My Luna.

1767 Words
Greer I hadn’t know what to say to Jackson after the night of the ceremony I hadn’t been able to sleep as his words repeated in my head. Could I live with what he had to offer. I just didn’t know. I was embarrassed I let him see how hurt I was but remarkably we had been getting on okay since. It remained an unspoken secret between us. It had helped snuff out any illusions he may have given me at the luna ceremony that he liked me, he had made it very clear where he stood there. The way I saw it, it would be easier to get along, and if I found my mate I would be free of him. At least he had warned me not to fall for him so my body was going to have to find some way of not reacting to him. We were attending a ball tonight. I had never been to one before and I was that mix of nervous and excited. Jackson said it was a test of whether he really had a taken luna and we didn’t need to stay long. I felt the weight of not letting him down fall on my shoulders. Surely I could manage one night without saying or doing the wrong thing. I wouldn’t have Iris or Thea for back up as they had both gone home and weren’t attending, but actually things has been okay with Jackson and I. We had settled into an easy routine, as long as I didn’t get to close or spend to much time with him. I was working hard to forgot the night on the training rooms. As Jackson had only sprung the ball on me this morning I now had a panic about what to wear. “Jackson. What do I wear ?” “Clothes please. I have enough problems without the unmated wolves drooling over you.” “Tonight you idiot.” “Don’t worry, it’s in hand. Have a nice day.” I still couldn’t quite believe he chose my beautiful luna dress so I wasn’t sure what I would be getting but at least if he chose it he couldn’t be angry at me for how I looked. Returning to my room I found a long gold dress. Made of shimmering silk it floated around my body. Felicity did my hair in a lovely intricate plait. She and Ashton weren’t coming as she wasn’t feeling too great but Leighton would come with us instead. I was glad of his company. He was good fun and promised to be nearby if I needed him. He had been so annoyed at Jackson after the luna ceremony that he had stayed at Silver Oak for a while. I held tightly onto Jackson when we arrived. My heart rate skyrocketing being in such close proximity to him. “Calm down, it’s just a ball.” He whispered in my ear but I could feel everyone’s eyes on us. Leighton flanked my other side and I breathed deeply to control myself. “Why are they staring at us?” I asked. “Probably because you are the most beautiful wolf they have ever seen? Or it could be the handsome wolves either side of you.” Leighton winked and Jackson pulled me closer to his side. I saw Leighton frown. Wolves descended on us offering Jackson congratulations. Jackson held me tight and didn’t make much small talk with many until a bouncy redhead came up to us. “Oh my goddess, how beautiful are you.? I’m Amy, you must be Greer. We have heard so much about you but he didn’t tell me you were so beautiful.” She was so enthusiastic you couldn’t help but like her. Her mate came over and introduced himself as Jamie. He and Jackson stared to converse and Amy turned to me again. “How have you settled in?” She asked. “Em fine thank you.” I replied. She looked at Jackson’s. “He seems happier.” She studied me closely, I was a little nervous now he had let me go, I didn’t realise the comfort his warm body had been giving me. “Do you like dance?” I looked over to Jackson, wondering if I needed to ask first. “Come on!” She grabbed may hand and found a space for us on the dance floor. I loved dancing and Amy was so much fun I was having a great time I forgot what I had been worried about. We returned to Jackson and Jamie and he didn’t seem too bothered that I had been away so I started to relax. A wolf bumped into me from behind and Jackson’s arm shot out to steady me. I tried not to shiver in delight at the contact. “Apologies, ah Alpha Jackson, good to see you out again. This must be your new luna.” As he took in Jackson still holding me in his arms. His eyes raked my body, his eyes hovering over my neck, where my mark would lie eventually. “Brave man, I wouldn’t be taking a luna this lovely out in public unmarked. Careful someone doesn’t try to steal her from you.” Jackson stiffened and I saw his wolf fight him for control in his eyes, but it was Jackson’s voice that replied. “I’ll mark MY luna when she is ready. I’m sure no one would dare touch what is mine.” He pulled me away from the wolf to the other side of the room. “Are you okay? We don’t need to stay much longer. In fact unless you want to stay we can leave ?” I had been having a great time but I felt all strange after Jackson’s words there. I didn’t know why the thought of him marking me did things to my body. I thought I had decided I was waiting for my mate and running for the hills but I found myself daydreaming about his lips on that spot. I didn’t get to answer as Leighton came over, he had someone he wanted Jackson to meet. Amy was back dancing and beckoned me over. I looked at Jackson and he semi smiled. “Stay with Amy we won’t be long.” Unbelievably and probably for pretences sake he gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving with Leighton, who looked between us strangely. Amy pulled me back to the dance floor and I don’t know how many songs we danced to but I was getting warm. We moved to the edge of the dance floor to get the breeze from the balcony. Amy pulled me into one to catch our breath. A seat she flopped down. “I need water.” She kicked of her heels while I was staring at the beautiful view outside. The moon was full in the sky and clear of clouds, the stars shown brightly. I missed something she said I was so enraptured. “I’m going to grab us water, stay here I’ll only be a second.” Happy with my view I let me thoughts fall back to Jackson. Now cooling down I felt a shiver run down my spine. Not much of a romantic but I wished he was here with me his warm presence was oddly comforting tonight. From nowhere a wolf had appeared at my side. Startled I jumped back, cursing as I bashed into the railings. “Finally I get a chance to speak with the most beautiful wolf in the room.” His tone wasn’t friendly and his eyes laced with something I’d didn’t like. “Zorina are you there. I get a bad feeling about this wolf.” “Quiet one are you? I would sure love to have you screaming my name.” He was closer now, his scent invading my nostrils like a parasite. I would have recoiled but I was trapped against the raining, his body pressing Into me. Without warming his hand grabbed my face turning my head so much neck was bared to him. “Jackson.” I screamed down the link to him. The wolf licked my neck, sniffing at me his body pressed to mine, sending a shiver of disgust me and I brought my knee to his groin before he could sink his teeth into me. I felt his grip slide and I escaped his grasp. Spinning so I was now the correct side of him to escape. Clearly surprised by my attack he didn’t see Leighton arrive, crashing into the wolf sending them both toppling over the balcony, before I could send him myself. I screamed as the both fell and Jackson was before me, pulling me into his arms his eyes assessing me for injuries. “Leighton fell..” I told him and pulling me along behind him we rushed back through the crowded room. We found Leighton outside, he was unharmed but had a furious look on his face. The other wolf was nowhere to be seen. He marched up to Jackson. “He tried to mark her. You don’t f***** deserve her if you won’t look after her.” Jackson looked at him angrily before turning to me. “We are leaving.” It wasn’t a question so I didn’t reply. I was happy to leave, disgusted to have this strange wolfs scent and salvia on me. Back on the car Leighton opened the door for me and got in beside me, to Jackson’s annoyance he had to drive. I would see his white knuckles gripping the steering wheel as Leighton asked me what happened. “I had it under control, I just got a fright when he …” I winced not wanting to admit a random wolf had been licking my neck. “He did what?” Jackson growled, causing Leighton to growl at him. “Calm down , he only.” I cringed. “Sniffed and licked me. I just need a shower to get this disgusting scent of me. It’s not big deal.” These alpha wolves were getting on my nerves. While I had asked for help, it was just in a moment of panic. I don’t know why I linked Jackson. I was sure Zorina would have handled it if that wolf had tried anything more. I wasn’t some damsel in distress, I just clearly need to keep my guard up a little more. That wolf shouldn’t have been able to get his hands on me.
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