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Greer Later that night Leighton found me and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. He seemed nervous. We hadn’t gone far when he blurted out. “So I may have done a thing.” He started. “I called Jackson and asked him to wait until after my birthday to mark you in case you are my mate.” “Why would you think I’m your mate?” I didn’t know how anyone could tell. I was waiting on Zorina telling me. I hadn’t had much experience of these types of feelings. Jacob and I grew up together. He was attractive, although nothing compared to the gods I seemed to be surrounded by now. He was also my best friend and I just assumed we would be mates. My subconscious now has me thinking that actually I knew all along we weren’t which was why I never let him kiss me, even when he asked to. Embarrassingly Jackson was the first wolf who had stirred any feelings like that in me. Which was quite sick when you thought of what he had done to me, starting with murdering my father and then everything in the short time I had actually met him. Did I think Leighton was my mate? I hoped so. He was attractive, fun and seemed kind. Even Zorina was in agreement, but she didn’t share my hatred for Jackson so the jury was still out on her judgement. “Honestly Greer I won’t lie, I don’t know. You are the first wolf I’ve wished it would be. I just didn’t want any you to fall in love with him and let him.” He winked and took my hand, smiling when I scoffed at the thought of falling in love with Jackson. He lead me to to a clearing, it was the best place to see the stars. However as it got dark, the moon was still in hiding. Knowing I wouldn’t sleep well and too embarrassed to tell him about my irrational fear of the dark I made my excuse to go to back. Once we got back to the packhouse that served as accommodation for all the wolves here Leighton tuned to me. “I really meant it when I said hope we are mates, Greer. I think I might be half in love with you already. But even if I’m not you can always rely on me. I’ll be here for you if you ever need anything or anyone.” I couldn’t reply I was so touched by his sincere gesture. I placed a small kiss on his cheek, my lips lingering by his ear as I whispered my thanks. Nothing about the wolves here had been as I expected. He swallowed repeatedly before backing away. “I better go.” He whispered back, saying he look he gave me suggesting that was the last thing he wanted to do. Later that night when I woke it was pitch black my stupid worries ate at me to the point I was never getting back to sleep. Strangely when I had left Leighton and gone to bed I feel asleep instantly. All thoughts of the dark gone from my mind. Unable to stomach the dark room alone I went of in search for some light. Maybe in the kitchen I could find a candle or something. I was pleasantly surprised to see Thea in the kitchen nursing a cup of hot chocolate. “Greer what brings you here… can’t sleep either. There is more on the stove if you want. It’s not as nice as Iris but I wouldn’t risk entering her and Oliver’s room to wake her.” She raised her mug and smiled. I helped myself and sat down. “Why can’t you sleep?” I asked Thea, before she could ask me. “Oh nothing really. It’s silly. I thought I was pregnant but it turns out it was a false alarm.” I could tell from her voice how upset she was. “I’ve always wanted pups, it’s kind of hard to accept its not going to happen.” “Would you adopt?” I asked her. There were lots of pups looking for a family. Luke and Thea would be perfect parents. “Yes I think we will. There has just been so much going on I’ve been putting it on the back burner and just hoping it happened for us.” She sounded so sad. “I want it so much but at the same time I have this irrational fear that someone would use them to get to us, but I still want one so bad it makes me feel guilty.” I didn’t know what I could say to make her feel better. Her fear didn’t sound irrational at all. Wasn’t that really what Jackson was doing with me. Taking me as punishment for the loss of his mate, even thought I don’t think he realised taking me didn’t have the same impact as if he had taken Aurelia. Deep down I knew I didn’t really believe that anymore. I remembered I had reached out for answers, I should chase that up. Remembering why I was here in the first place I asked if she knew where I could get a candle. When she looked confused I felt I better explain. It would probably make her feel better about her fears anyway, and it had felt good to talk to Leighton. I had so much bottled up inside I thought I was going to explode. She listened intently when I told her about my fear of the dark. “I know it’s childish and silly but every bad event in my life has been associated with it. I’m not meant to remember my mum or her witch friend but I feel like I do and the memories are plunged into darkness. It’s stupids. When I was unconscious after the attack from Ja… when my dad was killed all I remembered is darkness. I was scared before that but it only got worse after. I remember lying reaching for a light that I could see flickering in the distance but always remained out of reach.” Saying it all out aloud made me feel better. She looked down upon me without judgment. “That’s not an irrational fear at all. I don’t think I would have been half as strong or brave as you, if I had head to deal with that. Losing one parent is bad enough.” She said softly. “I’m hardly brave. It’s silly I didn’t know my mum, and no one ever wanted to talk about her so I feel like I shouldn’t actually miss her. “Someone told Iris once that true bravery was being afraid of something but doing it anyway. You definitely are brave. But tonight let me help you sleep.” She placed her hand on my bare arm and I felt all my worries slip away. Afraid she could read my thoughts I pulled away. “Thanks for the offer but I’ll be fine with a candle.” She didn’t say anything but went over to a drawer and passed some matches and a candle to me silently. “Thanks.” I whispered and headed back to bed. I was too worked up to sleep now so I left the stuff there and threw on some clothes to go for a run. It would be getting light soon now anyway. I ran for a bit before I found myself at the edge of a forest. I felt Zorina stir in my mind. “I think you should head back.” “Why?” I didn’t feel anything out of place. “I have a bad feeling.” I stopped running to scan the area. “Don’t stop, get back ..” Her plea was cut of as a horrid smell invaded my nostrils. It was repulsive and vaguely familiar. Dawning on my just in time that it must be rogues I ran of as fast as my legs could go, unsure if they were following me or not.
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