Memories Part 1

1335 Words
Iris Colour me surprised when Jackson walked in holding Greer’s hand. She wouldn’t look me in the eye so it was impossible to read what was going on. Her aura seemed stronger somehow and there was a radiance about her I hadn’t seen before. I had to instantly look at Ara, unsure how she would take this. She and Jackson obviously weren’t a thing anymore and her eyes narrowed as she took in their joined hands but she didn’t say anything. Thankfully she was stood to the side of the room with Kora, who was nervously chewing on her lip and barely recognised they entered. “I wasn’t expecting a party in here, why don’t we move to the common room.” Jackson surveyed the scene. “This is important Jackson, it should only be shared with those we trust.” Ara snapped at him, with no doubt who she was implying was not trustworthy by the way she stared at Greer. Jackson growled at her and pulled Greer closer. “I trust my mate so if you have a problem maybe you need to find another alpha to help you.” The shock on her face must have been mirrored by my own. Looking at Thea, the giant smile that appeared on her face at those words slipped as she realised Ara wasn’t taking this well. “F*** how did we miss this?” I asked her. “Rupa’s says it’s her birthday.” “Allura ?” “Oh Iris, she got her wolf the night her dad died. She only turned 18 today. Be careful with her though her wolf says her head is a mess. She thought Jackson was going to reject her and this is also the day her mother died.” I looked at Greer, and Jackson gripping her tightly. One hand was tracing circles on her back. Her face remained impassive, o could her trying and failing miserably to keep as much distance between her and Jackson, not quite trusting him yet. At least he was stepping up that was a relief. “Greer, how are you holding up?” “I don’t know. It’s… a lot.” “Just stay with Jackson okay. I know you are confused right now but trust me you might not know it but he is helping. Don’t try and deal with this alone.” I knew she would craw back inside and shut down. It amazed me what this girl could handle but at some point she would reach breaking point and Jackson would the only one to soothe her. My worry that he would outright reject the idea of a second chance mate had been misplaced. If Greer let him he would be perfect mate for her. I just hoped he hadn’t scared her off already. Another thought dawned on me, if this meant she was the daughter of light, then was she the wolf the witches were so worried about. I didn’t know if anyone had told her that story yet. Maybe she didn’t need anything else to worry about today. Jackson had pulled her to his side, wrapping his other arm around her waist and I saw her finally relax as he rubbed his nose over her marking spot. I averted my eyes at this intimate moment between them. I felt Oliver’s hand find mine. “Great news guys, really pleased for you both but we have a problem so can we move on.” Oliver drawled, pulling me back into his arms. Taking a deep scent of him I felt my energy levels spike. I knew what he was doing and I loved him for it. The only power that still drained me was projecting memories. Thankfully Felicity could do her own now so she could show us the vision. “I’ll go first because I think you will all want to see this.” Ashton looked green as Felicity took his hand and closed her eyes. When she opened then again we saw a pretty little wolf sitting in a steel cage. Not unlike the ones we found Flora in. I saw Flora reach for Marty as she shook. Her eyes closed tightly only opening when he murmured something into her ear. “Looks like the time is nearly here. You did well holding out Allegra but no matter I’ve found her. Soon you won’t have a choice.” The wolf has sitting in the shadows but he moved forwards to leave and his face came into view. I felt my heart rate skyrocket as I recognised Christian. My brain gong one hundred miles an hour now we had a reason to attack. “Easy short stuff.” Oliver was pinning me back. “We need to make a plan, you aren’t running in there all guns blazing. Breathe.” He was right but I had waited a long time for a reason to get this b******. Greer I saw the poor wolf in the cage. Zorina was snarling in my head and I unconsciously felt myself lean into Jackson. Despite being desperate to put distance between us so I could think straight I felt safe with him. I couldn’t resist him . I knew I was playing a dangerous game with myself but right now I maybe didn’t have to deal with this alone. I had heard the stories, seeing this vision made it seem very real. I wanted to help that wolf. “It’s okay. We will help her.” Jackson’s voice murmured in my ear. Soothing me and I closed my eyes. I couldn’t quite bring myself to accept he was okay with this. It was the polar opposite of how I would have expected him to react so I felt like I was just treading water waiting for a new wave to hit. “Do you think it wise to use your powers again Iris. Obviously we are going to Black Diamond now, maybe this could wait ?” The calm voice of reason Luke spoke. “If we are going to a new pack doesn’t it make sense we are all on the same page. I think we need to know what we are looking for. If we got lucky we might find him too and have some ideas how and why this wolf was bound.” Iris argued with him. I was impressed with the authority in her voice, and that the alphas took orders from her unquestioningly. This time Oliver just stood close by while she held Koras hand. When Iris opened her eyes we saw a young woman, cradling a baby in her arms. The father reaching out to stroke the baby’s face. It dispersed and we saw a young girl sat playing in the grass. A wolf appeared and my heart stopped. I didn’t register what was happening in the memory as my mind froze staring at the figures as they came into focus. I couldn’t stop my feet as I walked towards the memory, reaching out to touch the wolf. Breaking contact with Jackson I felt a chill throughout my body. Everyone was staring at me and Ashton looked up his eyes widening in horror. I felt the world spin and I forced myself to keep looking. “S***” I heard him say. I looked down at my hand a there were actual sparks, swirling in my palm. For the first time in my life I felt faint. I felt the comforting presence of Jackson behind me. His arms encircling my waist pulling me back from the memory and helping me to regain my senses. I heard voices in the background but I couldn’t make out the words over the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. Jackson’s voice percolated though. “Just breathe Greer.” As his body covered mine and I sucked in lungfuls of his oaky scent. My thoughts cleared but my brain refused to accept what it had just seen.
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