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Thea Iris and I exchanged looks of horror once we were safely back outside Greer’s room. What had we been thinking bursting in on her like that. Certainly not that. I could have sworn it looked like he was about to mark her. I wasn’t unhappy with this development but it was confusing none the less. “I can link her wolf now ?” Iris linked me, in confusion. I knew she was special. Maybe she didn’t need to meet her mate, maybe mating with Jackson would be enough. I shuddered at the memory of seeing my brother’s naked a***. I hoped he never mentioned it again. “Jackson just might kill us. Tell her to come down, maybe when she is ready.” “Okay. My mind is actually blown.” Thankfully Kora and Ara had stayed downstairs. Iris had had the genius idea of trying to read Kora’s memories. Now we knew there sh had a wolf we thought it might work and she was right. Kora has an image of her dad. More than one actually. Iris had a cool gift where could project memories, but it sapped a lot of her energy. So now we knew it worked we were waiting on the others so we could all see them all at once. Luke suggested there was more chance of recognising him, the more of us that saw him. It felt like we might have a lead at last, after the coven became a bit of a dead end. Having arrived very late last night no one had been about to greet us so we thought we would surprise Greer this morning with our plans. I was totally regretting that decision right now. “Let me get this right. You think if we identify my father we might have more of an idea why my wolf was bound and how to fix it ?” Kora asked again. She was really nervous about this. She said she didn’t remember much about him. She almost seemed scared of meeting her wolf. Evan was hovering nearby, almost as nervous as she. I knew he kept trying to play down how much her having a wolf meant to him. “In a nutshell, especially if we can find him. We have a habit of remembering more then we think. It’s amazing. There might be some clues that you can’t remember that will be useful. Ashton and Felicity will be here soon too. So we should wait for them. I er imagine Jackson and Greer shouldn’t be too long.” I cringed again at the memory of bursting in on them. Ara’s face frowned at hearing them mentioned together. She wasn’t going to take the news well. I wasn’t aware that she and Jackson were over, i guess there weren’t officially together either. It was all a bit confusing, but I found it strange she would have kept it from me. While admittedly I had always been a closer with Kora, Ara was a friend too. They two kind of came as a pair, well a trio if you count Evan. I could tell from Jackson’s protective stance over Greer earlier that it clearly wasn’t a one time thing and hope bubbled inside me for them. If anyone could fix Jackson I had a feeling she could be the one. “Iris did the prophecy say that the daughter of light had to find her mate ?” “I don’t think so.” “So maybe it does means them. Jackson and Greer. Maybe all he has to do is accept her to break the curse.” “We don’t know for sure she is who we think she is. But for what it’s worth she is the most likely candidate.” Iris looked at me like she really thought my idea that was too easy I kind of thought that too but I wanted to be hopeful. I also knew that while I thought she was the daughter of light we were looking for she had yet to show may powers. Even if she did yield one heck of a aura. Rupa snorted that I had the indignity to question her. She was one hundred percent sure it was her. I watched Ara carefully, she didn’t seem upset. I hoped that if he was with Greer she couldn’t take the news too badly, Greer was his luna already. My heart sunk slightly that my friend might be hurt by this turn of events. Ashton’s and Felicity arrived and she didn’t look great. “I’d say pregnancy suits you but I would be lying”Iris said. “It’s not just that I had a vision I the way here, another wolf needs our help. But this time I recognised faces, she is with Christian.” Iris”s head shot up and Oliver was by her side immediately. “Whoa short stuff. We stick to the plan. We can’t go in half c****d. Especially after what Luke found out. I had almost forgotten the other reason I rushed to find Greer. Greer I didn’t quite know how to handle what was going on around me. It was like I was in a bubble and having an out of body experience. “Greer, talk to me.” Jackson pleaded with me. This was the problem, I couldn’t I was terrified of his reaction. All my thoughts about not wanting him had vaporises the instance Zorina chanted mate in my head, but I knew it wouldn’t be the same for him. I was just waiting for the slap of his anger or shame that he let himself get carried away by the bond. Goddness he had almost marked me, I couldn’t begin to imagine his reaction if he had done that. He said he wasn’t going to reject me, but to be honest with how consumed I felt by him if didn’t know if I could cope with if he chose not to accept me either. Maybe I it would be better to die than live in a limbo of unrequited love. “Greer.” He started to kiss my neck, and instinctively I moaned. “Good you are here. Talk to me baby.” “I don’t know what to say?” “Say you are okay with this ? That you want it, want me ?“ “I don’t want to make it harder for you. I know you don’t.” It was like my words threw a bucket of ice over him. He let me go and I would have rushed to escape but I felt more than naked. I felt vulnerable truly for the first time ever, all my warmth leaving with him. “F*** I’ve been an idiot.” He hung his head in his hands. I knew it. Steeling myself I wasn’t going to let him know how devastating words were. I could do this. Just breath Greer. You don’t need a mate. “Greer. Really sorry about earlier. We really could do with you down here. And Jackson to if you are …finished.” “We are needed downstairs.” I told Jackson. My voice flat. I refused to look him in the eye, not willing him to see the devastation he had brought to mine. “Greer look at me.” When I refused he pulled my face to his, gently but forcefully enough. “We aren’t done talking about this.” Right now we were. His fingers held me captive as I tried not to react to his touch. The same fingers that set me on fire now gently soothed my skin. My initial thoughts to stall any rejection, seemed pointless now, what was the point of tasting paradise when it wasn’t going to stay. Breaking away I silently pulled on some clothes, aware he was watching me intently as I mulled everything over. As I went to leave he grasped his hand in mine, I jumped at the intensity of the sparks ant and his time he saw them too. His eyes widening in shock. Pulling my hand to his mouth he kissed it. “Come on little mate, let’s go see what they want.” Pulling me along behind him in disbelief my thoughts were going one hundred miles an hour. I needed to get a handle on my emotions. I pushed the bubble of hope that started to grown deep down. Jackson She was freaking out. “This is your fault human. She thinks you don’t want her and is scared.” “I’ll fix it, just tell her wolf to keep her calm.” “I’ll try, but I’m not sure I can tell her wolf anything. Jackson she is amazing, she reminds me of something I need to think. Don’t f*** this up or I’ll take over and mark her right now.” “I won’t, I’m not letting her go.” She didn’t want to talk right now. I couldn’t blame her, as far as she thought this was my worst nightmare. I considered sacking the others of and taking Greer back to bed, mating and marking her so she would understand. But I couldn’t, I needed to do it right. She deserved perfection and I hadn’t been that this morning. I cursed my stupidity. All I could do right now was be there when she was ready to talk to me. I probably should give her space but I just couldn’t. It was like I was scared she would disappear. I saw actual sparks when I touched her hand. Holding it tight I led her down stairs savouring the sensations she was invoking. “Where are we going?” I had to ask when I realised no one had linked me. “They are waiting in your office.” So she could link Iris and or Thea. She was one of them, they were right. Which meant I was in for more surprises today. I steeled myself before I entered my office and I felt her tense beside me. I knew there would be questions when we went inside but I was ready. “Hey, it’s okay.” I turned and kissed her on the lips. I felt her melt against me but I could still see confusion in her eyes. I rubbed my other hand up and down her back until she relaxed slightly. Not letting go of her hand I waited for her to tell me she was ready to enter. When she tried to take her hand back I held tighter. I needed her to understand she was mine now. I wasn’t letting her go. “Not a chance little mate.” I murmured as I opened the door. “Not a chance.”
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