Wake Up

1345 Words
Greer I woke up early and headed to training. I had reached out for some answers and I hoped I could work who was lying. My heart beat nervously about the implications of what I might find out. What if everything I’ve believed about Jackson was wrong. That would open a whole new can of worms which excited and terrified me at the same time. Patrick looked surprised to see me at training, but tried to hide it, I wasn’t the only shewolf there and I was surprised to find Luke there too. “I was beta here before I became alpha.” He explained. “I trained most of these warriors. I’ll spar with you if you like?” I liked Luke, he had an easy going manner that made you fee relaxed around him. Clearly a planner though, everything he did seemed quite methodical so I could imagine he took training seriously. I wasn’t wrong as he gave me a work out. These wolves were better trained than those I was used to fighting but I could hold my own. I was easily one of the best warriors at my old pack. Much to Jacob’s annoyance. I hadn’t quite managed to knock Luke on his a** yet though but I felt all the wolves tense up and I guessed he was here. More auras appeared and knowing that meant another alpha had arrived I tried to up my game. “A little help wouldn’t go amis Zorina ?” I asked my wolf to help a little. “Who are you trying to impress? I thought you hated everyone here?” “Well you told me to trust them so…” She added her power to the kick I was delivering and as I followed up another with speed I finally sat Luke on his a**. “Touché, Jackson got himself a warrior luna. I can’t wait to see you fight Iris, that will be cool.” I didn’t fancy that, the powers that Thea described sounded awesome I didn’t fancy my chances, I hated losing. Patrick called it a day and I hit the shower, activity avoiding everyone else. Luna Rose found me leaving the training grounds. “Jackson said you might be up for a bit of babysitting ? It’s not long but the pups nanny has quit so I need someone to watch them, along with Damien and Rueben while I sort out some things. Would you mind?” “Em no I wouldn’t. What are they meant to be learning ? That might be the only problem.?” “It was music but to be honest they would be content just playing, you are novelty to them.” I grinned at her, happy for the first time since I arrived. Music I could do. “Sure I’ll do a music lesson with them. Show me where to go.” Grabbing my guitar I followed her up to the nursery. A large room beside it has been transformed and doubled as a playroom. The twins eyes lit up when they saw me again and the other two eyed me warily. Like I was prey. I could see this four could be trouble. When I asked them what they were learning the older two boys, Lachlan and Damien didn’t seem excited about piano. I sat down and played a song I knew they would know from the radio and their faces lit up. “That’s cool, I’d play if I could play that.” Damien exclaimed. “Well it’s tricky, but I can teach you. You need to learn the basics first.” Enthused with a plan they all got stuck in, even the younger boy Rueben. I saw Lachlan eyeing my guitar. “Would you rather play that ?” Piano was the classic instrument to learn but I preferred the guitar. I tried to think of an upbeat catchy song they might like. I picked up the guitar and stared singing. Jackson I had been watching Greer at training. She was good, I kept out of sight so she wouldn’t notice but when Iris and Oliver arrived our auras were more noticeable I could tell she knew I was there. She actively avoided me, which was probably best as I didn’t know what to say to her anyway. I could tell Iris was impressed with her skill. Iris took training seriously and was pretty skilled herself. While she couldn’t match us alphas in strength, even without her gifts she made up for it in speed. Greer had a similar type of fighting skill. It was time for the pups dinner. Iris wanted to take Greer to see the elite training facility, they would only be a few days so back in plenty time for the ceremony. I hadn’t asked Greer if she wanted to go. I could still sense the hatred in her gaze when I was in the same room as her so Iris was going to ask her later. “We should go too.” Onyx whined. “Like that would go down well. Let’s just keep away from her before we do anything else to make her hate us.” “You aren’t doing a very good job so far.” The pups should have been down already so I offered to go get them. Dreading what they might have done to todays victim. The twins weren’t too bad but Iris and Oliver’s pups were terrible. I was surprised to hear giggling and singing coming from the playroom. There was so much noise that they didn’t hear me approach. To my surprise Greer was in the middle of the room, playing guitar and singing. The pups had all obviously learnt or knew the song as they were signing and dancing along. I stood in the doorway admiring the view. The happy faces as the boys tried air guitar and Coral had a pretend microphone. What was most captivating was Greer, her voice was amazing and she with way she swung her hips in time to the music was mesmerising. Music she was making. She looked happy and if anything even more beautiful. I realised I hadn’t seen her smile and it was breathtaking. I leant in the doorway and enjoyed the show. A chorus of one more time rang out from the pups. Even though I could see she was breathless I heard her agree. “Okay but this is the last one, you guys are killing me here. Which one ?” “Wake up wake up!” They chimed. Lachlan saw standing in the doorway but I put a finger to my lips so he didn’t tell the others. He smiled and as sound as the guitar started up he was back in the grove. “Wake up it’s raining and it’s Monday.” Greer sang to the kids. All of them joining in. Before the song finished I felt a presence behind me. Iris had arrived, I saw her smirk as she took my casual stance against the doorway. Nodding at Greer she whispered. “She is pretty good.” I want sure if she meant, singer, musician or babysitter. I nodded as it didn’t matter she seemed pretty good at all three right now. Iris went to knock on the door and alert them to our presence but I had a feeling Greer wouldn’t want me to see this. I wasn’t quite ready for it to end. “Let them finish, they are having fun.” She didn’t argue but leant against the door and enjoyed the show. Greer looked so carefree, in the brief glances I saw of her, as I was partially obscured and she had her back to me. My mind drifted off to wonder if she would ever act that way around me, clearly she had her guard up at all times. “Glad I made you get the guitar.” I smiled to myself that Onyx was right, even if I wasn’t admitting it to him.
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