Leaving Her.

1460 Words
Greer I got through the ceremony. I could feel my uncles eyes on me the whole time. Did he know I knew the truth. I didn’t want to believe he could have anything to do with it but Jackson’s speech made it clear to me he considered it. I wished Jacskon had meant the words he said about me. I tried to play my part and smile brightly beside him, so much so I had been grateful when he pulled me from the room. I couldn’t help but remembered the previous night when I was alone with him up close and I hated myself for the thoughts that ran through my mind. As much I would happily have called it a night, delaying meant I didn’t need to process my life for a little longer. I knew I couldn’t keep ignoring all my feelings but right now I wanted to. Back in the ballroom a band were playing. Iris came over to congratulate me. “Wow, all anyone can talk about is how stunning you are. But I have a favour, can you play for us again? I mean the band are good but you are way better?” I didn’t realise Jackson was still with me until he replied for me. “No she can’t. It’s her party. Tonight she gets to dance.” He lead me onto the dance floor, ignoring the whispers that followed us. “You don’t need to do this.” “Do what ?” “Pretend this is real, that you want it.. me.. It’s okay I don’t mind.” He was still leading to the dance floor and he pulled me in close to his chest. Making my heart skip a little. “Well you should mind… and who says I don’t want it.” I didn’t reply as the band slowed it down and I was forced to relax into Jackson’s strong arms. Arms, I knew better than to get too comfortable in. He had been blowing hot for a while now so I was just waiting for the cold. I got lost in my thoughts, gathered in his arms. All my hatred for Jackson had disappeared as soon as I learned I could believe him. Which left me in a worse position, he made me think things I would rather not. When he was nice Jackson was pretty irresistible. . Thankfully Leighton appeared on the dance floor. Smiling. “May I borrow your luna Jackson?” Jackson I tried to suppress a frown when Leighton cut in. In a normal ceremony he wouldn’t have dared but he still saw her as fair game. I felt like I had gone a full one eighty. I didn’t want her to be Leighton’s mate because I didn’t want her to leave now. But was I selfish enough to deprive her of a mate, just because I was infatuated with her. The song we had been dancing to sounded vaguely familiar, it stopped abruptly. I looked over to see Thea conversing with the band. Her panicked eyes meeting mine when the memory hit. Scarlett and I dancing. That had been the first song at her ceremony and I f***** forgot. I was so busy admiring my f***** fake luna I forgot about the real one. I looked across at Greer smiling at something Leighton said. I knew it was a sh*** thing to do but I turned and walked out. I headed away from the party, but I couldn’t bring myself to go far. For a moment I stood outside and watched. Everyone seemed happy. The mates paired off and were dancing, Leighton still had Greer comfortably in his arms. I hadn’t slept much last night so I decided just to call it a night. I didn’t want to see if there was disappointment in her face when she saw I had left. As I lay in bed I thought about Scarlett. I tried not to often as it reminded me I wasn’t really whole anymore. What was I thinking falling for Greer. It wasn’t like I had a heart to give her, did I really think she was throw away her mate and settle for what I could offer. “You could at least try.” Onyx asked me sadly. I didn’t know how long it had been before I heard Greer. She barged into my room and I cursed I had forgetting the lock the door between us. “You left.” She said accusingly. “What was all that bull*** about trusting you.” I couldn’t blame her for being upset. I also wasn’t having a conversation with her about Scarlett when I was feeling like this. “I’m tired Greer go to bed.” “No I won’t go to bed. Like me or hate me just stop what ever this is. I sick of you punishing me for whatever you feel. It’s not fair.” The air appeared to crackle around her as her anger flared. “I didn’t ask for this either Jackson. If you didn’t want to have the ceremony, why didn’t you just wait and see if I met my mate?” Her anger was dying as frustration laced her voice. “Why, because you want her to be your luna” “I don’t “ “This is why we didn’t get her as a mate my stupid human is a liar.” “No we didn’t get her because we don’t deserve her. We didn’t save the first one remember.” He went silent at that. “Look I’m sorry Greer. I just needed some space. You are a lot.” Her face fell in shock. I had to explain. “You are alot for me to deal with because you are perfect. If I had to choose a luna it would be you. I meant the words I said today. But I’m sorry I can’t offer you any more than that. I don’t want you getting comfortable and thinking there can be more between us. We can make this work if you can deal with the that.” Then just like she arrived, she left, marching out the room and I was plunged into darkness. I lay awake most of the night, every now and then whimpering would sound from next door but each time I went to go to her it would stop. Eventually I fell asleep only to dream of comforting her anyway. She was already at breakfast when I arrived the next morning. Deciding to test the water I greeted her like we were friends. “Morning luna, what do we have planned for today.” I was going to ask if she slept well but I know she hadn’t so. She gave a half smile at my attempt to break the ice, but I’d didn’t reach her eyes. Eventually she signed. Clearly resigning herself to making some sort of effort to get on. “Actually I have some research to do, I was hoping to use the library?” “You don’t need to ask my permission, you can do whatever you like…” When her eyes lit up I added. “Within reason.” We fell into a nice pattern of having breakfast together each morning usually with the twins, before Greer amused herself or them. I knew she frequented training as Patrick has informed me. He was impressed with her but I hadn’t had a chance to check her out again. My hands itched to touch her all the f***** time so I tried to keep away but I found myself drawn to her more and more. There was an awkward moment when she bathed into my office yesterday. “You didn’t say you bought the dress or my clothes.” She seemed shocked. “Who did you think they were from.?” Did she have a secret admirer I didn’t know about. “I thought your Mum organised it. I was thanking her when she told me it was all you. You didn’t need to do that.” “Yes I did.” I said firmly. “You should have told me you needed me to, but I understand why you didn’t.” She hated me then and I hadn’t made it easy for her to approach me. It was amazing much could change in a short space of time . “I didn’t want to admit that I didn’t have one. It was strange being here and you all loving each other it made me embarrassed that I didn’t have that really except Aurelia until.” She trailed off. “Until ?” “It doesn’t matter. Anyway. Thanks. I’ll see you later.”
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