Fight or Flight

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Jackson I sat on my bed, annoyed at Oliver’s suggestion I go with the witches. He knew my feelings on them in general. Yes I liked and trusted Kora and Ara but as a whole witches I didn’t trust, and probably never would. They had been involved in too many attacks in this pack over the years. In hindsight having some sort of relationship with Ara was never going to work. Everyone seemed to be forgetting she wasn’t my mate or luna. I had no obligations to her. I knew I should feel bad about this but if didn’t. We both knew what the relationship was built on. Without warning, Greer burst through the door between our room. Fire blazing in her eyes. “Wake them up now.” She ordered. Thankfully I hadn’t yet got to bed yet so was still dressed. “Who?” “Iris and Thea. Hell them all. I need to speak to them.” “And it can’t wait…” The death stare I received showed me it could not. Her chest was heaving drawing my eyes to her n*****s pressed up against the thin fabric of her cami top. Her endless legs barely covered by short shorts. I picked up a t shirt of my floor that looked clean enough and pulled it over her her. She snorted at me. “I can’t take you out half naked.” She clearly didn’t have a problem with the others seeing her body but for some reason I did. I needed her covered up for my own sanity. Linking the others to return to my office I took Greer’s hand to lead her out my room as she was visibly shaking in anger now. I swear I could see sparks flying in her eyes. Such was the tension in her I felt another static shock as I took her hand. Looking back at her in annoyance she hadn’t even noticed. That f***** hurt but I didn’t let go. This time she didn’t sit beside me but paced the floor until the others arrived. “This better be good for getting me out of bed. Oliver grumbled, pulling Iris into his lap and resting his head on her. “I know.” Greer said simply, fury palpable in her voice. “I know you didn’t kill him.” This she directed at me. “They didn’t capture any wolves, I think.” She took a deep breath. “I think someone in the pack betrayed him. Betrayed us I guess. “ Her voice cracked at this but she didn’t crumble, rage still burning inside her. “I need your help to find then.” I could feel the emotion in the room. No one spoke. She was finally clearing my name, but in doing so pretty much exposing she has been fed a lie. I knew she was nearly killed in the attack, and her lost her aunt as well. I can’t imagine this was easy to accept. For the first time I wanted to comfort her. I didn’t want to hope that this would change things between us you don’t stop hating someone overnight after years of blaming them for something you believed you did. But hopefully now we could at least be friends, but this thought wasn’t as satisfying as I liked. I continued to stare at her, seeing her in a new light. She was glowing. Then I heard Iris gasp. The others were staring at her too, she was actually glowing. A translucent light surrounded her that was so a subtle you almost couldn’t see it. Oliver and Luke didn’t seem to be aware but Iris could see. She caught my eye and subtly shook her head. “She can’t handle anything else right now.” “We will help you Greer. Tomorrow we can look at why someone would do this. Luke has a contact that was an old friend of her fathers. He can call him tomorrow.” Iris told with conviction in her voice. “Try and get some sleep, we have your ceremony tomorrow.” I could tell she was still way to worked up to sleep. She outwardly appeared calmer but I could feel the tension radiating of her. Taking her hand again I took her to the training rooms. “You will feel bower when you hit someone so hit me.” I took up a fighting stance and she pulled my t-shirt over my head and attacked, not holding back. She fought me until her hair was dark with sweat. I let her rain blows on me, in her rage I could have easily avoided more but she needed a release, even if she didn’t know it. My defence was too good as she started to tire, so as I blocked a kick, I caught her leg Anne I knocked her off balance. She tumbled to the floor, pulling me with her as I didn’t let go in time. Taking the impact with my other arm I managed not to squash her but I was now pressing onto her dripping wet body, her top now almost translucent with sweat. My weight pulling it down to the point her n****e was almost exposed. My eyes were transfixed the hard bud. Without stopping to think I moved the top gently with my teeth just enough to release her n****e and took it in my mouth. Savouring the salty taste of her sweat, her moans of surprise and pleasure was music to my ears. Sucking gently on her n****e my hand floated with the rim of her waistband, desperate to dip lower. I looked into her eyes to see the fire of rage had been replaced by something new. The intensity of such caused my c*** to harden painfully in my shorts. I pressed my hand into her shorts and she arched her p*** towards my hand as it cradled her folds. Her hands found themselves in my hair and she grasped tightly as I inserted a finger into her. Feeing her clamping tightly around my finger I stilled, my eyes immediately looked to her for permission to continue and her hips titled towards me as she moaned with desire. Pumping that finger in and out of her soaking p**** I couldn’t hold her gaze as I was going to c** in my pants. I heard and almighty growl as she clenched my finger painfully and arched her body towards me and I felt ripples of pleasure ride throughout her core. Her eyes didn’t leave me as I studied the emotions within her golden globes. The anger was gone, replaced by confusion. I removed my hand from her shirts and pulled her top back into place. Sitting up and pulling her with me I picked her up and took her back to her room. Her eyes fluttered shut as she rested her head against my chest. She now was oddly quiet. I didn’t know what to say. It didn’t feel like what had just happened didn’t need a explanation. Certainly not right now. The heat of my body had dried most of her flimsy nightwear anyway. Leaving her in her bed I left the door open so I could keep an eye on her. I needed to shower. I was a covered in a mixture of our sweats. My thoughts were consumed entirely by the blonde goddess next door and I had to take matters into my own hands to subside the hard on I was still sporting from earlier. Greer I was so angry, I could feel it seeping out of me. I didn’t know where all of the anger came from. Obviously I was angry someone betrayed my dad and me I guess. Angry I didn’t work it out earlier. But I was also angry at myself. I didn’t give Jackson a chance believing the rumours with no real evidence to back it up. Ignoring any effort he made to to nice, which to be fair were clouded with the times he wasn’t. Also boggling away at the back of my mind was what to do with the feelings he stirred inside me. It was easy to squash them down and replace them with hate. I could faintly smell him on the t shirt he pulled over me before I left. Which as my rage lessened slightly I was thankful for. I also realised he had accepted my demand without question. This could have waited until morning but my rage once I the implications dawned on me was so severe I was blind to reason. Truth be told the only thing that kept me grounded was his calm manner through it all. He didn’t question me or try to calm me he just let me be. When we arrived in the training room I knew the only way I would sleep would be to be exhausted. As my rage left with punches I threw I grew weary. Until I felt his mouth on my n****e. Never had I experienced pleasure like his tongue was giving it. I didn’t know what I wanted him to do but not to stop. His eyes questioned me the whole time, and I was at his mercy, at that moment I would have given him my body wholeheartedly. As waves of pleasure raked through me, my body felt like it was on fire until his hands left mine. It was like he took all my energy with him. I found myself being carried through the halls. I closed my eyes, not willing to meet his eyes after what had just passed, scared of what I might see. Within moments I must have fallen asleep.
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