but he monitored for me to go his eyes transfixed on Greer. She was lost in the song, her voice conveying its haunting beauty effortlessly. “Wrapped up so confused by all this hurt.” I could help but think it was like she was singing about her self. “Tell me I’m safe, you’ve got me now”. The words tugged at me, and while I held Ara in my arms I couldn’t take my eyes from Greer. “Could you take care of a broken soul?” She was looking at Leighton not me, and it hurt more than I expected it to. “Would you take the wheel if I lost control ?” Her eyes met mine and for the first time hate wasn’t what I saw. I couldn’t read what was in those deep golden orbs as she continued to sing but I couldn’t bring myself to break eye contact with her. It was like I was seeing a glimpse of her soul and I wanted to see more. “Will you take me home.” She sang and too soon the song ended for me and the spell was broken. I had forgotten all about Ara in my arms my thoughts consumed of the blonde beauty across the room. Greer I had never sang in front of so many people before but everyone seemed to enjoy it so my confidence grew. I didn’t usually think about the words of the songs I sang as I was only ever singing for myself or singing along with Aurelia and Jacob. But as I found myself under the intense scrutiny of Leighton’s eyes, I allowed the words to penetrate my conscious. I couldn’t imagine writing and singing these songs for or to someone. It was so raw, asking for help. I couldn’t help but think about myself, the lyrics were pretty apt. When it came to it could I trust anyone enough not to hurt me. I broke contact with Leighton, his eyes held a promise they would try, but I caught Jackson gaze and I couldn’t shake it. It penetrated deep into my soul, like he was searching for something. Pushing all thoughts of Leighton out my mind. It felt wrong to be staring at him while he had another in his arms so I forced myself not to. Closing the piano lid as a sign I was finished I decided to take myself of to bed. I was exhausted after last nights activities and from my body’s hyper awareness of Jackson’s presence at all times. I wasn’t sure if the had rogues followed me or not but they were nowhere to be seen when I got back. It was refreshing that Iris took my word and sent out scouts to look for them. I knew if that had happened back at Crimson Park, Sharon would have insisted I made it up. When I arrived back at my room I walked in to find my stuff was gone. I didn’t want to ask Jackson but I didn’t know where anyone else slept so I resigned myself to checking the luna suites first. To my surprise the door was open and my stuff inside. As I looked more closely I saw that more than my stuff was here. Rails of brand new clothing, all with labels. All my size. There was a new phone, and then hanging in the corner was a stunning dress. Pale, adjourned with pearls with a deep v neck and a tapered back. It was probably the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It looked like it was the perfect fit as my fingers trialed over the beautiful fabric. There was a knock at the door and Thea appeared with a candle. I was touched she remembered, she caught sight of the dress. “Wow!” “I know, please thank your mum. It looks the perfect size too.” Thea have me a funny look but didn’t say anything . “I’ll let you get some sleep.” She said before she left. “Thanks for tonight, it was great fun. You are very talented.” I snuggled into the large comfy bed, I had been so tired last time I slept here I hadn’t appreciated it.
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