The Luna Ceremony.

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Greer I woke up the next morning, like less weight was on my shoulders. I looked a mess however. My hair was greasy with sweat and slowly but surely memories of last night came trickling back in. The memory of Jackson’s lips on my body caused my stomach to fall further. It was the luna ceremony today. I was to pledge alliance to him and his pack. How the hell could I look him in the eyes. I didn’t even know what last night had been, other than mind blowing. Pulling the covers over my head I wanted to go back to sleep. I heard a cough, and looked up to see him standing in our shared doorway. His freaking god like body on display in a tight t-shirt that did nothing to quell the hormones that were clearly raging in my system. “Thea wants you to come to her when you are awake. I don’t know how long you need to get ready but she has been bugging me for a while.” He looked nervous. “Maybe have a shower then I can take you to her. I have something to tell you first.” Hoping this wasn’t about last night I took ages in the shower. Dreading coming out to speak with him. He was still there when I came out. Wrapped in a towel my hair dripping wet I hadn’t expected him to be sitting on my bed, and I was aware of his fast aversion of his eyes “So, I need you to know I did this because I thought you might want them, even though I didn’t… I invited your family to the ceremony.” He looked at me with regret in his eyes. “Why would you do that?” I never wanted to see any of them again. My suspicion of who murdered my father should start with then. But I couldn’t believe uncle Justin would harm Ashley and I wasn’t ready to deal with the thought that he could. Right now this was all in a box sealed shut, my rage from last quelled and now all I felt was betrayal. “I thought you missed them and they would want to see you. Even though I haven’t forgiven your pack I was trying not to take it out on you. They hadn’t replied so I didn’t tell you but Patrick got a call from the spies I placed near your old pack to say they were heading this way. I didn’t want it to be a surprise after what you found out last night. I know you are dealing with a lot.” Was this his roundabout way of telling me last night was nothing but a way to help me cope. I mean it worked and clearly he was unfazed by it, almost acting like it never happened. I was processing all this silently in my head, mistaking my silence for something else Jackson filled the void. “If you don’t want them here I can as send them away but we could use this to our advantage.” “How ?” I asked. “Leave it to me, you seem pretty smart so just play along.” I knew I didn’t have much choice. I had a to go from hating him to trusting him in a matter of hours. “Greer, it will be okay, let’s get today over with and see what Luke finds out then we can plan what to do.” I wished I could believe him, but thankfully I wasn’t stupid enough to. Even though being this close to him made my stomach do all sorts of strange things and my thoughts roam wildly. Rarely where things okay when it came to my life. Jackson I had been really nervous about telling Greer what I did. It didn’t help that she came out half naked, which did nothing but feed the thoughts that had ran through my head in the shower last night. Of how she would have looked in the shower with me. When I saw her come out just now hair dripping wet it was even better than I had imagined. I didn’t have to try to be nice to her I actually wanted to. She looked a little lost today and that was partly my fault. Maybe a lot of my fault. She kept her distance, which was safe as right now I couldn’t trust myself around her. Later, dressed ready for the ceremony I waited for Thea to bring Greer down. I was now regretting not asking her if she wanted me to walk her in. Maybe she would have been more comfortable with someone else. It should have been her uncle, but there was no chance I was letting him near her alone. Even though she wasn’t marked and mated I still wanted her to have a normal ceremony. I didn’t want her to think she deserved anything less. Lost in my thoughts I missed her arrive until she was stood before me. She looked at me strangely when I didn’t speak but I was genuinely lost for words. The dress fitted and suited her perfectly. It was like a literal goddess had been placed beside me. I finally got my foot out of my mouth. “Ready luna?” I wished she didn’t look like it was a death sentence I was leading her to. Everyone was waiting for us but I held her back. “You can do this, trust me okay?” She looked me directly in the eye, whatever she was feeling hidden well away. “Yup.” Taking my arm, she held her head up and let me lead her in. The ceremony went by in a blur. I was battling my own emotions, trying to push away the memories of the last time I did this, even though though Mum had tried to keep this as different as possible. I needed to hold it together for her. Luke and I had come up with an idea that might help get us some insight into what her family knew. Greer had said her vows, calmly and confidently, managing to look like she didn’t hate me. I didn’t have time to feel relieved she had managed because I was up now. “Silver Oak is delighted and blessed to receive Greer today as luna.. I couldn’t be happier to welcome this beautiful, talented luna into our pack. A more perfect luna we could not have found. She is a shining light, born to lead and the perfect luna to stand beside me. Welcome to Silver Oak luna Greer.” It had been hard to draft a speech that suggested Greer was the daughter of light in the short time we had. I didn’t look at Luke as I had added a little after seeing her reaction to me inviting her family. I had assumed her merge belongings were due to the speed at which we left her pack but now seeing her reaction I wondered if that was all she actually had. I had watched her family carefully as I spoke. I was confident Aurelia and Jacob knew nothing, but I couldn’t say the same for her uncle and luna. I kept Greer close by, Aurelia came over and hugged her. Gushing over how good she looked. Greer did look happy to see her, the rest held back, polite smiles on their faces. Jacob’s smile couldn’t even be considered polite. Distain would be better description but it was directed at me not her. Like a child who had had his favourite toy stolen under his nose. Well she was mine now and the desire to tell him so simmered on the tip of my tongue. “Do you want them gone?” I loved the surprise on her face when she realised I could mind link her now.” “Am I allowed to say yes.” “Of course, this is your day. Follow me.” I linked Iris to tell her to tell the other guests to ignore my next statement. “It has been lovely to see you all today, but my lovely luna is tired so we will retire.” I pretty much pushed her out the door. Pulling her into a nearby room. “Let them leave and we can go back… if you want to?” Her eyes held my gaze, I was affected being so close to her. I could feel electricity between us, I wished I had had the balls to discuss what happened last night. It needed to be a one night thing. It would be dangerous to consider more as I found myself wanting it, craving it almost. She didn’t make any effort to move or reply. Her eyes devoid of emotion, like she was somewhere else. “Thanks for saying what you did. I know why you did it.” Those were not the words I expected to hear. I almost told her I meant them, but I knew she wouldn’t believe me. “They are gone if you want to go back in?” This time she nodded and followed me back. Before we could enter I whispered in her ear. “For what it’s worth I don’t think Aurelia and the young alpha know anything about a daughter of light.” I don’t know why this meant a lot to her that they didn’t betray her, but it did., I could tell from the small smile that sneaked onto her lips.
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