Protector Mode

1592 Words
Jackson Ara didn’t want to talk about whatever upset her earlier. As I wasn’t her mate I didn’t really know how to deal with her emotions. Not having to having to was usually part of our unspoken deal. . We satisfied each other’s needs and rarely asked for anything more. In situations among our friends, when she was here we were a close to a couple as I would allow but we didn’t share the same intimacy that mates would. Thea had linked me the news about Kora and Ara’s eyes lit up when I told her so she raced of find them. It was time to put the pups to bed. Coral and Lachlan still liked to share a bedroom, even though they had one each. Coral was scared of the dark and Lachlan pretended he was keeping her comfort but I knew they wanted to be together so I never mentioned it. They were buzzing tonight, one story turned into three. Finally I had them both settled in beds when Coral turned her big eyes on me. “Daddy. Is the beautiful lady really going to be my Mummy ?” I didn’t know how to answer. If she didn’t meet her mate in the next year then yes I supposed she would be. The chances of her meeting her mate would be small unless we went anywhere so I could almost engineer it so she didn’t. I had to admit it had surprised me how the eyes that held so much hatred for me, had been soft and welcoming to my pups. Especially when Lachlan was just a miniature version of me. More reserved than his sister I could see he was listening intently for my answer. I tried not to lie to them. I only made promises I knew I could keep but I was a soft touch and tried to give them everything they wanted. “I’m not sure. If she wants to be then maybe.” “Good, I think she will. She liked her new room.” Coral sighed happily, yawning as she got sleepy. “New room ? When did you see her room?” I asked. “She got lost and we took her to the luna suite. Nonna said she should be there and I wanted her close in case she got scared in a new place.” My anger bristled at my meddlesome mother, and Lachlan sat up. “Don’t be angry Dad. She was really tired and we didn’t know which room was hers. Promise you will let her sleep. Coral wants to play with her tomorrow.” I ground myself teeth in annoyance. I didn’t want her sleeping there, with only a door separating us. What was to stop her making good on her threat to sneak through and murder me in my sleep. My mind couldn’t conjure an image of her in attack mode. She seemed too innocent and pure for that. “Dad. Promise ?” Lachlan insisted. His alpha nature showing through already. He would be a great alpha when his time came. My resolve hardened to do whatever it took to keep this pack. I sighed. He had me. “Promise.” Holding up both hands so he knew I meant it. With there being no point going to bed nowI headed down to the kitchen. It tended to be a late night haunt for anyone with something on their mind. I figured I might find out what was going on with these hidden wolves. Evan was sat alone in the kitchen, he had a beer in his hand. I opened one for myself. I didn’t drink as much now. After drinking myself into oblivion a few too many times and ending up hating myself for my actions, I now avoided it more often than not. “So what’s this about Kora having a wolf?” “It appears she does. But it’s been bound, for some reason. She had no idea.” “This is good though?” I asked because he didn’t seem to sure. “It’s amazing, but I’m trying not to get too excited. In case we can’t unbind it you know. And I don’t want her to think she isn’t enough without one ?” That made perfect sense actually. He was sensible to play it down. There was good reason he was a Oliver’s beta. “Where did they all go?” I asked I thought they might all still be here. “They went to the library, Ara was all up for dragging your new luna out of bed so see if she could sense her wolf too but Thea insisted they let her sleep.” “I hope they left her alone?” I growled at Evan. “They did, Thea said it would wait until morning.” He seemed as surprised by my tone as I did. “What’s up with you?” I knew that growl came from Onyx. “Nothing, but they are not waking her to confirm a silly witch doesn’t have a wolf.” “You don’t know Ara doesn’t have a wolf, we didn’t know Kora did.” “She doesn’t. I know.” Then he huffed of again into the back of my mind. “I’m going to call it a night Jackson. I have a feeling tomorrow will be …a lot.” Once I was back in my room I checked the door between Greer and myself was locked. It wasn’t and I resisted the urge to check she was there. A sixth sense told she was. I locked the door, just in case. I had just got into bed, making sure to keep shorts in just in case anything happened, when I heard a gentle knock at the door. I was half tempted to ignore it, it was likely Ara and I wasn’t it the mood for whatever mood she is was. I changed my mind when I thought I might actually get some sleep, with my enemy next door if I less restless. Ara was stood at the door with excitement bubbling in her eyes. She came in without invitation. “Someone is in a better mood.” I commented. At least she looked sheepish. “Sorry about showing up like that. I was just annoyed you didn’t tell me you were getting a luna. I was a bit blindsided. Then I saw her all young blonde and gorgeous and I guess I was jealous.” “You don’t need to be jealous. I’ve never liked blondes. I thought you knew I needed a luna, I didn’t realise there was any discussion to be had.” I wasn’t apologising because as I far as I saw I hadn’t done anything wrong. To me nothing was changing. “You might not even need a luna, what if I have a wolf too?” I felt Onyx stir and scoff at that. “I guess we will know soon.” She placed herself into my lap and grinding her hips against me she started to kiss my neck. Paying more attention than normal to my marking spot. I shifted uncomfortably as this wasn’t an area she normally bothered. I could feel my c*** stir as her hips grinded against me. Her arousal clouding the air. My eyes flew to the door, my mood dipping as I remembered what it separated me from. Ara moaned loudly in my lap as my hand gripped her hips, pushing her onto my c***. I was overcome with the urge to Shh her, so she didn’t wake the wolf next door. Trying to ignore all thoughts of her I let Ara guide my hands from her hips to her breasts. They had grown in size over the years and were now definitely more than a handful. She groaned loudly as I squeezed them. I had to stop myself wincing. I froze as I thought I heard whimpering through the door. “What’s wrong?” Ara asked as I sat frozen staring at the door. Convinced I had been hearing things I shrugged and resumed fondling her breasts, but my thoughts were now scattered. Her hand had reached into my shorts and was rubbing my c*** eagerly. She slid down now my body, rubbing her breasts that has escaped her low top across me until she took my c**k in her mouth. Sucking the tip hard she palmed her own breast with one hand while rubbing my shaft with the other. I leant back, enjoying the moment but as I sat up to thrust into her mouth my eyes found themselves trained in the door once more and my enthusiasm lessened. I once again became critically aware of every noise. Ara must have realised I wasn’t with moving with my usual vigor as she popped up and wiped salvia from her mouth. “What’s wrong?” “Sorry…” I searched for an excuse. “Lachlan put Greer next door and I em promised him I wouldn’t wake her.” There was no point lying. “She isn’t living there is she?” Ara asked pointing next door. Frankly it was none of her damn business where I chose to let her sleep. I didn’t reply. “It’s been a long day, maybe you should get some sleep. Tomorrow could be tough for you and Kora.” Thankfully the excitement returned to her eyes and she gave me a kiss before skipping out the room.
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