The Story

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Jackson I don’t know what possessed me to touch Greer but I was regretting it now. I had only meant to apologise to her. It had taken considerable restraint on my part to cover up her perfect body after I had tasted it. The memory of the fear in her eyes, fear that I caused and in eyes hidden from view had been the catalyst to force me to step away. That and the realisation that I had well and truly invaded her personal space. I shook my head at my stupidity. This would not be helping my case of trying to get along. Now I imagine she would be adding disgusted to the list of words she used to describe me. I didn’t expect her to come and certainly not alone. She was braver than I realised. It made me wonder what had happened to her in the past. Bravery like that wasn’t normal. She didn’t appear to have any scars that I could see on her perfect body and mentally she seemed okay as well. Other than her fear of witches, which she was obviously dealing with as she saw Ara, she didn’t seem to be broken. Some of the wolves Iris and Thea had rescued had been broken in so many ways. Greer didn’t seem like that, maybe I was reading too much into her. Maybe she wad like Iris than I realised, but equally she didn’t seem prone to the same rash decisions Iris did. My phone rang and I was forced to stop thinking about her. It was Leighton calling to ask if he could stop in on his way back from elite training. Leighton’s brother had recently taken the Alpha position of his pack. Leighton was on track to be an excellent warrior. He would be Ashton’s beta when he turned 18 this year. He reminded me a lot of Iris’s brother Lachlan. He had been my best friend before he was killed. Luke had initially taken Leighton under his wing but more recently he had been spending a lot of time here and I could see he was a decent wolf. It meant he would arrive the night before the luna ceremony, while it was to be a small affair I had invited a few close friends so he would be fine to stay. Hanging up my thought immediately snapped back to her and I didn’t like the guilt I was feeling, that wouldn’t leave my gut. Both about how I treated Greer and the way she made me feel. I didn’t feel guilty when I was with Ara any more so why did admiring Greer’s beauty set me off. I could only do something about one of those things so I grabbed my car keys and headed out. Greer After my encounter with Jackson I ended up back in the kitchen. I pushed it from mind, still horrified by the feeling he stirred. I needed to find out where and when training was so I could start tomorrow. Luke had joined Iris and Thea. They had all obviously been taking about me by the way they all went quiet as I walked in. Luke had Thea sat on his knee, his arms wrapped around her as he rested her head beside her neck. I could tell he kept taking big sniffs of her neck. Weird. However I couldn’t help but admire how comfortable and happy they seemed together. My heart couldn’t hurt for something it didn’t have but I was jealous that Thea had someone to adore her so. I genuinely wondered what it would be like. My mind sifted back to the weird moment with Jackson in his office. I pushed it away when I felt my cheeks heat with embarrassment. It still perplexed me why I reacted the way I did to something like that but my shoulder did feel much better. “So you are alive, what state did you leave Jackson?” Iris asked. I actually smiled. While I liked Thea immediately because she was kind, you couldn’t help but be drawn to Iris. She didn’t seem like your average luna. She also struck me as the sort of person that was effortlessly good at things. The type I would have loved to be. Don’t get me wrong I excelled at most things I put my mind to but that was due to hard work not natural talent as I ex stepmother had not forgotten to remind me on a daily basis. Her wolf felt poweful, like it had its own aura in addition to her Alpha one. “Okay what are you all hiding from me?” I asked. “Before Luke explains. You can’t freak out and run way or anything silly. Promise ?” Thea insisted. I rolled my eyes, like I had anywhere to run to. “Promise.” She nodded to Luke. “Firstly I have to say I don’t believe Jackson had anything to do with the attack on your pack. But this story starts way before then.” I sat transfixed as he narrated a tale so twisted it could only be true. A tale that started with an alpha trying to take something that wasn’t his leading to the discovery of Iris and an alpha so hell bend on making Iris his own that he murdered her family. He told me of Oliver and Iris defeating him and the aftermath that followed. I learned of other silver wolves and the horrors they had survived. Then he mentioned a curse and a prophecy to break it. “Wait wait tell me the curse again?” I couldn’t get my head around everything they were saying. Turn them black to match their hearts Light the only antidote to dark Magic may be the way to peace Get it wrong and the line will cease “There are other versions but we know this is true because Flora remembered it.” “Flora is the silver wolf mated to your brother ?” “Correct.” “Wow. This is …a lot. I’m still not sure why you think I have anything to do with this. I don’t have any gifts.” I felt like there was this big expectation for me to be something great and I have never shown any sign of anything they were describing. “Sometimes they don’t become apparent until you meet your mate. So we need to find yours, our wolves think you are important. It’s also your way out of Silver Oak.” I looked up, I was surprised they would aid me in leaving Jackson. I thought they were all for this. “Your uncle put a clause in the contract that if you found your mate within the first year you had to be released. Jackson can’t mark you until then.” Hope bubbled inside me that there was a way out of this mess. “Why would you help me leave ?” “We love Jackson, you probably would too if you knew the old him, he needs a luna but he would never stand in the way of another’s happiness. I know you don’t trust him yet but one day I hope you will.” I mulled this over in my mind, my brain struggling to keep pace with what had gone down recently. First I needed to confirm what Luke said about Jackson not responsible for killing my father. There was a few discrepancies between the story I was told and this one. I had an idea of how I could find out which was the truth. It meant reaching out to someone I didn’t want to but before I moved any further down this path I needed to know the truth. If Jackson was lying I would burn him to the ground. First of I had to find a way to reach them. I hadn’t looked for it because it didn’t have many contacts in it but I hoped my phone was in my suitcase. That might be the easiest way to start It also gave me something to concentrate on before I got too excited about the mate thing. Knowing I had a possibly exit might make this bearable, I could just tread on eggshells around Jackson until then. Unless it was Jacob, would he leave Aurelia she wanted his mate and come looking for me. My heart sank as I knew the answer to that. “That loser was never meant for you, come on Greer you have met a real alpha now how could you even consider she would mate you to that poor intimation.” Zorina was never Jacob’s biggest fan.
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